# all available lint rules: https://flow.org/en/docs/linting/rule-reference/ [lints] all=error implicit-inexact-object=error unclear-type=off untyped-import=off # broken rule which should be allowed always: sketchy-null=off # allow sketchy check at least for numbers where it can be dangerous because of 0: sketchy-null-number=error # this effectively turns off advantage of strict mode: # necessary because orbit does not use strict mode: # also just FYI if you ever want to turn it on, there is `@flow strict-local` for this purpose # https://flow.org/en/docs/strict/#toc-strict-local nonstrict-import=off # set of recommended rules for strict mode: https://flow.org/en/docs/strict/ [strict] unclear-type untyped-import # broken lint rules which should be allowed for strict mode # ambiguous-object-type # turns off linting or flow issues in dependencies # see https://flow.org/en/docs/config/declarations/ [declarations] .+/node_modules/.+ [libs] flow-typed [ignore] # Not needed to check 'lib' anymore /lib/.* [include] # necessary as shared dependencies are hoisted to monorepo level ../../node_modules/ [options] emoji=true # This option lets you alias 'any' with a given string suppress_type=$FlowFixMe # I would recommend turning this on eventually types_first=false