import { ReactWidget } from '@jupyterlab/ui-components'; import * as React from 'react'; /** * Abstract collapser base class. * * ### Notes * A collapser is a visible div to the left of a cell's * input/output that a user can click on to collapse the * input/output. */ export declare abstract class Collapser extends ReactWidget { /** * Construct a new collapser. */ constructor(); /** * Is the input/output of the parent collapsed. */ get collapsed(): boolean; /** * Render the collapser with the virtual DOM. */ protected render(): React.ReactElement; /** * Handle the click event. */ protected abstract handleClick(e: React.MouseEvent): void; } /** * A collapser subclass to collapse a cell's input area. */ export declare class InputCollapser extends Collapser { /** * Construct a new input collapser. */ constructor(); /** * Is the cell's input collapsed? */ get collapsed(): boolean; /** * Handle a click event for the user to collapse the cell's input. */ protected handleClick(e: React.MouseEvent): void; } /** * A collapser subclass to collapse a cell's output area. */ export declare class OutputCollapser extends Collapser { /** * Construct a new output collapser. */ constructor(); /** * Is the cell's output collapsed? */ get collapsed(): boolean; /** * Handle a click event for the user to collapse the cell's output. */ protected handleClick(e: React.MouseEvent): void; }