/// import * as proto from "./protobuf_bundle"; import * as rec from "@jayesol/jayeson.lib.record"; import { RuleCombination } from "@jayesol/jayeson.model"; export declare enum EncodeAction { INSERT = 0, UPDATE = 1, DELETE = 2 } export interface ICodec { decodeRecord(input: proto.BaseRecord[], pool: string[], action: EncodeAction, key: rec.PartitionKey): rec.IBetMatch[]; decodeEvent(input: proto.BaseEvent[], pool: string[], action: EncodeAction, key: rec.PartitionKey): rec.IBetMatch[]; decodeMatch(input: proto.BaseMatch[], pool: string[], action: EncodeAction, key: rec.PartitionKey): rec.IBetMatch[]; } export declare class CodecHelper { constructor(); coerceInt64(val: number | Long): number; populatePKIntoMetaInfo(meta: rec.StringMap, key: rec.PartitionKey): rec.StringMap; round(num: number): number; } export declare class FilterRequest { private _requestId; private _ruleCombination; static readonly IGNORED_REQUEST_ID: number; constructor(_requestId: number, _ruleCombination: RuleCombination); getRequestId(): number; getFilterData(): RuleCombination; toJSON(): any; } export declare class Util { private static SEPARATOR; /** * Utility to Store array of String values as single String Also see * {@link #removeKey(String, String)} * * @param existing * "IBC_LIVE,CROWN_LIVE" * @param incoming * "SBO_LIVE" * @return "IBC_LIVE,CROWN_LIVE,SBO_LIVE" * */ static addKey(existing: string, incoming: string): string; /** * Utility to remove element from string values Stored as String Also see * {@link #addKey(String, String)} * * @param existing * "IBC_LIVE,CROWN_LIVE" * @param incoming * "IBC_LIVE" * @return "CROWN_LIVE". return empty string if there are no more keys. Return * existing string if incoming is not present in existing */ static removeKey(existing: string, incoming: string): string; static containsKey(existing: string, incoming: string): boolean; }