// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import { IRankedMenu, RankedMenu } from '@jupyterlab/ui-components'; import { SemanticCommand } from '@jupyterlab/apputils'; /** * An interface for an Edit menu. */ export interface IEditMenu extends IRankedMenu { /** * Semantic commands IUndoers for the Edit menu. */ readonly undoers: IEditMenu.IUndoer; /** * Semantic commands IClearers for the Edit menu. */ readonly clearers: IEditMenu.IClearer; /** * Semantic commands IGoToLiners for the Edit menu. */ readonly goToLiners: SemanticCommand; } /** * An extensible Edit menu for the application. */ export class EditMenu extends RankedMenu implements IEditMenu { /** * Construct the edit menu. */ constructor(options: IRankedMenu.IOptions) { super(options); this.undoers = { redo: new SemanticCommand(), undo: new SemanticCommand() }; this.clearers = { clearAll: new SemanticCommand(), clearCurrent: new SemanticCommand() }; this.goToLiners = new SemanticCommand(); } /** * Semantic commands IUndoers for the Edit menu. */ readonly undoers: IEditMenu.IUndoer; /** * Semantic commands IClearers for the Edit menu. */ readonly clearers: IEditMenu.IClearer; /** * Semantic commands IGoToLiners for the Edit menu. */ readonly goToLiners: SemanticCommand; } /** * Namespace for IEditMenu */ export namespace IEditMenu { /** * Interface for an activity that uses Undo/Redo. */ export interface IUndoer { /** * A semantic command to execute an undo command for the activity. */ undo: SemanticCommand; /** * A semantic command to execute a redo command for the activity. */ redo: SemanticCommand; } /** * Interface for an activity that wants to register a 'Clear...' menu item */ export interface IClearer { /** * A semantic command to clear the currently portion of activity. */ clearCurrent: SemanticCommand; /** * A semantic command to clear all of an activity. */ clearAll: SemanticCommand; } }