import { Token } from '@lumino/coreutils'; import type { Field } from '@rjsf/core'; /** * A registry for rendering fields used in the FormEditor component. */ export declare class FormComponentRegistry implements IFormComponentRegistry { /** * Adds a renderer for a given id - if the id is already in use, returns false. * Otherwise, returns true. * @param id - Unique ID for the given renderer. * @param renderer - A function that takes props and returns a rendered component * @returns - Whether the renderer was added successfully. False if the id is already in use. */ addRenderer(id: string, renderer: Field): boolean; /** * Returns all registered renderers in dictionary form. * @returns - A dictionary that maps an id to a renderer. */ get renderers(): { [id: string]: Field; }; /** * Returns the renderer for the given id * @param id - The unique id for the renderer. * @returns - A function that takes props and returns a rendered component. */ getRenderer(id: string): Field; private _renderers; } /** * A registry for rendering fields used in the FormEditor component. */ export interface IFormComponentRegistry { /** * Adds a renderer for a given id - if the id is already in use, returns false. * Otherwise, returns true. * @param id - Unique ID for the given renderer. * @param renderer - A function that takes props and returns a rendered component * @returns - Whether the renderer was added successfully. False if the id is already in use. */ addRenderer: (id: string, renderer: Field) => void; /** * Returns the renderer for the given id * @param id - The unique id for the renderer. * @returns - A function that takes props and returns a rendered component. */ getRenderer: (id: string) => Field; /** * Returns all registered renderers in dictionary form. * @returns - A dictionary that maps an id to a renderer. */ renderers: { [id: string]: Field; }; } export declare const IFormComponentRegistry: Token;