# <%- moduleName %> <% if (description) { %> <%- description %> <% } if (docs) { %> <% if (!typescript) { %>- [Getting started](<%- githubPage %>/tutorial-getting-started) <% } %>- [Documentation](<%- githubPage %>) - [Repository](<%- repository %>) <% } %> ### Install With yarn: ```shell yarn add <%- name %> ``` With npm: ```shell npm install <%- name %> --save ``` ### Development Clone the repository: ```shell git clone <%- sshRepository %> ``` Install dependencies: ```shell yarn ``` Build: ```shell yarn build ```<% if (docs) { %> Generate documentation: ```shell yarn docs ``` Watch and serve documentation: ```shell yarn docs:dev ```<% } if (lint) { %> Lint: ```shell yarn lint ```<% } if (test) { %> Test: ```shell yarn test ```<% } %>