* LINE Messaging API
* This document describes LINE Messaging API.
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
* https://openapi-generator.tech
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { AudienceGroup } from "./audienceGroup.js";
* Gets data for more than one audience.
export type GetAudienceGroupsResponse = {
* An array of audience data. If there are no audiences that match the specified filter, an empty array will be returned.
* @see audienceGroups Documentation
audienceGroups?: Array;
* true when this is not the last page.
* @see hasNextPage Documentation
hasNextPage?: boolean;
* The total number of audiences that can be returned with the specified filter.
* @see totalCount Documentation
totalCount?: number;
* Of the audiences you can get with the specified filter, the number of audiences with the update permission set to READ_WRITE.
* @see readWriteAudienceGroupTotalCount Documentation
readWriteAudienceGroupTotalCount?: number;
* The current page number.
* @see page Documentation
page?: number;
* The maximum number of audiences on the current page.
* @see size Documentation
size?: number;
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