// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import { ISessionContext, translateKernelStatuses } from '@jupyterlab/apputils'; import { ITranslator, nullTranslator } from '@jupyterlab/translation'; import React from 'react'; import { ProgressCircle } from '@jupyterlab/statusbar'; import { circleIcon, LabIcon, offlineBoltIcon, VDomModel, VDomRenderer } from '@jupyterlab/ui-components'; import { Notebook } from './widget'; import { KernelMessage } from '@jupyterlab/services'; import { IAnyMessageArgs, IKernelConnection } from '@jupyterlab/services/src/kernel/kernel'; import { NotebookPanel } from './panel'; import { ISettingRegistry } from '@jupyterlab/settingregistry'; import { Widget } from '@lumino/widgets'; import { JSONObject } from '@lumino/coreutils'; import { IChangedArgs } from '@jupyterlab/coreutils'; /** * A react functional component for rendering execution indicator. */ export function ExecutionIndicatorComponent( props: ExecutionIndicatorComponent.IProps ): React.ReactElement { const translator = props.translator || nullTranslator; const kernelStatuses = translateKernelStatuses(translator); const trans = translator.load('jupyterlab'); const state = props.state; const showOnToolBar = props.displayOption.showOnToolBar; const showProgress = props.displayOption.showProgress; const tooltipClass = showOnToolBar ? 'down' : 'up'; const emptyDiv =
; if (!state) { return emptyDiv; } const kernelStatus = state.kernelStatus; const circleIconProps: LabIcon.IProps = { alignSelf: 'normal', height: '24px' }; const time = state.totalTime; const scheduledCellNumber = state.scheduledCellNumber || 0; const remainingCellNumber = state.scheduledCell.size || 0; const executedCellNumber = scheduledCellNumber - remainingCellNumber; let percentage = (100 * executedCellNumber) / scheduledCellNumber; let displayClass = showProgress ? '' : 'hidden'; if (!showProgress && percentage < 100) { percentage = 0; } const progressBar = (percentage: number) => ( ); const titleFactory = (translatedStatus: string) => trans.__('Kernel status: %1', translatedStatus); const reactElement = ( status: ISessionContext.KernelDisplayStatus, circle: JSX.Element, popup: JSX.Element[] ): JSX.Element => (
{titleFactory(kernelStatuses[status])} {popup}
); if ( state.kernelStatus === 'connecting' || state.kernelStatus === 'disconnected' || state.kernelStatus === 'unknown' ) { return reactElement( kernelStatus, , [] ); } if ( state.kernelStatus === 'starting' || state.kernelStatus === 'terminating' || state.kernelStatus === 'restarting' || state.kernelStatus === 'initializing' ) { return reactElement( kernelStatus, , [] ); } if (state.executionStatus === 'busy') { return reactElement('busy', progressBar(percentage), [ {trans.__( `Executed ${executedCellNumber}/${scheduledCellNumber} cells` )} , {trans._n('Elapsed time: %1 second', 'Elapsed time: %1 seconds', time)} ]); } else { // No cell is scheduled, fall back to the status of kernel const progress = state.kernelStatus === 'busy' ? 0 : 100; const popup = state.kernelStatus === 'busy' || time === 0 ? [] : [ {trans._n( 'Executed %1 cell', 'Executed %1 cells', scheduledCellNumber )} , {trans._n( 'Elapsed time: %1 second', 'Elapsed time: %1 seconds', time )} ]; return reactElement(state.kernelStatus, progressBar(progress), popup); } } /** * A namespace for ExecutionIndicatorComponent statics. */ namespace ExecutionIndicatorComponent { /** * Props for the execution status component. */ export interface IProps { /** * Display option for progress bar and elapsed time. */ displayOption: Private.DisplayOption; /** * Execution state of selected notebook. */ state?: ExecutionIndicator.IExecutionState; /** * The application language translator. */ translator?: ITranslator; } } /** * A VDomRenderer widget for displaying the execution status. */ export class ExecutionIndicator extends VDomRenderer { /** * Construct the kernel status widget. */ constructor(translator?: ITranslator, showProgress: boolean = true) { super(new ExecutionIndicator.Model()); this.translator = translator || nullTranslator; this.addClass('jp-mod-highlighted'); } /** * Render the execution status item. */ render(): JSX.Element | null { if (this.model === null || !this.model.renderFlag) { return
; } else { const nb = this.model.currentNotebook; if (!nb) { return ( ); } return ( ); } } private translator: ITranslator; } /** * A namespace for ExecutionIndicator statics. */ export namespace ExecutionIndicator { /** * Execution state of a notebook. */ export interface IExecutionState { /** * Execution status of kernel, this status is deducted from the * number of scheduled code cells. */ executionStatus: string; /** * Current status of kernel. */ kernelStatus: ISessionContext.KernelDisplayStatus; /** * Total execution time. */ totalTime: number; /** * Id of `setInterval`, it is used to start / stop the elapsed time * counter. */ interval: number; /** * Id of `setTimeout`, it is used to create / clear the state * resetting request. */ timeout: number; /** * Set of messages scheduled for executing, `executionStatus` is set * to `idle if the length of this set is 0 and to `busy` otherwise. */ scheduledCell: Set; /** * Total number of cells requested for executing, it is used to compute * the execution progress in progress bar. */ scheduledCellNumber: number; /** * Flag to reset the execution state when a code cell is scheduled for * executing. */ needReset: boolean; } /** * A VDomModel for the execution status indicator. */ export class Model extends VDomModel { constructor() { super(); this._displayOption = { showOnToolBar: true, showProgress: true }; this._renderFlag = true; } /** * Attach a notebook with session context to model in order to keep * track of multiple notebooks. If a session context is already * attached, only set current activated notebook to input. * * @param data - The notebook and session context to be attached to model */ attachNotebook( data: { content?: Notebook; context?: ISessionContext } | null ): void { if (data && data.content && data.context) { const nb = data.content; const context = data.context; this._currentNotebook = nb; if (!this._notebookExecutionProgress.has(nb)) { this._notebookExecutionProgress.set(nb, { executionStatus: 'idle', kernelStatus: 'idle', totalTime: 0, interval: 0, timeout: 0, scheduledCell: new Set(), scheduledCellNumber: 0, needReset: true }); const state = this._notebookExecutionProgress.get(nb); const contextStatusChanged = (ctx: ISessionContext) => { if (state) { state.kernelStatus = ctx.kernelDisplayStatus; } this.stateChanged.emit(void 0); }; context.statusChanged.connect(contextStatusChanged, this); const contextConnectionStatusChanged = (ctx: ISessionContext) => { if (state) { state.kernelStatus = ctx.kernelDisplayStatus; } this.stateChanged.emit(void 0); }; context.connectionStatusChanged.connect( contextConnectionStatusChanged, this ); context.disposed.connect(ctx => { ctx.connectionStatusChanged.disconnect( contextConnectionStatusChanged, this ); ctx.statusChanged.disconnect(contextStatusChanged, this); }); const handleKernelMsg = ( sender: IKernelConnection, msg: IAnyMessageArgs ) => { const message = msg.msg; const msgId = message.header.msg_id; if (message.header.msg_type === 'execute_request') { // A cell code is scheduled for executing this._cellScheduledCallback(nb, msgId); } else if ( KernelMessage.isStatusMsg(message) && message.content.execution_state === 'idle' ) { // Idle status message case. const parentId = (message.parent_header as KernelMessage.IHeader) .msg_id; this._cellExecutedCallback(nb, parentId); } else if ( KernelMessage.isStatusMsg(message) && message.content.execution_state === 'restarting' ) { this._restartHandler(nb); } else if (message.header.msg_type === 'execute_input') { // A cell code starts executing. this._startTimer(nb); } }; context.session?.kernel?.anyMessage.connect(handleKernelMsg); context.session?.kernel?.disposed.connect(kernel => kernel.anyMessage.disconnect(handleKernelMsg) ); const kernelChangedSlot = ( _: ISessionContext, kernelData: IChangedArgs< IKernelConnection | null, IKernelConnection | null, 'kernel' > ) => { if (state) { this._resetTime(state); this.stateChanged.emit(void 0); if (kernelData.newValue) { kernelData.newValue.anyMessage.connect(handleKernelMsg); } } }; context.kernelChanged.connect(kernelChangedSlot); context.disposed.connect(ctx => ctx.kernelChanged.disconnect(kernelChangedSlot) ); } } } /** * The current activated notebook in model. */ get currentNotebook(): Notebook | null { return this._currentNotebook; } /** * The display options for progress bar and elapsed time. */ get displayOption(): Private.DisplayOption { return this._displayOption; } /** * Set the display options for progress bar and elapsed time. * * @param options - Options to be used */ set displayOption(options: Private.DisplayOption) { this._displayOption = options; } /** * Get the execution state associated with a notebook. * * @param nb - The notebook used to identify execution * state. * * @returns - The associated execution state. */ executionState(nb: Notebook): IExecutionState | undefined { return this._notebookExecutionProgress.get(nb); } /** * Schedule switch to idle status and clearing of the timer. * * ### Note * * To keep track of cells executed under 1 second, * the execution state is marked as `needReset` 1 second after executing * these cells. This `Timeout` will be cleared if there is any cell * scheduled after that. */ private _scheduleSwitchToIdle(state: IExecutionState) { window.setTimeout(() => { state.executionStatus = 'idle'; clearInterval(state.interval); this.stateChanged.emit(void 0); }, 150); state.timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { state.needReset = true; }, 1000); } /** * The function is called on kernel's idle status message. * It is used to keep track of number of executed * cells or Comm custom messages and the status of kernel. * * @param nb - The notebook which contains the executed code cell. * @param msg_id - The id of message. */ private _cellExecutedCallback(nb: Notebook, msg_id: string): void { const state = this._notebookExecutionProgress.get(nb); if (state && state.scheduledCell.has(msg_id)) { state.scheduledCell.delete(msg_id); if (state.scheduledCell.size === 0) { this._scheduleSwitchToIdle(state); } } } /** * The function is called on kernel's restarting status message. * It is used to clear the state tracking the number of executed * cells. * * @param nb - The notebook which contains the executed code cell. */ private _restartHandler(nb: Notebook): void { const state = this._notebookExecutionProgress.get(nb); if (state) { state.scheduledCell.clear(); this._scheduleSwitchToIdle(state); } } /** * This function is called on kernel's `execute_input` message to start * the elapsed time counter. * * @param nb - The notebook which contains the scheduled execution request. */ private _startTimer(nb: Notebook) { const state = this._notebookExecutionProgress.get(nb); if (!state) { return; } if (state.scheduledCell.size > 0) { if (state.executionStatus !== 'busy') { state.executionStatus = 'busy'; clearTimeout(state.timeout); this.stateChanged.emit(void 0); state.interval = window.setInterval(() => { this._tick(state); }, 1000); } } else { this._resetTime(state); } } /** * The function is called on kernel's `execute_request` message or Comm message, it is * used to keep track number of scheduled cell or Comm execution message * and the status of kernel. * * @param nb - The notebook which contains the scheduled code. * cell * @param msg_id - The id of message. */ private _cellScheduledCallback(nb: Notebook, msg_id: string): void { const state = this._notebookExecutionProgress.get(nb); if (state && !state.scheduledCell.has(msg_id)) { if (state.needReset) { this._resetTime(state); } state.scheduledCell.add(msg_id); state.scheduledCellNumber += 1; } } /** * Increment the executed time of input execution state * and emit `stateChanged` signal to re-render the indicator. * * @param data - the state to be updated. */ private _tick(data: IExecutionState): void { data.totalTime += 1; this.stateChanged.emit(void 0); } /** * Reset the input execution state. * * @param data - the state to be rested. */ private _resetTime(data: IExecutionState): void { data.totalTime = 0; data.scheduledCellNumber = 0; data.executionStatus = 'idle'; data.scheduledCell = new Set(); clearTimeout(data.timeout); clearInterval(data.interval); data.needReset = false; } get renderFlag(): boolean { return this._renderFlag; } updateRenderOption(options: { showOnToolBar: boolean; showProgress: boolean; }): void { if (this.displayOption.showOnToolBar) { if (!options.showOnToolBar) { this._renderFlag = false; } else { this._renderFlag = true; } } this.displayOption.showProgress = options.showProgress; this.stateChanged.emit(void 0); } /** * The option to show the indicator on status bar or toolbar. */ private _displayOption: Private.DisplayOption; /** * Current activated notebook. */ private _currentNotebook: Notebook; /** * A weak map to hold execution status of multiple notebooks. */ private _notebookExecutionProgress = new WeakMap< Notebook, IExecutionState >(); /** * A flag to show or hide the indicator. */ private _renderFlag: boolean; } export function createExecutionIndicatorItem( panel: NotebookPanel, translator?: ITranslator, loadSettings?: Promise ): Widget { const toolbarItem = new ExecutionIndicator(translator); toolbarItem.model.displayOption = { showOnToolBar: true, showProgress: true }; toolbarItem.model.attachNotebook({ content: panel.content, context: panel.sessionContext }); if (loadSettings) { loadSettings .then(settings => { const updateSettings = (newSettings: ISettingRegistry.ISettings) => { toolbarItem.model.updateRenderOption(getSettingValue(newSettings)); }; settings.changed.connect(updateSettings); updateSettings(settings); toolbarItem.disposed.connect(() => { settings.changed.disconnect(updateSettings); }); }) .catch((reason: Error) => { console.error(reason.message); }); } return toolbarItem; } export function getSettingValue(settings: ISettingRegistry.ISettings): { showOnToolBar: boolean; showProgress: boolean; } { let showOnToolBar = true; let showProgress = true; const configValues = settings.get('kernelStatus').composite as JSONObject; if (configValues) { showOnToolBar = !(configValues.showOnStatusBar as boolean); showProgress = configValues.showProgress as boolean; } return { showOnToolBar, showProgress }; } } /** * A namespace for module-private data. */ namespace Private { export type DisplayOption = { /** * The option to show the indicator on status bar or toolbar. */ showOnToolBar: boolean; /** * The option to show the execution progress inside kernel * status circle. */ showProgress: boolean; }; }