import * as tsm from 'ts-morph'; import { isClassDeclaration, isEnumDeclaration, isFunctionDeclaration, isInterfaceDeclaration, isNamespaceDeclaration, isTypeAliasDeclaration, isVariableDeclaration, } from '../types/declaration-type-guards'; import { ModuleDeclarations } from '../types/module-declarations'; import { log } from '../utils/log'; import { isClass, newClass } from './classes'; import { isEnum, newEnum } from './enums'; import { isExpression, isVariableAssignmentExpression, newExpression, newVariableAssignmentExpression, } from './expression'; import { isFileModule, newFileModule } from './file-modules'; import { isFunction, isFunctionExpression, newFunction, newFunctionExpression, } from './functions'; import { getDeclarationName } from './get-declaration-name'; import { isInterface, newInterface } from './interfaces'; import { isExportedDeclarations } from './is-exported-declarations'; import { isGlobalDeclaration } from './is-global-declaration'; import { isInternalDeclaration } from './is-internal-declaration'; import { isNamespace, newNamespace } from './namespaces'; import { sortByID } from './sort-by-id'; import { SourceProvider } from './source-provider'; import { toID } from './to-id'; import { isTypeAlias, newTypeAlias } from './type-aliases'; import { TypeChecker } from './type-checker'; import { isVariable, newVariable } from './variables'; type Module = tsm.SourceFile | tsm.ModuleDeclaration; interface ExportedDeclaration { readonly exportID: string; readonly exportName: string; readonly declarationID: string; readonly declarationName: string; readonly declaration: tsm.ExportedDeclarations; } export function getPackageDeclarations({ project, indexFile, getSource, getType, maxDepth = 5, }: { project: tsm.Project; indexFile: tsm.SourceFile; getSource: SourceProvider; getType: TypeChecker; maxDepth?: number; }): ModuleDeclarations { return getModuleDeclarations({ module: indexFile, moduleName: '', maxDepth, getSource, getType, project, }); } /** * `getModuleDeclarations` extracts the public declarations from the given module. * * @param module - module (for example, a source file, node or namespace) * @param maxDepth - maximum extraction depth for inner modules * @param getSource - source provider * @param getType - type checker * @param moduleName - module's name, used to define IDs for declarations (optional) */ export function getModuleDeclarations({ module, moduleName, maxDepth, getSource, getType, project, }: { module: Module; moduleName: string; maxDepth: number; getSource: SourceProvider; getType: TypeChecker; project?: tsm.Project; }): ModuleDeclarations { log('getModuleDeclarations: extracting declarations: %O', { moduleName, maxDepth, module, }); const normalExportDeclarations = getNormalExportDeclarations({ module, moduleName, }); log('getModuleDeclarations: got normal export declarations: %O', { moduleName, total: normalExportDeclarations.length, normalExportDeclarations, }); const exportEqualsDeclarations = getExportEqualsDeclarations({ module, moduleName, }); log('getModuleDeclarations: got export equals declarations: %O', { moduleName, total: exportEqualsDeclarations.length, exportEqualsDeclarations, }); const ambientModulesDeclarations = getAmbientModulesDeclarations({ project, }); log('getModuleDeclarations: got ambient modules declarations: %O', { moduleName, total: ambientModulesDeclarations.length, ambientModulesDeclarations, }); const globalAmbientDeclarations = getGlobalAmbientDeclarations({ module, moduleName, }); log('getModuleDeclarations: got global ambient declarations: %O', { moduleName, total: globalAmbientDeclarations.length, globalAmbientDeclarations, }); return extractModuleDeclarations({ exportedDeclarations: [ ...normalExportDeclarations, ...exportEqualsDeclarations, ...ambientModulesDeclarations, ...globalAmbientDeclarations, ], maxDepth, getSource, getType, }); } function getNormalExportDeclarations({ module, moduleName, }: { module: Module; moduleName: string; }): ExportedDeclaration[] { const namedExports = new Set(); return Array.from(module.getExportedDeclarations()) .flatMap(([exportName, declarations]) => { return declarations.flatMap((declaration) => { // Skip internal/private declarations if (isInternalDeclaration({ declaration, name: exportName })) { return []; } const exportID = toID(moduleName, exportName); const declarationName = getDeclarationName({ exportName, declaration, }); const declarationID = toID(moduleName, declarationName); // Keep track of named exports for the filter step if (declarationID === exportID) { namedExports.add(declarationID); } return { exportID, exportName, declarationID, declarationName, declaration, }; }); }) .filter(({ exportID, declarationID }) => { // Keep only named exports or default exports // with no corresponding named export return ( declarationID === exportID || !namedExports.has(declarationID) ); }); } function getExportEqualsDeclarations({ module, moduleName, }: { module: Module; moduleName: string; }): ExportedDeclaration[] { // Skip shorthand ambient modules without body // (for example, `declare module 'foo';`) if (tsm.Node.isModuleDeclaration(module) && !module.hasBody()) { return []; } const exportIdentifier = module .getExportAssignment((ea) => ea.isExportEquals()) ?.getLastChildByKind(tsm.SyntaxKind.Identifier); if (!exportIdentifier) { return []; } const exportName = exportIdentifier.getText(); return exportIdentifier.getDefinitionNodes().flatMap((declaration) => { // Skip internal or unsupported declarations if ( isInternalDeclaration({ declaration, name: exportName }) || !isExportedDeclarations(declaration) ) { return []; } // Skip namespaces since `getNormalExportDeclarations` already extracts // the inner declarations of an export equals namespace // as non-namespaced declarations belonging to the parent module. // See snapshot for `export-equals-function-and-namespace.test.ts`. if (isNamespace(declaration)) { return []; } const exportID = toID(moduleName, exportName); const declarationName = getDeclarationName({ exportName, declaration, }); const declarationID = toID(moduleName, declarationName); return { exportID, exportName, declarationID, declarationName, declaration, }; }); } function getAmbientModulesDeclarations({ project, }: { project?: tsm.Project; }): ExportedDeclaration[] { if (!project) { return []; } return project.getAmbientModules().flatMap((symbol) => { return symbol.getDeclarations().flatMap((declaration) => { const filepath = declaration.getSourceFile().getFilePath(); if ( !tsm.Node.isModuleDeclaration(declaration) || filepath.startsWith('/node_modules') ) { return []; } const exportName = declaration.getName(); const declarationName = exportName; // Remove surrounding quotes and eventual spaces const exportID = exportName .replace(/"|'/g, '') .replace(/\s/g, '_') .trim(); const declarationID = exportID; return { exportID, exportName, declarationID, declarationName, declaration, }; }); }); } function getGlobalAmbientDeclarations({ module, moduleName, }: { module: Module; moduleName: string; }): ExportedDeclaration[] { if (!tsm.Node.isSourceFile(module)) { return []; } // See const globalCandidates = [ ...module.getVariableDeclarations(), ...module.getFunctions(), ...module.getModules(), ]; return globalCandidates.flatMap((declaration) => { // Global ambient functions must have a name const exportName = declaration.getName()!; if ( !isGlobalDeclaration({ declaration }) || isInternalDeclaration({ declaration, name: exportName }) ) { return []; } const exportID = toID(moduleName, exportName); const declarationName = getDeclarationName({ exportName, declaration, }); const declarationID = toID(moduleName, declarationName); return { exportID, exportName, declarationID, declarationName, declaration, }; }); } function extractModuleDeclarations({ exportedDeclarations, maxDepth, getSource, getType, }: { exportedDeclarations: ExportedDeclaration[]; maxDepth: number; getSource: SourceProvider; getType: TypeChecker; }): ModuleDeclarations { const exportedFunctions = new Set(); const exportedNamespaces = new Set(); const declarations = exportedDeclarations .flatMap( ({ exportID, declarationID: id, declarationName: name, declaration, }) => { if (isVariable(declaration)) { return newVariable({ id, name, declaration, getSource }); } if (isVariableAssignmentExpression(declaration)) { return newVariableAssignmentExpression({ id, name, declaration, getSource, }); } if (isExpression(declaration)) { return newExpression({ id, name, declaration, getSource }); } if (isFunction(declaration)) { // Skip ambient function overloads if (exportedFunctions.has(exportID)) { return []; } exportedFunctions.add(exportID); return newFunction({ id, name, declaration, getSource, getType, }); } if (isFunctionExpression(declaration)) { return newFunctionExpression({ id, name, declaration, getSource, getType, }); } if (isClass(declaration)) { return newClass({ id, name, declaration, getSource, getType, }); } if (isInterface(declaration)) { return newInterface({ id, name, declaration, getSource, getType, }); } if (isEnum(declaration)) { return newEnum({ id, name, declaration, getSource }); } if (isTypeAlias(declaration)) { return newTypeAlias({ id, name, declaration, getSource }); } if (isNamespace(declaration) && maxDepth > 0) { // Skip merged or nested namespace declarations if (exportedNamespaces.has(exportID)) { return []; } const declarations = getModuleDeclarations({ module: declaration, moduleName: id, maxDepth: maxDepth - 1, getSource, getType, }); exportedNamespaces.add(exportID); return newNamespace({ id, name, declaration, declarations, getSource, }); } // From `import * as ns from module; export { ns };` // or from `export * as ns from module`. if (isFileModule(declaration) && maxDepth > 0) { const declarations = getModuleDeclarations({ module: declaration, moduleName: id, maxDepth: maxDepth - 1, getSource, getType, }); return newFileModule({ id, name, declaration, declarations, getSource, }); } return []; } ) .sort(sortByID); return { variables: declarations.filter(isVariableDeclaration), functions: declarations.filter(isFunctionDeclaration), classes: declarations.filter(isClassDeclaration), interfaces: declarations.filter(isInterfaceDeclaration), enums: declarations.filter(isEnumDeclaration), typeAliases: declarations.filter(isTypeAliasDeclaration), namespaces: declarations.filter(isNamespaceDeclaration), }; }