import * as utils from './utils'; import * as Backbone from 'backbone'; import { NativeView } from './nativeview'; import { JSONObject, JSONValue } from '@lumino/coreutils'; import { Message } from '@lumino/messaging'; import { Widget, Panel } from '@lumino/widgets'; import { LayoutModel } from './widget_layout'; import { StyleModel } from './widget_style'; import { IWidgetManager } from './manager'; import { IClassicComm, ICallbacks } from './services-shim'; import { BufferJSON, Dict } from './utils'; import { KernelMessage } from '@jupyterlab/services'; /** * Replace model ids with models recursively. */ export declare function unpack_models(value: any | Dict | string | (Dict | string)[], manager?: IWidgetManager): Promise | WidgetModel[] | any>; /** Replace models with ids recursively. * * If the commonly-used `unpack_models` is given as the `deseralize` method, * pack_models would be the appropriate `serialize`. * However, the default serialize method will have the same effect, when * `unpack_models` is used as the deserialize method. * This is to ensure backwards compatibility, see: * */ export declare function pack_models(value: WidgetModel | Dict | WidgetModel[] | any, widget?: WidgetModel): any | Dict | string | (Dict | string)[]; /** * Type declaration for general widget serializers. */ export interface ISerializers { [key: string]: { deserialize?: (value?: any, manager?: IWidgetManager) => any; serialize?: (value?: any, widget?: WidgetModel) => any; }; } export interface IBackboneModelOptions extends Backbone.ModelSetOptions { model_id: string; comm?: any; widget_manager: any; } export declare class WidgetModel extends Backbone.Model { /** * The default attributes. */ defaults(): Backbone.ObjectHash; /** * Test to see if the model has been synced with the server. * * #### Notes * As of backbone 1.1, backbone ignores `patch` if it thinks the * model has never been pushed. */ isNew(): boolean; /** * Constructor * * Initializes a WidgetModel instance. Called by the Backbone constructor. * * Parameters * ---------- * widget_manager : WidgetManager instance * model_id : string * An ID unique to this model. * comm : Comm instance (optional) */ initialize(attributes: Backbone.ObjectHash, options: IBackboneModelOptions): void; get comm_live(): boolean; set comm_live(x: boolean); /** * Send a custom msg over the comm. */ send(content: JSONValue, callbacks?: ICallbacks, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): void; /** * Close model * * @param comm_closed - true if the comm is already being closed. If false, the comm will be closed. * * @returns - a promise that is fulfilled when all the associated views have been removed. */ close(comm_closed?: boolean): Promise; /** * Handle when a widget comm is closed. */ _handle_comm_closed(msg: KernelMessage.ICommCloseMsg): void; /** * Handle incoming comm msg. */ _handle_comm_msg(msg: KernelMessage.ICommMsgMsg): Promise; /** * Handle when a widget is updated from the backend. * * This function is meant for internal use only. Values set here will not be propagated on a sync. */ set_state(state: Dict): void; /** * Get the serializable state of the model. * * If drop_default is truthy, attributes that are equal to their default * values are dropped. */ get_state(drop_defaults?: boolean): JSONObject; /** * Handle status msgs. * * execution_state : ('busy', 'idle', 'starting') */ _handle_status(msg: KernelMessage.IStatusMsg): void; /** * Create msg callbacks for a comm msg. */ callbacks(view?: WidgetView): ICallbacks; /** * Set one or more values. * * We just call the super method, in which val and options are optional. * Handles both "key", value and {key: value} -style arguments. */ set(key: any, val?: any, options?: any): any; /** * Handle sync to the back-end. Called when a is called. * * Make sure a comm exists. * * Parameters * ---------- * method : create, update, patch, delete, read * create/update always send the full attribute set * patch - only send attributes listed in options.attrs, and if we * are queuing up messages, combine with previous messages that have * not been sent yet * model : the model we are syncing * will normally be the same as `this` * options : dict * the `attrs` key, if it exists, gives an {attr: value} dict that * should be synced, otherwise, sync all attributes. * */ sync(method: string, model: WidgetModel, options?: any): any; rememberLastUpdateFor(msgId: string): void; /** * Serialize widget state. * * A serializer is a function which takes in a state attribute and a widget, * and synchronously returns a JSONable object. The returned object will * have toJSON called if possible, and the final result should be a * primitive object that is a snapshot of the widget state that may have * binary array buffers. */ serialize(state: Dict): JSONObject; /** * Send a sync message to the kernel. * * If a message is sent successfully, this returns the message ID of that * message. Otherwise it returns an empty string */ send_sync_message(state: JSONObject, callbacks?: any): string; /** * Push this model's state to the back-end * * This invokes a Backbone.Sync. */ save_changes(callbacks?: {}): void; /** * on_some_change(['key1', 'key2'], foo, context) differs from * on('change:key1 change:key2', foo, context). * If the widget attributes key1 and key2 are both modified, * the second form will result in foo being called twice * while the first will call foo only once. */ on_some_change(keys: string[], callback: (...args: any[]) => void, context: any): void; /** * Serialize the model. See the deserialization function at the top of this file * and the kernel-side serializer/deserializer. */ toJSON(options?: {}): string; /** * Returns a promise for the deserialized state. The second argument * is an instance of widget manager, which is required for the * deserialization of widget models. */ static _deserialize_state(state: Dict, manager: IWidgetManager): Promise>; static serializers: ISerializers; widget_manager: IWidgetManager; model_id: string; views?: { [key: string]: Promise; }; state_change: Promise; comm?: IClassicComm; name: string; module: string; private _comm_live; private _closed; private _state_lock; private _buffered_state_diff; private _buffered_state_diff_synced; private _msg_buffer; private _msg_buffer_callbacks; private _pending_msgs; private _expectedEchoMsgIds; private _attrsToUpdate; } export declare class DOMWidgetModel extends WidgetModel { static serializers: ISerializers; defaults(): Backbone.ObjectHash; } export declare class WidgetView extends NativeView { /** * Public constructor. */ constructor(options?: Backbone.ViewOptions & { options?: any; }); /** * Initializer, called at the end of the constructor. */ initialize(parameters: WidgetView.IInitializeParameters): void; /** * Handle message sent to the front end. * * Used to focus or blur the widget. */ handle_message(content: any): void; /** * Triggered on model change. * * Update view to be consistent with this.model */ update(options?: any): void; /** * Render a view * * @returns the view or a promise to the view. */ render(): any; /** * Create and promise that resolves to a child view of a given model */ create_child_view(child_model: DOMWidgetModel, options?: any): Promise; create_child_view(child_model: WidgetModel, options?: any): Promise; /** * Create msg callbacks for a comm msg. */ callbacks(): ICallbacks; /** * Send a custom msg associated with this view. */ send(content: {}, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): void; touch(): void; remove(): any; options: any; /** * A promise that resolves to the parent view when a child view is displayed. */ displayed: Promise; } export declare namespace WidgetView { interface IInitializeParameters extends Backbone.ViewOptions { options: any; } } export declare namespace JupyterLuminoWidget { interface IOptions { view: DOMWidgetView; } } export declare class JupyterLuminoWidget extends Widget { constructor(options: Widget.IOptions & JupyterLuminoWidget.IOptions); /** * Dispose the widget. * * This causes the view to be destroyed as well with 'remove' */ dispose(): void; /** * Process the Lumino message. * * Any custom Lumino widget used inside a Jupyter widget should override * the processMessage function like this. */ processMessage(msg: Message): void; private _view; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link JupyterLuminoWidget} instead (Since 8.0). */ export declare const JupyterPhosphorWidget: typeof JupyterLuminoWidget; export declare class JupyterLuminoPanelWidget extends Panel { constructor(options: JupyterLuminoWidget.IOptions & Panel.IOptions); /** * Process the Lumino message. * * Any custom Lumino widget used inside a Jupyter widget should override * the processMessage function like this. */ processMessage(msg: Message): void; /** * Dispose the widget. * * This causes the view to be destroyed as well with 'remove' */ dispose(): void; private _view; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link JupyterLuminoPanelWidget} instead (Since 8.0). */ export declare const JupyterPhosphorPanelWidget: typeof JupyterLuminoPanelWidget; export declare class DOMWidgetView extends WidgetView { /** * Public constructor */ initialize(parameters: WidgetView.IInitializeParameters): void; setLayout(layout: LayoutModel, oldLayout?: LayoutModel): void; setStyle(style: StyleModel, oldStyle?: StyleModel): void; updateTooltip(): void; /** * Update the DOM classes applied to an element, default to this.el. */ update_classes(old_classes: string[], new_classes: string[], el?: HTMLElement): void; /** * Update the DOM classes applied to the widget based on a single * trait's value. * * Given a trait value classes map, this function automatically * handles applying the appropriate classes to the widget element * and removing classes that are no longer valid. * * Parameters * ---------- * class_map: dictionary * Dictionary of trait values to class lists. * Example: * { * success: ['alert', 'alert-success'], * info: ['alert', 'alert-info'], * warning: ['alert', 'alert-warning'], * danger: ['alert', 'alert-danger'] * }; * trait_name: string * Name of the trait to check the value of. * el: optional DOM element handle, defaults to this.el * Element that the classes are applied to. */ update_mapped_classes(class_map: Dict, trait_name: string, el?: HTMLElement): void; set_mapped_classes(class_map: Dict, trait_name: string, el?: HTMLElement): void; _setElement(el: HTMLElement): void; remove(): any; processLuminoMessage(msg: Message): void; private _comm_live_update; updateTabindex(): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link luminoWidget} instead (Since 8.0). */ get pWidget(): Widget; /** * @deprecated Use {@link luminoWidget} instead (Since 8.0). */ set pWidget(value: Widget); el: HTMLElement; '$el': any; luminoWidget: Widget; layoutPromise: Promise; stylePromise: Promise; } //#