/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import type { Jest } from '@jest/environment'; import type { JestExpect } from '@jest/expect'; import type { Global } from '@jest/types'; import type { ClassLike, FunctionLike, Mock as JestMock, Mocked as JestMocked, MockedClass as JestMockedClass, MockedFunction as JestMockedFunction, MockedObject as JestMockedObject, Replaced as JestReplaced, Spied as JestSpied, SpiedClass as JestSpiedClass, SpiedFunction as JestSpiedFunction, SpiedGetter as JestSpiedGetter, SpiedSetter as JestSpiedSetter, UnknownFunction } from 'jest-mock'; export declare const expect: JestExpect; export declare const it: Global.GlobalAdditions['it']; export declare const test: Global.GlobalAdditions['test']; export declare const fit: Global.GlobalAdditions['fit']; export declare const xit: Global.GlobalAdditions['xit']; export declare const xtest: Global.GlobalAdditions['xtest']; export declare const describe: Global.GlobalAdditions['describe']; export declare const xdescribe: Global.GlobalAdditions['xdescribe']; export declare const fdescribe: Global.GlobalAdditions['fdescribe']; export declare const beforeAll: Global.GlobalAdditions['beforeAll']; export declare const beforeEach: Global.GlobalAdditions['beforeEach']; export declare const afterEach: Global.GlobalAdditions['afterEach']; export declare const afterAll: Global.GlobalAdditions['afterAll']; declare const jest: Jest; declare namespace jest { /** * Constructs the type of a mock function, e.g. the return type of `jest.fn()`. */ type Mock = JestMock; /** * Wraps a class, function or object type with Jest mock type definitions. */ type Mocked = JestMocked; /** * Wraps a class type with Jest mock type definitions. */ type MockedClass = JestMockedClass; /** * Wraps a function type with Jest mock type definitions. */ type MockedFunction = JestMockedFunction; /** * Wraps an object type with Jest mock type definitions. */ type MockedObject = JestMockedObject; /** * Constructs the type of a replaced property. */ type Replaced = JestReplaced; /** * Constructs the type of a spied class or function. */ type Spied = JestSpied; /** * Constructs the type of a spied class. */ type SpiedClass = JestSpiedClass; /** * Constructs the type of a spied function. */ type SpiedFunction = JestSpiedFunction; /** * Constructs the type of a spied getter. */ type SpiedGetter = JestSpiedGetter; /** * Constructs the type of a spied setter. */ type SpiedSetter = JestSpiedSetter; } export { jest };