/** * LINE Messaging API * This document describes LINE Messaging API. * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ export type NumberOfMessagesResponse = { /** * Aggregation process status. One of: `ready`: The number of messages can be obtained. `unready`: We haven\'t finished calculating the number of sent messages for the specified in date. For example, this property is returned when the delivery date or a future date is specified. Calculation usually takes about a day. `unavailable_for_privacy`: The total number of messages on the specified day is less than 20. `out_of_service`: The specified date is earlier than the date on which we first started calculating sent messages (March 31, 2018). */ status: NumberOfMessagesResponse.StatusEnum; /** * The number of messages delivered using the phone number on the date specified in `date`. The response has this property only when the value of `status` is `ready`. */ success?: number; }; export declare namespace NumberOfMessagesResponse { type StatusEnum = "ready" | "unready" | "unavailable_for_privacy" | "out_of_service"; } //# sourceMappingURL=numberOfMessagesResponse.d.ts.map