import React from 'react'; import {render} from 'react-dom'; import List from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list'; var listData = []; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { listData.push({ label: 'Item ' + i, rgItemType: List.ListProps.Type.ITEM }); } render( , document.getElementById('list') );
import React from 'react'; import {render} from 'react-dom'; import List from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list'; var listData = [ {'label': 'One', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Two', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Active as default', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Four', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, { 'label': 'Five (disabled)', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM, disabled: true } ]; render( , document.getElementById('list') );
import React from 'react'; import {render} from 'react-dom'; import List from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list'; var listData = [ {'label': 'One', href: '', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.LINK}, {'label': 'Two', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Active as default', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Four', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Five', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM} ]; render( , document.getElementById('list') );
import React from 'react'; import {render} from 'react-dom'; import List from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list'; var listData = [ { 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.SEPARATOR, 'description': 'First separator' }, {'label': 'Item 1', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, { 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.SEPARATOR, 'description': 'Second sep' }, {'label': 'Item 2', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, { 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.TITLE, 'label': 'Group title', 'description': 'With description' }, { 'label': 'Item 3', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM, 'description': 'Foo bar' }, { 'label': 'Item 4', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM, 'description': 'Item description' }, { 'label': 'Item 5', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM, 'description': 'Item description', details: 'Additional details line' }, { 'label': 'Item 6', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM, 'description': 'Item description', details: 'Additional details line, a long long text. And once again, additional details line, a long long text. And once again, additional details line, a long long text. And once again, additional details line, a long long text. And once again, additional details line, a long long text.' }, ]; render( , document.getElementById('list') );
import React from 'react'; import {render} from 'react-dom'; import List from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list'; import {WarningIcon} from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/icon'; var listData = [ { label: 'Some item', description: 'Long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long description', key: '1', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM, glyph: WarningIcon, rightGlyph: WarningIcon }, { label: 'Some item with a long long label, much longer than description', key: '2', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM, description: 'Test item', icon: '' }, { label: 'Some item with a long long label', key: '3', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM, description: 'Long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long description', checkbox: true }, //Link doesn't support icons { label: 'Some item', key: '4', 'rgItemType': List.ListProps.Type.LINK, description: 'Test item', icon: '' }, { label: 'Some item', key: '5', href: 'http://localhost:9999', description: 'Test item', icon: '' } ]; render( , document.getElementById('list') );
import React from 'react'; import {render} from 'react-dom'; import List from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list'; var listData = [ {'label': 'One', 'type': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Two', 'type': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Three', 'type': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Four', 'type': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM}, {'label': 'Five', 'type': List.ListProps.Type.ITEM} ]; render( , document.getElementById('list') );
import React from 'react'; import {render} from 'react-dom'; import List from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list'; var listData = [ { key: '1', rgItemType: List.ListProps.Type.CUSTOM, template: React.createElement('span', {}, 'custom item') }, { key: '2', rgItemType: List.ListProps.Type.CUSTOM, template: React.createElement('span', {}, 'custom item (disabled)'), disabled: true }, { key: '3', rgItemType: List.ListProps.Type.CUSTOM, template: React.createElement('span', {}, 'custom item 3') }, ]; render( , document.getElementById('list') );
import {render} from 'react-dom'; import List from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list'; import Code from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/code/code'; import ContentLayout, {Sidebar} from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/content-layout/content-layout'; import Loader from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/loader-inline/loader-inline' import React, {Component} from 'react'; import Source from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/list/list__users-groups-source'; import hubConfig from '@ring-ui/docs/components/hub-config'; import Auth from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/auth/auth'; class UserList extends Component { state = { listData: null, selected: null }; auth = new Auth(hubConfig); source = new Source(this.auth); componentDidMount() { this.loadUsers(); } async loadUsers() { await this.auth.init(); const listData = await this.source.getForList('ring', Source.Filter.USERS); this.setState({listData}); } handleSelect = selected => this.setState({selected}); render() { const {listData, selected} = this.state; return listData ? ( {selected && ( )} ) : ; } } render(, document.getElementById('list'));