// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import { IChangedArgs, URLExt } from '@jupyterlab/coreutils'; import { ISettingRegistry } from '@jupyterlab/settingregistry'; import { ITranslator, nullTranslator, TranslationBundle } from '@jupyterlab/translation'; import { DisposableDelegate, IDisposable } from '@lumino/disposable'; import { ISignal, Signal } from '@lumino/signaling'; import { Widget } from '@lumino/widgets'; import { Dialog, showDialog } from './dialog'; import { ISplashScreen, IThemeManager } from './tokens'; /** * The number of milliseconds between theme loading attempts. */ const REQUEST_INTERVAL = 75; /** * The number of times to attempt to load a theme before giving up. */ const REQUEST_THRESHOLD = 20; type Dict = { [key: string]: T }; /** * A class that provides theme management. */ export class ThemeManager implements IThemeManager { /** * Construct a new theme manager. */ constructor(options: ThemeManager.IOptions) { const { host, key, splash, url } = options; this.translator = options.translator || nullTranslator; this._trans = this.translator.load('jupyterlab'); const registry = options.settings; this._base = url; this._host = host; this._splash = splash || null; void registry.load(key).then(settings => { this._settings = settings; // set up css overrides once we have a pointer to the settings schema this._initOverrideProps(); this._settings.changed.connect(this._loadSettings, this); this._loadSettings(); }); } /** * Get the name of the current theme. */ get theme(): string | null { return this._current; } /** * The names of the registered themes. */ get themes(): ReadonlyArray { return Object.keys(this._themes); } /** * A signal fired when the application theme changes. */ get themeChanged(): ISignal> { return this._themeChanged; } /** * Get the value of a CSS variable from its key. * * @param key - A Jupyterlab CSS variable, without the leading '--jp-'. * * @returns value - The current value of the Jupyterlab CSS variable */ getCSS(key: string): string { return ( this._overrides[key] ?? getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(`--jp-${key}`) ); } /** * Load a theme CSS file by path. * * @param path - The path of the file to load. */ loadCSS(path: string): Promise { const base = this._base; const href = URLExt.isLocal(path) ? URLExt.join(base, path) : path; const links = this._links; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const link = document.createElement('link'); link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); link.setAttribute('href', href); link.addEventListener('load', () => { resolve(undefined); }); link.addEventListener('error', () => { reject(`Stylesheet failed to load: ${href}`); }); document.body.appendChild(link); links.push(link); // add any css overrides to document this.loadCSSOverrides(); }); } /** * Loads all current CSS overrides from settings. If an override has been * removed or is invalid, this function unloads it instead. */ loadCSSOverrides(): void { const newOverrides = (this._settings.user['overrides'] as Dict) ?? {}; // iterate over the union of current and new CSS override keys Object.keys({ ...this._overrides, ...newOverrides }).forEach(key => { const val = newOverrides[key]; if (val && this.validateCSS(key, val)) { // validation succeeded, set the override document.documentElement.style.setProperty(`--jp-${key}`, val); } else { // if key is not present or validation failed, the override will be removed delete newOverrides[key]; document.documentElement.style.removeProperty(`--jp-${key}`); } }); // replace the current overrides with the new ones this._overrides = newOverrides; } /** * Validate a CSS value w.r.t. a key * * @param key - A Jupyterlab CSS variable, without the leading '--jp-'. * * @param val - A candidate CSS value */ validateCSS(key: string, val: string): boolean { // determine the css property corresponding to the key const prop = this._overrideProps[key]; if (!prop) { console.warn( 'CSS validation failed: could not find property corresponding to key.\n' + `key: '${key}', val: '${val}'` ); return false; } // use built-in validation once we have the corresponding property if (CSS.supports(prop, val)) { return true; } else { console.warn( 'CSS validation failed: invalid value.\n' + `key: '${key}', val: '${val}', prop: '${prop}'` ); return false; } } /** * Register a theme with the theme manager. * * @param theme - The theme to register. * * @returns A disposable that can be used to unregister the theme. */ register(theme: IThemeManager.ITheme): IDisposable { const { name } = theme; const themes = this._themes; if (themes[name]) { throw new Error(`Theme already registered for ${name}`); } themes[name] = theme; return new DisposableDelegate(() => { delete themes[name]; }); } /** * Add a CSS override to the settings. */ setCSSOverride(key: string, value: string): Promise { return this._settings.set('overrides', { ...this._overrides, [key]: value }); } /** * Set the current theme. */ setTheme(name: string): Promise { return this._settings.set('theme', name); } /** * Test whether a given theme is light. */ isLight(name: string): boolean { return this._themes[name].isLight; } /** * Increase a font size w.r.t. its current setting or its value in the * current theme. * * @param key - A Jupyterlab font size CSS variable, without the leading '--jp-'. */ incrFontSize(key: string): Promise { return this._incrFontSize(key, true); } /** * Decrease a font size w.r.t. its current setting or its value in the * current theme. * * @param key - A Jupyterlab font size CSS variable, without the leading '--jp-'. */ decrFontSize(key: string): Promise { return this._incrFontSize(key, false); } /** * Test whether a given theme styles scrollbars, * and if the user has scrollbar styling enabled. */ themeScrollbars(name: string): boolean { return ( !!this._settings.composite['theme-scrollbars'] && !!this._themes[name].themeScrollbars ); } /** * Test if the user has scrollbar styling enabled. */ isToggledThemeScrollbars(): boolean { return !!this._settings.composite['theme-scrollbars']; } /** * Toggle the `theme-scrollbars` setting. */ toggleThemeScrollbars(): Promise { return this._settings.set( 'theme-scrollbars', !this._settings.composite['theme-scrollbars'] ); } /** * Get the display name of the theme. */ getDisplayName(name: string): string { return this._themes[name]?.displayName ?? name; } /** * Change a font size by a positive or negative increment. */ private _incrFontSize(key: string, add: boolean = true): Promise { // get the numeric and unit parts of the current font size const parts = (this.getCSS(key) ?? '13px').split(/([a-zA-Z]+)/); // determine the increment const incr = (add ? 1 : -1) * (parts[1] === 'em' ? 0.1 : 1); // increment the font size and set it as an override return this.setCSSOverride(key, `${Number(parts[0]) + incr}${parts[1]}`); } /** * Initialize the key -> property dict for the overrides */ private _initOverrideProps(): void { const definitions = this._settings.schema.definitions as any; const overidesSchema = definitions.cssOverrides.properties; Object.keys(overidesSchema).forEach(key => { // override validation is against the CSS property in the description // field. Example: for key ui-font-family, .description is font-family let description; switch (key) { case 'code-font-size': case 'content-font-size1': case 'ui-font-size1': description = 'font-size'; break; default: description = overidesSchema[key].description; break; } this._overrideProps[key] = description; }); } /** * Handle the current settings. */ private _loadSettings(): void { const outstanding = this._outstanding; const pending = this._pending; const requests = this._requests; // If another request is pending, cancel it. if (pending) { window.clearTimeout(pending); this._pending = 0; } const settings = this._settings; const themes = this._themes; const theme = settings.composite['theme'] as string; // If another promise is outstanding, wait until it finishes before // attempting to load the settings. Because outstanding promises cannot // be aborted, the order in which they occur must be enforced. if (outstanding) { outstanding .then(() => { this._loadSettings(); }) .catch(() => { this._loadSettings(); }); this._outstanding = null; return; } // Increment the request counter. requests[theme] = requests[theme] ? requests[theme] + 1 : 1; // If the theme exists, load it right away. if (themes[theme]) { this._outstanding = this._loadTheme(theme); delete requests[theme]; return; } // If the request has taken too long, give up. if (requests[theme] > REQUEST_THRESHOLD) { const fallback = settings.default('theme') as string; // Stop tracking the requests for this theme. delete requests[theme]; if (!themes[fallback]) { this._onError( this._trans.__( 'Neither theme %1 nor default %2 loaded.', theme, fallback ) ); return; } console.warn(`Could not load theme ${theme}, using default ${fallback}.`); this._outstanding = this._loadTheme(fallback); return; } // If the theme does not yet exist, attempt to wait for it. this._pending = window.setTimeout(() => { this._loadSettings(); }, REQUEST_INTERVAL); } /** * Load the theme. * * #### Notes * This method assumes that the `theme` exists. */ private _loadTheme(theme: string): Promise { const current = this._current; const links = this._links; const themes = this._themes; const splash = this._splash ? this._splash.show(themes[theme].isLight) : new DisposableDelegate(() => undefined); // Unload any CSS files that have been loaded. links.forEach(link => { if (link.parentElement) { link.parentElement.removeChild(link); } }); links.length = 0; const themeProps = this._settings.schema.properties?.theme; if (themeProps) { themeProps.enum = Object.keys(themes).map( value => themes[value].displayName ?? value ); } // Unload the previously loaded theme. const old = current ? themes[current].unload() : Promise.resolve(); return Promise.all([old, themes[theme].load()]) .then(() => { this._current = theme; this._themeChanged.emit({ name: 'theme', oldValue: current, newValue: theme }); // Need to force a redraw of the app here to avoid a Chrome rendering // bug that can leave the scrollbars in an invalid state this._host.hide(); // If we hide/show the widget too quickly, no redraw will happen. // requestAnimationFrame delays until after the next frame render. requestAnimationFrame(() => { this._host.show(); Private.fitAll(this._host); splash.dispose(); }); }) .catch(reason => { this._onError(reason); splash.dispose(); }); } /** * Handle a theme error. */ private _onError(reason: any): void { void showDialog({ title: this._trans.__('Error Loading Theme'), body: String(reason), buttons: [Dialog.okButton({ label: this._trans.__('OK') })] }); } protected translator: ITranslator; private _trans: TranslationBundle; private _base: string; private _current: string | null = null; private _host: Widget; private _links: HTMLLinkElement[] = []; private _overrides: Dict = {}; private _overrideProps: Dict = {}; private _outstanding: Promise | null = null; private _pending = 0; private _requests: { [theme: string]: number } = {}; private _settings: ISettingRegistry.ISettings; private _splash: ISplashScreen | null; private _themes: { [key: string]: IThemeManager.ITheme } = {}; private _themeChanged = new Signal>( this ); } export namespace ThemeManager { /** * The options used to create a theme manager. */ export interface IOptions { /** * The host widget for the theme manager. */ host: Widget; /** * The setting registry key that holds theme setting data. */ key: string; /** * The settings registry. */ settings: ISettingRegistry; /** * The splash screen to show when loading themes. */ splash?: ISplashScreen; /** * The url for local theme loading. */ url: string; /** * The application language translator. */ translator?: ITranslator; } } /** * A namespace for module private data. */ namespace Private { /** * Fit a widget and all of its children, recursively. */ export function fitAll(widget: Widget): void { for (const child of widget.children()) { fitAll(child); } widget.fit(); } }