import { TranslationBundle } from '@jupyterlab/translation'; import { RankedMenu } from '@jupyterlab/ui-components'; import { CommandRegistry } from '@lumino/commands'; import { Menu, MenuBar } from '@lumino/widgets'; import { EditMenu } from './edit'; import { FileMenu } from './file'; import { HelpMenu } from './help'; import { KernelMenu } from './kernel'; import { RunMenu } from './run'; import { SettingsMenu } from './settings'; import { TabsMenu } from './tabs'; import { IMainMenu } from './tokens'; import { ViewMenu } from './view'; /** * The main menu class. It is intended to be used as a singleton. */ export declare class MainMenu extends MenuBar implements IMainMenu { /** * Construct the main menu bar. */ constructor(commands: CommandRegistry); /** * The application "Edit" menu. */ get editMenu(): EditMenu; /** * The application "File" menu. */ get fileMenu(): FileMenu; /** * The application "Help" menu. */ get helpMenu(): HelpMenu; /** * The application "Kernel" menu. */ get kernelMenu(): KernelMenu; /** * The application "Run" menu. */ get runMenu(): RunMenu; /** * The application "Settings" menu. */ get settingsMenu(): SettingsMenu; /** * The application "View" menu. */ get viewMenu(): ViewMenu; /** * The application "Tabs" menu. */ get tabsMenu(): TabsMenu; /** * Add a new menu to the main menu bar. */ addMenu(menu: Menu, update?: boolean, options?: IMainMenu.IAddOptions): void; /** * Dispose of the resources held by the menu bar. */ dispose(): void; /** * Generate the menu. * * @param commands The command registry * @param options The main menu options. * @param trans - The application language translator. */ static generateMenu(commands: CommandRegistry, options: IMainMenu.IMenuOptions, trans: TranslationBundle): RankedMenu; /** * Handle the disposal of a menu. */ private _onMenuDisposed; private _commands; private _items; private _editMenu; private _fileMenu; private _helpMenu; private _kernelMenu; private _runMenu; private _settingsMenu; private _viewMenu; private _tabsMenu; }