// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import * as path from 'path'; import * as webpack from 'webpack'; import { Build } from './build'; import { WPPlugin } from './webpack-plugins'; import { merge } from 'webpack-merge'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as glob from 'glob'; import Ajv from 'ajv'; const baseConfig = require('./webpack.config.base'); const { ModuleFederationPlugin } = webpack.container; export interface IOptions { packagePath?: string; corePath?: string; staticUrl?: string; mode?: 'development' | 'production'; devtool?: string; watchMode?: boolean; } function generateConfig({ packagePath = '', corePath = '', staticUrl = '', mode = 'production', devtool = mode === 'development' ? 'source-map' : undefined, watchMode = false }: IOptions = {}): webpack.Configuration[] { const data = require(path.join(packagePath, 'package.json')); const ajv = new Ajv({ useDefaults: true, strict: false }); const validate = ajv.compile(require('../metadata_schema.json')); let valid = validate(data.jupyterlab ?? {}); if (!valid) { console.error(validate.errors); process.exit(1); } const outputPath = path.join(packagePath, data.jupyterlab['outputDir']); const staticPath = path.join(outputPath, 'static'); // Handle the extension entry point and the lib entry point, if different const index = require.resolve(packagePath); const exposes: { [id: string]: string } = { './index': index }; const extension = data.jupyterlab.extension; if (extension === true) { exposes['./extension'] = index; } else if (typeof extension === 'string') { exposes['./extension'] = path.join(packagePath, extension); } const mimeExtension = data.jupyterlab.mimeExtension; if (mimeExtension === true) { exposes['./mimeExtension'] = index; } else if (typeof mimeExtension === 'string') { exposes['./mimeExtension'] = path.join(packagePath, mimeExtension); } if (typeof data.styleModule === 'string') { exposes['./style'] = path.join(packagePath, data.styleModule); } else if (typeof data.style === 'string') { exposes['./style'] = path.join(packagePath, data.style); } const coreData = require(path.join(corePath, 'package.json')); let shared: any = {}; // Start with core package versions. const coreDeps: any = { ...coreData.dependencies, ...(coreData.resolutions ?? {}) }; // Alow extensions to match a wider range than the core dependency // To ensure forward compatibility. Object.keys(coreDeps).forEach(element => { shared[element] = { requiredVersion: coreDeps[element].replace('~', '^'), import: false }; }); // Add package dependencies. Object.keys(data.dependencies).forEach(element => { // TODO: make sure that the core dependency semver range is a subset of our // data.depencies version range for any packages in the core deps. if (!shared[element]) { shared[element] = {}; } }); // Set core packages as singletons that are not bundled. coreData.jupyterlab.singletonPackages.forEach((element: string) => { if (!shared[element]) { shared[element] = {}; } shared[element].import = false; shared[element].singleton = true; }); // Now we merge in the sharedPackages configuration provided by the extension. const sharedPackages = data.jupyterlab.sharedPackages ?? {}; // Delete any modules that are explicitly not shared Object.keys(sharedPackages).forEach(pkg => { if (sharedPackages[pkg] === false) { delete shared[pkg]; delete sharedPackages[pkg]; } }); // Transform the sharedPackages information into valid webpack config Object.keys(sharedPackages).forEach(pkg => { // Convert `bundled` to `import` if (sharedPackages[pkg].bundled === false) { sharedPackages[pkg].import = false; } else if ( sharedPackages[pkg].bundled === true && shared[pkg]?.import === false ) { // We can't delete a key in the merge, so we have to delete it in the source delete shared[pkg].import; } delete sharedPackages[pkg].bundled; }); shared = merge(shared, sharedPackages); // add the root module itself to shared if (shared[data.name]) { console.error( `The root package itself '${data.name}' may not specified as a shared dependency.` ); } shared[data.name] = { version: data.version, singleton: true, import: index }; // Ensure a clean output directory - remove files but not the directory // in case it is a symlink fs.emptyDirSync(outputPath); const extras = Build.ensureAssets({ packageNames: [], packagePaths: [packagePath], output: staticPath, schemaOutput: outputPath, themeOutput: outputPath }); fs.copyFileSync( path.join(packagePath, 'package.json'), path.join(outputPath, 'package.json') ); class CleanupPlugin { apply(compiler: any) { compiler.hooks.done.tap('Cleanup', (stats: any) => { const newlyCreatedAssets = stats.compilation.assets; // Clear out any remoteEntry files that are stale // https://stackoverflow.com/a/40370750 const files = glob.sync(path.join(staticPath, 'remoteEntry.*.js')); let newEntry = ''; const unlinked: string[] = []; files.forEach(file => { const fileName = path.basename(file); if (!newlyCreatedAssets[fileName]) { fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(file)); unlinked.push(fileName); } else { newEntry = fileName; } }); if (unlinked.length > 0) { console.log('Removed old assets: ', unlinked); } // Find the remoteEntry file and add it to the package.json metadata const data = fs.readJSONSync(path.join(outputPath, 'package.json')); const _build: any = { load: path.join('static', newEntry) }; if (exposes['./extension'] !== undefined) { _build.extension = './extension'; } if (exposes['./mimeExtension'] !== undefined) { _build.mimeExtension = './mimeExtension'; } if (exposes['./style'] !== undefined) { _build.style = './style'; } data.jupyterlab._build = _build; fs.writeJSONSync(path.join(outputPath, 'package.json'), data, { spaces: 2 }); }); } } // Allow custom webpack config let webpackConfigPath = data.jupyterlab['webpackConfig']; let webpackConfig = {}; // Use the custom webpack config only if the path to the config // is specified in package.json (opt-in) if (webpackConfigPath) { webpackConfigPath = path.join(packagePath, webpackConfigPath); if (fs.existsSync(webpackConfigPath)) { webpackConfig = require(webpackConfigPath); } } let plugins = [ new ModuleFederationPlugin({ name: data.name, library: { type: 'var', name: ['_JUPYTERLAB', data.name] }, filename: 'remoteEntry.[contenthash].js', exposes, shared }), new CleanupPlugin() ]; if (mode === 'production') { plugins.push( new WPPlugin.JSONLicenseWebpackPlugin({ excludedPackageTest: packageName => packageName === data.name }) ); } // Add version argument when in production so the Jupyter server // allows caching of files (i.e., does not set the CacheControl header to no-cache to prevent caching static files) let filename = '[name].[contenthash].js'; if (mode === 'production') { filename += '?v=[contenthash]'; } const rules: any = [{ test: /\.html$/, type: 'asset/resource' }]; if (mode === 'development') { rules.push({ test: /\.js$/, enforce: 'pre', use: ['source-map-loader'] }); } const config = [ merge( baseConfig, { mode, devtool, entry: {}, output: { filename, path: staticPath, publicPath: staticUrl || 'auto' }, plugins }, webpackConfig, { module: { rules } } ) ].concat(extras); if (mode === 'development') { const logPath = path.join(outputPath, 'build_log.json'); function regExpReplacer(key: any, value: any) { if (value instanceof RegExp) { return value.toString(); } else { return value; } } fs.writeFileSync(logPath, JSON.stringify(config, regExpReplacer, ' ')); } return config; } export default generateConfig;