// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import { ITranslator, nullTranslator } from '@jupyterlab/translation'; import { ReactiveToolbar, Spinner, Toolbar } from '@jupyterlab/ui-components'; import { Message, MessageLoop } from '@lumino/messaging'; import { BoxLayout, BoxPanel, Widget } from '@lumino/widgets'; import { DOMUtils } from './domutils'; import { Printing } from './printing'; /** * A flag to indicate that event handlers are caught in the capture phase. */ const USE_CAPTURE = true; /** * A widget meant to be contained in the JupyterLab main area. * * #### Notes * Mirrors all of the `title` attributes of the content. * This widget is `closable` by default. * This widget is automatically disposed when closed. * This widget ensures its own focus when activated. */ export class MainAreaWidget extends Widget implements Printing.IPrintable { /** * Construct a new main area widget. * * @param options - The options for initializing the widget. */ constructor(options: MainAreaWidget.IOptions) { super(options); this.addClass('jp-MainAreaWidget'); // Set contain=strict to avoid many forced layout rendering while adding cells. // Don't forget to remove the CSS class when your remove the spinner to allow // the content to be rendered. // @see https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/9381 this.addClass('jp-MainAreaWidget-ContainStrict'); this.id = DOMUtils.createDomID(); const trans = (options.translator || nullTranslator).load('jupyterlab'); const content = (this._content = options.content); content.node.setAttribute('role', 'region'); content.node.setAttribute('aria-label', trans.__('notebook content')); const toolbar = (this._toolbar = options.toolbar || new ReactiveToolbar()); toolbar.node.setAttribute('role', 'navigation'); toolbar.node.setAttribute('aria-label', trans.__('notebook actions')); const contentHeader = (this._contentHeader = options.contentHeader || new BoxPanel({ direction: 'top-to-bottom', spacing: 0 })); const layout = (this.layout = new BoxLayout({ spacing: 0 })); layout.direction = 'top-to-bottom'; BoxLayout.setStretch(toolbar, 0); BoxLayout.setStretch(contentHeader, 0); BoxLayout.setStretch(content, 1); layout.addWidget(toolbar); layout.addWidget(contentHeader); layout.addWidget(content); if (!content.id) { content.id = DOMUtils.createDomID(); } content.node.tabIndex = -1; this._updateTitle(); content.title.changed.connect(this._updateTitle, this); this.title.closable = true; this.title.changed.connect(this._updateContentTitle, this); if (options.reveal) { this.node.appendChild(this._spinner.node); this._revealed = options.reveal .then(() => { if (content.isDisposed) { this.dispose(); return; } content.disposed.connect(() => this.dispose()); const active = document.activeElement === this._spinner.node; this._disposeSpinner(); this._isRevealed = true; if (active) { this._focusContent(); } }) .catch(e => { // Show a revealed promise error. const error = new Widget(); error.addClass('jp-MainAreaWidget-error'); // Show the error to the user. const pre = document.createElement('pre'); pre.textContent = String(e); error.node.appendChild(pre); BoxLayout.setStretch(error, 1); this._disposeSpinner(); content.dispose(); this._content = null!; toolbar.dispose(); this._toolbar = null!; layout.addWidget(error); this._isRevealed = true; throw error; }); } else { // Handle no reveal promise. this._spinner.dispose(); this.removeClass('jp-MainAreaWidget-ContainStrict'); content.disposed.connect(() => this.dispose()); this._isRevealed = true; this._revealed = Promise.resolve(undefined); } } /** * Print method. Deferred to content. */ [Printing.symbol](): Printing.OptionalAsyncThunk { if (!this._content) { return null; } return Printing.getPrintFunction(this._content); } /** * The content hosted by the widget. */ get content(): T { return this._content; } /** * The toolbar hosted by the widget. */ get toolbar(): Toolbar { return this._toolbar; } /** * A panel for widgets that sit between the toolbar and the content. * Imagine a formatting toolbar, notification headers, etc. */ get contentHeader(): BoxPanel { return this._contentHeader; } /** * Whether the content widget or an error is revealed. */ get isRevealed(): boolean { return this._isRevealed; } /** * A promise that resolves when the widget is revealed. */ get revealed(): Promise { return this._revealed; } /** * Handle `'activate-request'` messages. */ protected onActivateRequest(msg: Message): void { if (this._isRevealed) { this._focusContent(); } else { this._spinner.node.focus(); } } /** * Handle `after-attach` messages for the widget. */ protected onAfterAttach(msg: Message): void { super.onAfterAttach(msg); // Focus content in capture phase to ensure relevant commands operate on the // current main area widget. // Add the event listener directly instead of using `handleEvent` in order // to save sub-classes from needing to reason about calling it as well. this.node.addEventListener('mousedown', this._evtMouseDown, USE_CAPTURE); } /** * Handle `before-detach` messages for the widget. */ protected onBeforeDetach(msg: Message): void { this.node.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._evtMouseDown, USE_CAPTURE); super.onBeforeDetach(msg); } /** * Handle `'close-request'` messages. */ protected onCloseRequest(msg: Message): void { this.dispose(); } /** * Handle `'update-request'` messages by forwarding them to the content. */ protected onUpdateRequest(msg: Message): void { if (this._content) { MessageLoop.sendMessage(this._content, msg); } } private _disposeSpinner() { this.node.removeChild(this._spinner.node); this._spinner.dispose(); this.removeClass('jp-MainAreaWidget-ContainStrict'); } /** * Update the title based on the attributes of the child widget. */ private _updateTitle(): void { if (this._changeGuard || !this.content) { return; } this._changeGuard = true; const content = this.content; this.title.label = content.title.label; this.title.mnemonic = content.title.mnemonic; this.title.icon = content.title.icon; this.title.iconClass = content.title.iconClass; this.title.iconLabel = content.title.iconLabel; this.title.caption = content.title.caption; this.title.className = content.title.className; this.title.dataset = content.title.dataset; this._changeGuard = false; } /** * Update the content title based on attributes of the main widget. */ private _updateContentTitle(): void { if (this._changeGuard || !this.content) { return; } this._changeGuard = true; const content = this.content; content.title.label = this.title.label; content.title.mnemonic = this.title.mnemonic; content.title.icon = this.title.icon; content.title.iconClass = this.title.iconClass; content.title.iconLabel = this.title.iconLabel; content.title.caption = this.title.caption; content.title.className = this.title.className; content.title.dataset = this.title.dataset; this._changeGuard = false; } /** * Give focus to the content. */ private _focusContent(): void { if (!this.content) { return; } // Focus the content node if we aren't already focused on it or a // descendent. if (!this.content.node.contains(document.activeElement)) { this.content.node.focus(); } // Activate the content asynchronously (which may change the focus). this.content.activate(); } /* MainAreaWidget's layout: - this.layout, a BoxLayout, from parent - this._toolbar, a Toolbar - this._contentHeader, a BoxPanel, empty by default - this._content */ private _content: T; private _toolbar: Toolbar; private _contentHeader: BoxPanel; private _changeGuard = false; private _spinner = new Spinner(); private _isRevealed = false; private _revealed: Promise; private _evtMouseDown = () => { if (!this.node.contains(document.activeElement)) { this._focusContent(); } }; } /** * The namespace for the `MainAreaWidget` class statics. */ export namespace MainAreaWidget { /** * An options object for creating a main area widget. */ export interface IOptions extends Widget.IOptions { /** * The child widget to wrap. */ content: T; /** * The toolbar to use for the widget. Defaults to an empty toolbar. */ toolbar?: Toolbar; /** * The layout to sit underneath the toolbar and above the content, * and that extensions can populate. Defaults to an empty BoxPanel. */ contentHeader?: BoxPanel; /** * An optional promise for when the content is ready to be revealed. */ reveal?: Promise; /** * The application language translator. */ translator?: ITranslator; } /** * An options object for main area widget subclasses providing their own * default content. * * #### Notes * This makes it easier to have a subclass that provides its own default * content. This can go away once we upgrade to TypeScript 2.8 and have an * easy way to make a single property optional, ala * https://stackoverflow.com/a/46941824 */ export interface IOptionsOptionalContent extends Widget.IOptions { /** * The child widget to wrap. */ content?: T; /** * The toolbar to use for the widget. Defaults to an empty toolbar. */ toolbar?: Toolbar; /** * An optional promise for when the content is ready to be revealed. */ reveal?: Promise; } }