import { Widget } from '@lumino/widgets'; import { CodeEditor, CodeEditorWrapper } from '@jupyterlab/codeeditor'; import { ICellModel } from './model'; /** **************************************************************************** * InputArea ******************************************************************************/ /** * An input area widget, which hosts a prompt and an editor widget. */ export declare class InputArea extends Widget { /** * Construct an input area widget. */ constructor(options: InputArea.IOptions); /** * The model used by the widget. */ readonly model: ICellModel; /** * The content factory used by the widget. */ readonly contentFactory: InputArea.IContentFactory; /** * Get the CodeEditorWrapper used by the cell. */ get editorWidget(): CodeEditorWrapper; /** * Get the CodeEditor used by the cell. */ get editor(): CodeEditor.IEditor; /** * Get the prompt node used by the cell. */ get promptNode(): HTMLElement; /** * Get the rendered input area widget, if any. */ get renderedInput(): Widget; /** * Render an input instead of the text editor. */ renderInput(widget: Widget): void; /** * Show the text editor. */ showEditor(): void; /** * Set the prompt of the input area. */ setPrompt(value: string): void; /** * Dispose of the resources held by the widget. */ dispose(): void; private _prompt; private _editor; private _rendered; } /** * A namespace for `InputArea` statics. */ export declare namespace InputArea { /** * The options used to create an `InputArea`. */ interface IOptions { /** * The model used by the widget. */ model: ICellModel; /** * The content factory used by the widget to create children. */ contentFactory: IContentFactory; /** * Editor options */ editorOptions?: Omit; } /** * An input area widget content factory. * * The content factory is used to create children in a way * that can be customized. */ interface IContentFactory { /** * The editor factory we need to include in `CodeEditorWrapper.IOptions`. * * This is a separate readonly attribute rather than a factory method as we need * to pass it around. */ readonly editorFactory: CodeEditor.Factory; /** * Create an input prompt. */ createInputPrompt(): IInputPrompt; } /** * Default implementation of `IContentFactory`. * * This defaults to using an `editorFactory` based on CodeMirror. */ class ContentFactory implements IContentFactory { /** * Construct a `ContentFactory`. */ constructor(options: ContentFactory.IOptions); /** * Return the `CodeEditor.Factory` being used. */ get editorFactory(): CodeEditor.Factory; /** * Create an input prompt. */ createInputPrompt(): IInputPrompt; private _editor; } /** * A namespace for the input area content factory. */ namespace ContentFactory { /** * Options for the content factory. */ interface IOptions { /** * The editor factory used by the content factory. * * If this is not passed, a default CodeMirror editor factory * will be used. */ editorFactory: CodeEditor.Factory; } } } /** **************************************************************************** * InputPrompt ******************************************************************************/ /** * The interface for the input prompt. */ export interface IInputPrompt extends Widget { /** * The execution count of the prompt. */ executionCount: string | null; } /** * The default input prompt implementation. */ export declare class InputPrompt extends Widget implements IInputPrompt { constructor(); /** * The execution count for the prompt. */ get executionCount(): string | null; set executionCount(value: string | null); private _executionCount; }