import { CellType } from '@jupyterlab/nbformat'; import { IDataConnector } from '@jupyterlab/statedb'; import { PartialJSONObject, PartialJSONValue, ReadonlyPartialJSONObject, ReadonlyPartialJSONValue, Token } from '@lumino/coreutils'; import { IDisposable } from '@lumino/disposable'; import { ISignal } from '@lumino/signaling'; import { ISchemaValidator } from './settingregistry'; import type { RJSFSchema, UiSchema } from '@rjsf/utils'; /** * The setting registry token. */ export declare const ISettingRegistry: Token; /** * The settings registry interface. */ export interface ISettingRegistry { /** * The data connector used by the setting registry. */ readonly connector: IDataConnector; /** * The schema of the setting registry. */ readonly schema: ISettingRegistry.ISchema; /** * The schema validator used by the setting registry. */ readonly validator: ISchemaValidator; /** * A signal that emits the name of a plugin when its settings change. */ readonly pluginChanged: ISignal; /** * The collection of setting registry plugins. */ readonly plugins: { [name: string]: ISettingRegistry.IPlugin | undefined; }; /** * Get an individual setting. * * @param plugin - The name of the plugin whose settings are being retrieved. * * @param key - The name of the setting being retrieved. * * @returns A promise that resolves when the setting is retrieved. */ get(plugin: string, key: string): Promise<{ composite: PartialJSONValue | undefined; user: PartialJSONValue | undefined; }>; /** * Load a plugin's settings into the setting registry. * * @param plugin - The name of the plugin whose settings are being loaded. * * @param forceTransform - An optional parameter to force replay the transforms methods. * * @returns A promise that resolves with a plugin settings object or rejects * if the plugin is not found. */ load(plugin: string, forceTransform?: boolean): Promise; /** * Reload a plugin's settings into the registry even if they already exist. * * @param plugin - The name of the plugin whose settings are being reloaded. * * @returns A promise that resolves with a plugin settings object or rejects * with a list of `ISchemaValidator.IError` objects if it fails. */ reload(plugin: string): Promise; /** * Remove a single setting in the registry. * * @param plugin - The name of the plugin whose setting is being removed. * * @param key - The name of the setting being removed. * * @returns A promise that resolves when the setting is removed. */ remove(plugin: string, key: string): Promise; /** * Set a single setting in the registry. * * @param plugin - The name of the plugin whose setting is being set. * * @param key - The name of the setting being set. * * @param value - The value of the setting being set. * * @returns A promise that resolves when the setting has been saved. * */ set(plugin: string, key: string, value: PartialJSONValue): Promise; /** * Register a plugin transform function to act on a specific plugin. * * @param plugin - The name of the plugin whose settings are transformed. * * @param transforms - The transform functions applied to the plugin. * * @returns A disposable that removes the transforms from the registry. * * #### Notes * - `compose` transformations: The registry automatically overwrites a * plugin's default values with user overrides, but a plugin may instead wish * to merge values. This behavior can be accomplished in a `compose` * transformation. * - `fetch` transformations: The registry uses the plugin data that is * fetched from its connector. If a plugin wants to override, e.g. to update * its schema with dynamic defaults, a `fetch` transformation can be applied. */ transform(plugin: string, transforms: { [phase in ISettingRegistry.IPlugin.Phase]?: ISettingRegistry.IPlugin.Transform; }): IDisposable; /** * Upload a plugin's settings. * * @param plugin - The name of the plugin whose settings are being set. * * @param raw - The raw plugin settings being uploaded. * * @returns A promise that resolves when the settings have been saved. */ upload(plugin: string, raw: string): Promise; } /** * A namespace for setting registry interfaces. */ export declare namespace ISettingRegistry { /** * The primitive types available in a JSON schema. */ type Primitive = 'array' | 'boolean' | 'null' | 'number' | 'object' | 'string'; /** * The menu ids defined by default. */ type DefaultMenuId = 'jp-menu-file' | 'jp-menu-file-new' | 'jp-menu-edit' | 'jp-menu-help' | 'jp-menu-kernel' | 'jp-menu-run' | 'jp-menu-settings' | 'jp-menu-view' | 'jp-menu-tabs'; /** * An interface defining a menu. */ interface IMenu extends PartialJSONObject { /** * Unique menu identifier */ id: DefaultMenuId | string; /** * Menu items */ items?: IMenuItem[]; /** * The rank order of the menu among its siblings. */ rank?: number; /** * Menu title * * #### Notes * Default will be the capitalized id. */ label?: string; /** * Menu icon id * * #### Note * The icon id will looked for in registered LabIcon. */ icon?: string; /** * Get the mnemonic index for the title. * * #### Notes * The default value is `-1`. */ mnemonic?: number; /** * Whether a menu is disabled. `False` by default. * * #### Notes * This allows an user to suppress a menu. */ disabled?: boolean; } /** * An interface describing a menu item. */ interface IMenuItem extends PartialJSONObject { /** * The type of the menu item. * * The default value is `'command'`. */ type?: 'command' | 'submenu' | 'separator'; /** * The command to execute when the item is triggered. * * The default value is an empty string. */ command?: string; /** * The arguments for the command. * * The default value is an empty object. */ args?: PartialJSONObject; /** * The rank order of the menu item among its siblings. */ rank?: number; /** * The submenu for a `'submenu'` type item. * * The default value is `null`. */ submenu?: IMenu | null; /** * Whether a menu item is disabled. `false` by default. * * #### Notes * This allows an user to suppress menu items. */ disabled?: boolean; } /** * An interface describing a context menu item */ interface IContextMenuItem extends IMenuItem { /** * The CSS selector for the context menu item. * * The context menu item will only be displayed in the context menu * when the selector matches a node on the propagation path of the * contextmenu event. This allows the menu item to be restricted to * user-defined contexts. * * The selector must not contain commas. */ selector: string; } /** * The settings for a specific plugin. */ interface IPlugin extends PartialJSONObject { /** * The name of the plugin. */ id: string; /** * The collection of values for a specified plugin. */ data: ISettingBundle; /** * The raw user settings data as a string containing JSON with comments. */ raw: string; /** * The JSON schema for the plugin. */ schema: ISchema; /** * The published version of the NPM package containing the plugin. */ version: string; } /** * A namespace for plugin functionality. */ namespace IPlugin { /** * A function that transforms a plugin object before it is consumed by the * setting registry. */ type Transform = (plugin: IPlugin) => IPlugin; /** * The phases during which a transformation may be applied to a plugin. */ type Phase = 'compose' | 'fetch'; } /** * A minimal subset of the formal JSON Schema that describes a property. */ interface IProperty extends PartialJSONObject { /** * The default value, if any. */ default?: PartialJSONValue; /** * The schema description. */ description?: string; /** * The schema's child properties. */ properties?: { [property: string]: IProperty; }; /** * The title of a property. */ title?: string; /** * The type or types of the data. */ type?: Primitive | Primitive[]; } /** * A schema type that is a minimal subset of the formal JSON Schema along with * optional JupyterLab rendering hints. */ interface ISchema extends IProperty { /** * The JupyterLab menus that are created by a plugin's schema. */ 'jupyter.lab.menus'?: { main: IMenu[]; context: IContextMenuItem[]; }; /** * Whether the schema is deprecated. * * #### Notes * This flag can be used by functionality that loads this plugin's settings * from the registry. For example, the setting editor does not display a * plugin's settings if it is set to `true`. */ 'jupyter.lab.setting-deprecated'?: boolean; /** * The JupyterLab icon hint. */ 'jupyter.lab.setting-icon'?: string; /** * The JupyterLab icon class hint. */ 'jupyter.lab.setting-icon-class'?: string; /** * The JupyterLab icon label hint. */ 'jupyter.lab.setting-icon-label'?: string; /** * The JupyterLab toolbars created by a plugin's schema. * * #### Notes * The toolbar items are grouped by document or widget factory name * that will contain a toolbar. */ 'jupyter.lab.toolbars'?: { [factory: string]: IToolbarItem[]; }; /** * A flag that indicates plugin should be transformed before being used by * the setting registry. * * #### Notes * If this value is set to `true`, the setting registry will wait until a * transformation has been registered (by calling the `transform()` method * of the registry) for the plugin ID before resolving `load()` promises. * This means that if the attribute is set to `true` but no transformation * is registered in time, calls to `load()` a plugin will eventually time * out and reject. */ 'jupyter.lab.transform'?: boolean; /** * The JupyterLab shortcuts that are created by a plugin's schema. */ 'jupyter.lab.shortcuts'?: IShortcut[]; /** * The JupyterLab metadata-form schema */ 'jupyter.lab.metadataforms'?: IMetadataForm[]; /** * The root schema is always an object. */ type: 'object'; } /** * The setting values for a plugin. */ interface ISettingBundle extends PartialJSONObject { /** * A composite of the user setting values and the plugin schema defaults. * * #### Notes * The `composite` values will always be a superset of the `user` values. */ composite: PartialJSONObject; /** * The user setting values. */ user: PartialJSONObject; } /** * An interface for manipulating the settings of a specific plugin. */ interface ISettings extends IDisposable { /** * A signal that emits when the plugin's settings have changed. */ readonly changed: ISignal; /** * The composite of user settings and extension defaults. */ readonly composite: O; /** * The plugin's ID. */ readonly id: string; readonly plugin: ISettingRegistry.IPlugin; /** * The plugin settings raw text value. */ readonly raw: string; /** * The plugin's schema. */ readonly schema: ISettingRegistry.ISchema; /** * The user settings. */ readonly user: O; /** * The published version of the NPM package containing these settings. */ readonly version: string; /** * Return the defaults in a commented JSON format. */ annotatedDefaults(): string; /** * Calculate the default value of a setting by iterating through the schema. * * @param key - The name of the setting whose default value is calculated. * * @returns A calculated default JSON value for a specific setting. */ default(key: string): PartialJSONValue | undefined; /** * Get an individual setting. * * @param key - The name of the setting being retrieved. * * @returns The setting value. */ get(key: string): { composite: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue | undefined; user: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue | undefined; }; /** * Remove a single setting. * * @param key - The name of the setting being removed. * * @returns A promise that resolves when the setting is removed. * * #### Notes * This function is asynchronous because it writes to the setting registry. */ remove(key: string): Promise; /** * Save all of the plugin's user settings at once. */ save(raw: string): Promise; /** * Set a single setting. * * @param key - The name of the setting being set. * * @param value - The value of the setting. * * @returns A promise that resolves when the setting has been saved. * * #### Notes * This function is asynchronous because it writes to the setting registry. */ set(key: string, value: PartialJSONValue): Promise; /** * Validates raw settings with comments. * * @param raw - The JSON with comments string being validated. * * @returns A list of errors or `null` if valid. */ validate(raw: string): ISchemaValidator.IError[] | null; } /** * An interface describing a JupyterLab keyboard shortcut. */ interface IShortcut extends PartialJSONObject { /** * The optional arguments passed into the shortcut's command. */ args?: PartialJSONObject; /** * The command invoked by the shortcut. */ command: string; /** * Whether a keyboard shortcut is disabled. `False` by default. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * The key sequence of the shortcut. * * ### Notes * * If this is a list like `['Ctrl A', 'B']`, the user needs to press * `Ctrl A` followed by `B` to trigger the shortcuts. */ keys: string[]; /** * The CSS selector applicable to the shortcut. */ selector: string; } /** * An interface describing the metadata form. */ interface IMetadataForm extends PartialJSONObject { /** * The section unique ID. */ id: string; /** * The metadata schema. */ metadataSchema: IMetadataSchema; /** * The ui schema as used by react-JSON-schema-form. */ uiSchema?: { [metadataKey: string]: UiSchema; }; /** * The jupyter properties. */ metadataOptions?: { [metadataKey: string]: IMetadataOptions; }; /** * The section label. */ label?: string; /** * The section rank in notebooktools panel. */ rank?: number; /** * Whether to show the modified field from default value. */ showModified?: boolean; /** * Keep the plugin at origin of the metadata form. */ _origin?: string; } /** * The metadata schema as defined in JSON schema. */ interface IMetadataSchema extends RJSFSchema { /** * The properties as defined in JSON schema, and interpretable by react-JSON-schema-form. */ properties: { [option: string]: any; }; /** * The required fields. */ required?: string[]; /** * Support for allOf feature of JSON schema (useful for if/then/else). */ allOf?: Array; } /** * Options to customize the widget, the field and the relevant metadata. */ interface IMetadataOptions extends PartialJSONObject { /** * Name of a custom react widget registered. */ customWidget?: string; /** * Name of a custom react field registered. */ customField?: string; /** * Metadata applied to notebook or cell. */ metadataLevel?: 'cell' | 'notebook'; /** * Cells which should have this metadata. */ cellTypes?: CellType[]; /** * Whether to avoid writing default value in metadata. */ writeDefault?: boolean; } /** * An interface describing a toolbar item. */ interface IToolbarItem extends PartialJSONObject { /** * Unique toolbar item name */ name: string; /** * The command to execute when the item is triggered. * * The default value is an empty string. */ command?: string; /** * The arguments for the command. * * The default value is an empty object. */ args?: PartialJSONObject; /** * Whether the toolbar item is ignored (i.e. not created). `false` by default. * * #### Notes * This allows an user to suppress toolbar items. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Item icon id * * #### Note * The id will be looked for in the LabIcon registry. * The command icon will be overridden by this label if defined. */ icon?: string; /** * Item label * * #### Note * The command label will be overridden by this label if defined. */ label?: string; /** * The rank order of the toolbar item among its siblings. */ rank?: number; /** * The type of the toolbar item. */ type?: 'command' | 'spacer'; } }