* LIFF server API
* LIFF Server API.
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
* https://openapi-generator.tech
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { LiffBotPrompt } from "./liffBotPrompt.js";
import { LiffFeatures } from "./liffFeatures.js";
import { LiffScope } from "./liffScope.js";
import { LiffView } from "./liffView.js";
export type AddLiffAppRequest = {
* @see view Documentation
view: LiffView;
* Name of the LIFF app. The LIFF app name can\'t include \"LINE\" or similar strings, or inappropriate strings.
* @see description Documentation
description?: string;
* @see features Documentation
features?: LiffFeatures;
* How additional information in LIFF URLs is handled. Specify `concat`.
* @see permanentLinkPattern Documentation
permanentLinkPattern?: string;
* @see scope Documentation
scope?: Array;
* @see botPrompt Documentation
botPrompt?: LiffBotPrompt;
export declare namespace AddLiffAppRequest { }
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