/** * LINE Messaging API * This document describes LINE Messaging API. * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ export type Membership = { /** * Membership plan ID. */ membershipId: number; /** * Membership plan name. */ title: string; /** * Membership plan description. */ description: string; /** * List of membership plan perks. */ benefits: Array; /** * Monthly fee for membership plan. (e.g. 1500.00) */ price: number; /** * The currency of membership.price. */ currency: Membership.CurrencyEnum; /** * Number of members subscribed to the membership plan. */ memberCount: number; /** * The upper limit of members who can subscribe. If no upper limit is set, it will be null. */ memberLimit: number | null; /** * Payment method for users who subscribe to a membership plan. */ isInAppPurchase: boolean; /** * Membership plan status. */ isPublished: boolean; }; export declare namespace Membership { type CurrencyEnum = "JPY" | "TWD" | "THB"; } //# sourceMappingURL=membership.d.ts.map