import { ITranslator } from '@jupyterlab/translation'; import { VDomModel, VDomRenderer } from '@jupyterlab/ui-components'; import { Notebook } from '.'; /** * The NotebookTrust status item. */ export declare class NotebookTrustStatus extends VDomRenderer { /** * Construct a new status item. */ constructor(translator?: ITranslator); /** * Render the NotebookTrust status item. */ render(): JSX.Element | null; translator: ITranslator; } /** * A namespace for NotebookTrust statics. */ export declare namespace NotebookTrustStatus { /** * A VDomModel for the NotebookTrust status item. */ class Model extends VDomModel { /** * The number of trusted code cells in the current notebook. */ get trustedCells(): number; /** * The total number of code cells in the current notebook. */ get totalCells(): number; /** * Whether the active cell is trusted. */ get activeCellTrusted(): boolean; /** * The current notebook for the model. */ get notebook(): Notebook | null; set notebook(model: Notebook | null); /** * When the notebook model changes, update the trust state. */ private _onModelChanged; /** * When the active cell changes, update the trust state. */ private _onActiveCellChanged; /** * Given a notebook model, figure out how many of the code cells are trusted. */ private _deriveCellTrustState; /** * Get the current state of the model. */ private _getAllState; /** * Trigger a change in the renderer. */ private _triggerChange; private _trustedCells; private _totalCells; private _activeCellTrusted; private _notebook; } }