/** * Represents [`DetailedError`](/api/client/detailederror/). */ export interface IDetailedError extends Error { /** * The error details. */ details?: D; } /** * A function which [`Logger`](/api/client/logger/) uses to log messages. It * takes an optional message and any number of additional params. */ export declare type LogFn = (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void; /** * The options for [`Logger`](/api/client/logger/). */ export interface LoggerOptions { /** * If silent is `true`, the `Logger`'s `infofn` and `warnfn` will not be * called. */ silent?: boolean; } /** * Represents a [`Logger`](/api/client/logger/). */ export interface ILogger { /** * The function to use to log info level messages. */ infofn: LogFn; /** * The function to use to log warn level messages. */ warnfn: LogFn; /** * The function to use to log error level messages. */ errorfn: LogFn; /** * Send a log at info level. * * @param message - The message to log. */ info(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): any; /** * Send a log at warn level. * * @param message - The message to log. */ warn(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): any; /** * Send a log at error level. * * @param message - The message to log. */ error(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): any; } /** * @hidden */ export interface CloudSettingsUrls { api?: string; web?: string; } /** * General settings for the Cloud Client. */ export interface CoreSettings { /** * Your app ID. */ app_id: string; /** * @hidden */ urls?: CloudSettingsUrls; } /** * The settings object for the Cloud Client. * * `CloudSettings` contains various specific configuration sections, acting more * like a parent object for them. * * @featured */ export interface CloudSettings { /** * General settings for the Cloud Client. */ core: CoreSettings; /** * Settings for Push Notifications. */ push?: PushOptions; /** * Log settings. */ logger?: LoggerOptions; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IConfig { settings: CloudSettings; register(settings: CloudSettings): any; get(name: string): any; getURL(name: string): string; } /** * Represents a [`Client`](/api/client/client/). */ export interface IClient { baseUrl: string; get(endpoint: string): any; post(endpoint: string): any; put(endpoint: string): any; patch(endpoint: string): any; delete(endpoint: string): any; request(method: string, endpoint: string): any; } /** * A function which [`EventEmitter`](/api/client/eventemitter/) uses to handle * events. * * All event handlers have a single parameter: `data`, which is always an * object and which will differ depending on the event. */ export declare type EventHandler = (data: Object) => any; /** * Represents an [`EventReceiver`](/api/client/eventreceiver/). */ export interface IEventReceiver { key: string | number; event: string; handler: EventHandler; } /** * Represents an [`EventEmitter`](/api/client/eventemitter/). */ export interface IEventEmitter { on(event: string, callback: EventHandler): any; off(receiver: IEventReceiver): any; once(event: string, callback: () => void): any; emit(event: string, data?: Object): any; emitted(event: string): number; } /** * @hidden */ export interface StorageDependencies { strategy: IStorageStrategy; } /** * @hidden */ export interface StorageOptions { prefix?: string; cache?: boolean; } /** * Represents a [`Storage`](/api/client/storage/). */ export interface IStorage { /** * Get a value from the storage by the given key. * * @param key - The storage key to get. */ get(key: string): T; /** * Set a value in the storage by the given key. * * @param key - The storage key to set. * @param value - The value to set. (Must be JSON-serializable). */ set(key: string, value: T): void; /** * Delete a value from the storage by the given key. * * @param key - The storage key to delete. */ delete(key: string): void; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IStorageStrategy { get(key: string): string; set(key: string, value: string): void; delete(key: string): void; } /** * @hidden */ export interface DeviceIsConnectedToNetworkOptions { strictMode?: boolean; } /** * @hidden */ export interface DeviceDependencies { emitter: IEventEmitter; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IDevice { deviceType: string; isAndroid(): boolean; isIOS(): boolean; } /** * @hidden */ export interface CordovaDependencies { appStatus: AppStatus; device: IDevice; emitter: IEventEmitter; logger: ILogger; } /** * @hidden */ export interface CordovaOptions { } /** * @hidden */ export interface ICordova { app: AppStatus; bootstrap(): void; } /** * @hidden */ export interface CoreDependencies { config: IConfig; logger: ILogger; emitter: IEventEmitter; insights: IInsights; } /** * @hidden */ export interface ICore { version: string; init(): void; } /** * @hidden */ export interface UserContextDependencies { config: IConfig; storage: IStorage; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IUserContext { label: string; load(user: IUser): IUser; store(user: IUser): void; unstore(): void; } /** * Represents a locally stored user (usually in local storage). */ export interface StoredUser { id: string; data: Object; details: Object; social: Object; fresh: boolean; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IUserData { data: Object; get(key: string, defaultValue: any): any; set(key: string, value: any): any; unset(key: string): any; } /** * The user details common to us and you, used in email/password * authentication. * * We store common fields such as `email` and `password` separate from your * custom data to avoid name clashes. */ export interface UserDetails { /** * The user's email address. * * We enforce email address correctness server-side. */ email?: string; /** * The user's password. * * We enforce no password requirements and expect you to implement * client-side password requirements that best suit your app. */ password?: string; /** * A username unique to the user. * * You can use it in addition to `email` to identify your users. Uniqueness * is enforced on this field. */ username?: string; /** * A URL to an image for the user. * * `image` defaults to a generic user avatar hosted by us. */ image?: string; /** * The user's full (first + last) name, generally used for display. */ name?: string; /** * TODO: Better way to handle this? * * @hidden */ custom?: Object; } /** * @hidden */ export interface UserDependencies { service: ISingleUserService; } /** * The user social details we collect from the social networks for social * authentication. * * `UserSocialDetails` is a container. Depending on which social providers you * use, the details are accessible as their respective fields. */ export interface UserSocialDetails { /** * The provider details for Facebook Authentication. */ facebook?: UserSocialProviderDetails; /** * The provider details for Github Authentication. */ github?: UserSocialProviderDetails; /** * The provider details for Twitter Authentication. */ twitter?: UserSocialProviderDetails; /** * The provider details for Instagram Authentication. */ instagram?: UserSocialProviderDetails; /** * The provider details for Google Authentication. */ google?: UserSocialProviderDetails; /** * The provider details for LinkedIn Authentication. */ linkedin?: UserSocialProviderDetails; } /** * More general information from the social network. * * Although these details have the same keys and types regardless of the social * providers you use, we don't guarantee every field has a value. Some networks * don't give us `email`, others don't give us `username`. */ export interface UserSocialProviderDetailsData { /** * The email address of the user on the social network. */ email: string; /** * The username of the user on the social network. */ username: string; /** * The full (first + last) name of the user on the social network. */ full_name: string; /** * A URL to the profile picture of the user on the social network. */ profile_picture: string; /** * Raw data about this user from the network. * * It is generally unsafe to rely on raw data, as we can't promise social * networks won't change the format. For developers that like to live on the * wild side, enjoy. */ raw_data: Object; } /** * The provider-specific user social details. * * These details have the same keys and types no matter what social providers * you use. */ export interface UserSocialProviderDetails { /** * The ID of the user in the social network. */ uid: string; /** * More general information from the social network. */ data: UserSocialProviderDetailsData; } /** * Represents a [`User`](/api/client/user/). */ export interface IUser { /** * The UUID of this user. */ id: string; /** * Is this user fresh, meaning they haven't been persisted? */ fresh: boolean; /** * The details (email, password, etc) of this user. */ details: UserDetails; /** * The social details of this user. */ social: UserSocialDetails; /** * The custom data of this user. */ data: IUserData; /** * Check whether this user is anonymous or not. */ isAnonymous(): boolean; /** * Get a value from this user's custom data. * * Optionally, a default value can be provided. * * @param key - The data key to get. * @param defaultValue - The value to return if the key is absent. */ get(key: string, defaultValue: any): any; /** * Set a value in this user's custom data. * * @param key - The data key to set. * @param value - The value to set. */ set(key: string, value: any): any; /** * Delete a value from this user's custom data. * * @param key - The data key to delete. */ unset(key: string): any; /** * Revert this user to a fresh, anonymous state. */ clear(): any; /** * Store this user in local storage. */ store(): any; /** * Remove this user from local storage. */ unstore(): any; /** * Save this user to the API. */ save(): Promise; /** * Delete this user from the API. */ delete(): Promise; /** * Load the user from the API, overwriting the local user's data. * * @param id - The user ID to load into this user. */ load(id?: string): Promise; serializeForAPI(): UserDetails; serializeForStorage(): StoredUser; } /** * @hidden */ export interface SingleUserServiceDependencies { client: IClient; context: IUserContext; } /** * @hidden */ export interface SingleUserServiceOptions { } /** * @hidden */ export interface ISingleUserService { current(): IUser; store(): any; unstore(): any; load(id?: string): Promise; delete(): Promise; save(): Promise; } /** * @hidden */ export interface TokenContextDependencies { storage: IStorage; } /** * @hidden */ export interface ITokenContextStoreOptions { } /** * @hidden */ export interface ITokenContext { label: string; get(): string; store(token: string, options: ITokenContextStoreOptions): void; delete(): void; } /** * @hidden */ export interface CombinedTokenContextDependencies extends TokenContextDependencies { tempStorage: IStorage; } /** * @hidden */ export interface ICombinedTokenContextStoreOptions extends ITokenContextStoreOptions { permanent?: boolean; } /** * @hidden */ export interface ICombinedTokenContext extends ITokenContext { store(token: string, options: ICombinedTokenContextStoreOptions): void; } /** * These are the IDs of the valid [authentication * providers](/services/users/#providers). * * @featured */ export declare type AuthModuleId = 'basic' | 'custom' | 'facebook' | 'github' | 'google' | 'instagram' | 'linkedin' | 'twitter'; /** * @hidden */ export interface AuthTypeDependencies { config: IConfig; client: IClient; } /** * A container object that [`login()`](/api/client/auth#login) resolves with. */ export interface AuthLoginResult { /** * The raw auth token string. */ token: string; /** * For social authentication, we create a user account the first time a user * logs in. When `true`, this flag indicates the user has just signed up for * the first time. */ signup?: boolean; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IAuthType { authenticate(data: any, options?: AuthLoginOptions): Promise; } /** * @hidden */ export interface BasicLoginCredentials { email: string; password: string; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IBasicAuthType extends IAuthType { signup(data: UserDetails): Promise; requestPasswordReset(email: string): Promise; confirmPasswordReset(email: string, code: number, newPassword: string): Promise; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IAuthModules { basic: IBasicAuthType; custom: IAuthType; facebook: IAuthType; github: IAuthType; google: IAuthType; instagram: IAuthType; linkedin: IAuthType; twitter: IAuthType; } /** * Options for [`login()`](/api/client/auth/#login). * * [`Auth`](/api/client/auth/) uses the InAppBrowser plugin to redirect the * user through authentication. We expose settings for when we open a plugin * window. */ export interface AuthLoginOptions { /** * If `true`, the user's session is persisted in local storage, but not * guaranteed to be remembered. */ remember?: boolean; /** * The options for the InAppBrowser window that is opened. */ inAppBrowserOptions?: InAppBrowserPluginOptions; } /** * @hidden */ export interface AuthDependencies { config: IConfig; emitter: IEventEmitter; authModules: IAuthModules; tokenContext: ICombinedTokenContext; userService: ISingleUserService; storage: IStorage; } /** * @hidden */ export interface AuthOptions { } /** * Represents [`Auth`](/api/client/auth/). */ export interface IAuth { /** * Link the user to this URL for password resets. Only for email/password * authentication. */ passwordResetUrl: string; /** * Check whether the user is logged in or not. */ isAuthenticated(): boolean; /** * Attempt to log the user in with the given credentials. * * @param moduleId * The authentication provider module ID to use with this login. * @param credentials * Email and password object. * @param options * Options for this login such as whether to remember the login. */ login(moduleId: 'basic', credentials: BasicLoginCredentials, options?: AuthLoginOptions): Promise; /** * Kick-off the custom authentication process. * * @param moduleId * The authentication provider module ID to use with this login. * @param credentials * Send whatever details you need to authenticate your custom users. * @param options * Options for this login, such as whether to remember the login and * InAppBrowser window options. */ login(moduleId: 'custom', credentials: Object, options?: AuthLoginOptions): Promise; /** * Attempt to log the user in with the given credentials. For custom & social * logins, kick-off the authentication process. * * After login, the full user is loaded from the cloud and saved in local * storage along with their auth token. * * @param moduleId * The authentication provider module ID to use with this login. * @param credentials * For email/password authentication, give an email and password. For social * authentication, exclude this parameter. For custom authentication, send * whatever you need. * @param options * Options for this login, such as whether to remember the login and * InAppBrowser window options for authentication providers that make use of * it. */ login(moduleId: AuthModuleId, credentials?: Object, options?: AuthLoginOptions): Promise; /** * Log the user out of the app. * * This clears the auth token out of local storage and restores the user to * an unauthenticated state. */ logout(): void; /** * Sign up a user with the given data. Only for email/password * authentication. * * @param details - The details that describe a user. */ signup(data: UserDetails): Promise; /** * Kick-off the password reset process. Only for email/password * authentication. * * @param email - The email address to which to send a code. */ requestPasswordReset(email: string): Promise; /** * Confirm a password reset. * * @param code - The password reset code from the user. * @param newPassword - The requested changed password from the user. */ confirmPasswordReset(code: number, newPassword: string): Promise; } /** * Simple status flags of an app. */ export interface AppStatus { /** * When `true`, the app was asleep when this was constructed. */ asleep?: boolean; /** * When `true`, the app was closed when this was constructed. */ closed?: boolean; } /** * @hidden */ export interface PushPluginRegistration { registrationId: string; } /** * Additional data from the Push Plugin. */ export interface PushPluginNotificationAdditionalData { /** * Whether the notification was received while the app was in the foreground. */ foreground: boolean; /** * Will be `true` if the application is started by clicking on the push * notification, `false` if the app is already started. */ coldstart: boolean; [key: string]: any; } /** * The notification object received from the Push Plugin. * * Full documentation and examples can be found on the Push Plugin's * [README](https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/blob/master/docs/API.md#pushonnotification-callback). */ export interface PushPluginNotification { /** * The text of the push message sent from the 3rd party service. */ message: string; /** * The optional title of the push message sent from the 3rd party service. */ title: string; /** * The number of messages to be displayed in the badge in iOS/Android or * message count in the notification shade in Android. For windows, it * represents the value in the badge notification which could be a number or * a status glyph. */ count: number; /** * The name of the sound file to be played upon receipt of the notification. */ sound: string; /** * The path of the image file to be displayed in the notification. */ image: string; /** * The args to be passed to the application on launch from push notification. * This works when notification is received in background. (Windows Only) */ launchArgs: string; /** * An optional collection of data sent by the 3rd party push service that * does not fit in the above properties. */ additionalData: PushPluginNotificationAdditionalData; } /** * Represents a [`PushMessage`](/api/client/pushmessage/). */ export interface IPushMessage { /** * Native information about the app when the push message was received. */ app: AppStatus; /** * The message of this push message. */ text: string; /** * The title of this push message. */ title: string; /** * The badge count that was set by this push message. */ count: number; /** * The sound that was played by this push message. */ sound: string; /** * The image of this push message. */ image: string; /** * The custom payload of this push message. */ payload: Object; raw: PushPluginNotification; } /** * The object received when your app is sent a push notification. To learn how * to handle push notifications, [go to the Push * docs](/services/push/#handling-notifications). * * Internally, this is the object for the `push:notification` event from the * [`EventEmitter`](/api/client/eventemitter/). * * @featured */ export interface PushNotificationEvent { /** * The push message. */ message: IPushMessage; /** * The raw push notification from the Push Plugin. */ raw: PushPluginNotification; } /** * Options for [`saveToken()`](/api/client/push/#saveToken). */ export interface PushSaveTokenOptions { /** * When `true`, do not attempt to save the token to the active user. */ ignore_user?: boolean; } /** * @hidden */ export interface PushDependencies { config: IConfig; auth: IAuth; userService: ISingleUserService; device: IDevice; client: IClient; emitter: IEventEmitter; storage: IStorage; logger: ILogger; } export interface PushPluginConfigAndroid { senderID?: string; icon?: string; iconColor?: string; sound?: boolean; vibrate?: boolean; clearBadge?: boolean; clearNotifications?: boolean; forceShow?: boolean; topics?: string[]; } export interface PushPluginConfigiOS { alert?: boolean | string; badge?: boolean | string; sound?: boolean | string; clearBadge?: boolean | string; categories?: any; } /** * The configuration options for the Push Plugin. * * Full documentation and examples can be found on the Push Plugin's * [README](https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/blob/master/docs/API.md#pushnotificationinitoptions). */ export interface PushPluginConfig { android?: PushPluginConfigAndroid; ios?: PushPluginConfigiOS; } /** * The configuration options for an InAppBrowser window. * * Full documentation and examples can be found on the InAppBrowser Plugin's * [README](https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser#cordovainappbrowseropen). */ export interface InAppBrowserPluginOptions { location?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; clearcache?: boolean; clearsessioncache?: boolean; zoom?: boolean; hardwareback?: boolean; mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction?: boolean; closebuttoncaption?: string; disallowoverscroll?: boolean; toolbar?: boolean; enableViewportScale?: boolean; allowInlineMediaPlayback?: boolean; keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction?: boolean; suppressesIncrementalRendering?: boolean; presentationstyle?: "pagesheet" | "formsheet" | "fullscreen"; transitionstyle?: "fliphorizontal" | "crossdissolve" | "coververtical"; toolbarposition?: "top" | "bottom"; fullscreen?: boolean; } /** * Settings for Push Notifications. */ export interface PushOptions { /** * The GCM project ID. */ sender_id?: string; /** * When `true`, debug logs for push notifications are enabled. */ debug?: boolean; /** * Configuration options to pass onto the Push Plugin. */ pluginConfig?: PushPluginConfig; } /** * A push token which is constructed from a APNS/GCM device token. * * @featured */ export interface PushToken { /** * The token ID on the API. */ id?: string; /** * The token type (or platform), e.g. 'android' or 'ios' */ type?: 'android' | 'ios'; /** * Has the push token been registered with APNS/GCM? */ registered?: boolean; /** * Has the push token been saved to the API? */ saved?: boolean; /** * The raw push device token. */ token: string; } /** * Represents [`Push`](/api/client/push/). */ export interface IPush { options: PushOptions; /** * The push plugin (window.PushNotification). */ plugin: any; /** * The push token of the device. */ token: PushToken; /** * Register a token with the API. * * When a token is saved, you can send push notifications to it. If a user is * logged in, the token is linked to them by their ID. * * @param token - The token. * @param options */ saveToken(token: PushToken, options: PushSaveTokenOptions): Promise; /** * Registers the device with GCM/APNS to get a push token. */ register(): Promise; /** * Invalidate the current push token. */ unregister(): Promise; } /** * Options for [`download()`](/api/client/deploy/#download). */ export interface DeployDownloadOptions { /** * Attach a progress handler for the download. * * `p` is a number from 0 to 100, representing the download progress. */ onProgress?: (p: number) => void; } /** * Options for [`extract()`](/api/client/deploy/#extract). */ export interface DeployExtractOptions { /** * Attach a progress handler for the extraction process. * * `p` is a number from 0 to 100, representing the extraction progress. */ onProgress?: (p: number) => void; } /** * These are the valid deploy channels. `DeployChannel` can also be any string, * allowing for custom channel tags. * * @featured */ export declare type DeployChannel = 'dev' | 'staging' | 'production' | string; /** * @hidden */ export interface DeployOptions { } /** * @hidden */ export interface DeployDependencies { config: IConfig; emitter: IEventEmitter; logger: ILogger; } /** * Represents a [`Deploy`](/api/client/deploy/). */ export interface IDeploy { options: DeployOptions; /** * The active deploy channel. Set this to change the channel on which * `Deploy` operates. */ channel: DeployChannel; /** * Check for updates on the active channel. * * The promise resolves with a boolean. When `true`, a new snapshot exists on * the channel. */ check(): Promise; /** * Download the available snapshot. * * @param options * Options for this download, such as a progress callback. */ download(options?: DeployDownloadOptions): Promise; /** * Extract the downloaded snapshot. * * @param options */ extract(options?: DeployExtractOptions): Promise; /** * Immediately reload the app with the latest deployed snapshot. */ load(): any; /** * Get information about the current snapshot. */ info(): Promise; /** * List the snapshots that have been installed on this device. * * The promise is resolved with an array of snapshot UUIDs. */ getSnapshots(): Promise; /** * Remove a snapshot from this device. * * @param uuid * The snapshot UUID to remove from the device. */ deleteSnapshot(uuid: string): Promise; /** * Fetches the metadata for a given snapshot. If no UUID is given, it will * attempt to grab the metadata for the most recently known snapshot. * * @param uuid * The snapshot from which to grab metadata. */ getMetadata(uuid: string): Promise; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IStatSerialized { app_id: string; stat: string; value: number; created: string; } /** * @hidden */ export interface InsightsDependencies { appStatus: AppStatus; storage: IStorage; config: IConfig; client: IClient; logger: ILogger; } /** * @hidden */ export interface InsightsOptions { intervalSubmit?: number; intervalActiveCheck?: number; submitCount?: number; } /** * @hidden */ export interface IInsights { track(stat: string, value?: number): void; }