'use strict'; const unraw = require('unraw'); const compileMessage = require('@lingui/message-utils/compileMessage'); const isString = (s) => typeof s === "string"; const isFunction = (f) => typeof f === "function"; const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const defaultLocale = "en"; function normalizeLocales(locales) { const out = Array.isArray(locales) ? locales : [locales]; return [...out, defaultLocale]; } function date(locales, value, format) { const _locales = normalizeLocales(locales); if (!format) { format = "default"; } let o; if (typeof format === "string") { o = { day: "numeric", month: "short", year: "numeric" }; switch (format) { case "full": o.weekday = "long"; case "long": o.month = "long"; break; case "short": o.month = "numeric"; break; } } else { o = format; } const formatter = getMemoized( () => cacheKey("date", _locales, format), () => new Intl.DateTimeFormat(_locales, o) ); return formatter.format(isString(value) ? new Date(value) : value); } function time(locales, value, format) { let o; if (!format) { format = "default"; } if (typeof format === "string") { o = { second: "numeric", minute: "numeric", hour: "numeric" }; switch (format) { case "full": case "long": o.timeZoneName = "short"; break; case "short": delete o.second; } } else { o = format; } return date(locales, value, o); } function number(locales, value, format) { const _locales = normalizeLocales(locales); const formatter = getMemoized( () => cacheKey("number", _locales, format), () => new Intl.NumberFormat(_locales, format) ); return formatter.format(value); } function plural(locales, ordinal, value, { offset = 0, ...rules }) { const _locales = normalizeLocales(locales); const plurals = ordinal ? getMemoized( () => cacheKey("plural-ordinal", _locales), () => new Intl.PluralRules(_locales, { type: "ordinal" }) ) : getMemoized( () => cacheKey("plural-cardinal", _locales), () => new Intl.PluralRules(_locales, { type: "cardinal" }) ); return rules[value] ?? rules[plurals.select(value - offset)] ?? rules.other; } function getMemoized(getKey, construct) { const key = getKey(); let formatter = cache.get(key); if (!formatter) { formatter = construct(); cache.set(key, formatter); } return formatter; } function cacheKey(type, locales, options) { const localeKey = locales.join("-"); return `${type}-${localeKey}-${JSON.stringify(options)}`; } const formats = { __proto__: null, date: date, defaultLocale: defaultLocale, number: number, plural: plural, time: time }; const UNICODE_REGEX = /\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/; const OCTOTHORPE_PH = "%__lingui_octothorpe__%"; const getDefaultFormats = (locale, passedLocales, formats = {}) => { const locales = passedLocales || locale; const style = (format) => { if (typeof format === "object") return format; return formats[format]; }; const replaceOctothorpe = (value, message) => { const numberFormat = Object.keys(formats).length ? style("number") : void 0; const valueStr = number(locales, value, numberFormat); return message.replace(new RegExp(OCTOTHORPE_PH, "g"), valueStr); }; return { plural: (value, cases) => { const { offset = 0 } = cases; const message = plural(locales, false, value, cases); return replaceOctothorpe(value - offset, message); }, selectordinal: (value, cases) => { const { offset = 0 } = cases; const message = plural(locales, true, value, cases); return replaceOctothorpe(value - offset, message); }, select: selectFormatter, number: (value, format) => number( locales, value, style(format) || { style: format } ), date: (value, format) => date(locales, value, style(format) || format), time: (value, format) => time(locales, value, style(format) || format) }; }; const selectFormatter = (value, rules) => rules[value] ?? rules.other; function interpolate(translation, locale, locales) { return (values = {}, formats) => { const formatters = getDefaultFormats(locale, locales, formats); const formatMessage = (tokens, replaceOctothorpe = false) => { if (!Array.isArray(tokens)) return tokens; return tokens.reduce((message, token) => { if (token === "#" && replaceOctothorpe) { return message + OCTOTHORPE_PH; } if (isString(token)) { return message + token; } const [name, type, format] = token; let interpolatedFormat = {}; if (type === "plural" || type === "selectordinal" || type === "select") { Object.entries(format).forEach( ([key, value2]) => { interpolatedFormat[key] = formatMessage( value2, type === "plural" || type === "selectordinal" ); } ); } else { interpolatedFormat = format; } let value; if (type) { const formatter = formatters[type]; value = formatter(values[name], interpolatedFormat); } else { value = values[name]; } if (value == null) { return message; } return message + value; }, ""); }; const result = formatMessage(translation); if (isString(result) && UNICODE_REGEX.test(result)) { return unraw.unraw(result); } if (isString(result)) return result; return result ? String(result) : ""; }; } var __defProp$1 = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp$1 = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp$1(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField$1 = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp$1(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; class EventEmitter { constructor() { __publicField$1(this, "_events", {}); } on(event, listener) { var _a; (_a = this._events)[event] ?? (_a[event] = []); this._events[event].push(listener); return () => this.removeListener(event, listener); } removeListener(event, listener) { const maybeListeners = this._getListeners(event); if (!maybeListeners) return; const index = maybeListeners.indexOf(listener); if (~index) maybeListeners.splice(index, 1); } emit(event, ...args) { const maybeListeners = this._getListeners(event); if (!maybeListeners) return; maybeListeners.map((listener) => listener.apply(this, args)); } _getListeners(event) { const maybeListeners = this._events[event]; return Array.isArray(maybeListeners) ? maybeListeners : false; } } var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; class I18n extends EventEmitter { constructor(params) { super(); __publicField(this, "_locale", ""); __publicField(this, "_locales"); __publicField(this, "_localeData", {}); __publicField(this, "_messages", {}); __publicField(this, "_missing"); __publicField(this, "_messageCompiler"); /** * Alias for {@see I18n._} */ __publicField(this, "t", this._.bind(this)); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { this.setMessagesCompiler(compileMessage.compileMessage); } if (params.missing != null) this._missing = params.missing; if (params.messages != null) this.load(params.messages); if (params.localeData != null) this.loadLocaleData(params.localeData); if (typeof params.locale === "string" || params.locales) { this.activate(params.locale ?? defaultLocale, params.locales); } } get locale() { return this._locale; } get locales() { return this._locales; } get messages() { return this._messages[this._locale] ?? {}; } /** * @deprecated this has no effect. Please remove this from the code. Deprecated in v4 */ get localeData() { return this._localeData[this._locale] ?? {}; } _loadLocaleData(locale, localeData) { const maybeLocaleData = this._localeData[locale]; if (!maybeLocaleData) { this._localeData[locale] = localeData; } else { Object.assign(maybeLocaleData, localeData); } } /** * Registers a `MessageCompiler` to enable the use of uncompiled catalogs at runtime. * * In production builds, the `MessageCompiler` is typically excluded to reduce bundle size. * By default, message catalogs should be precompiled during the build process. However, * if you need to compile catalogs at runtime, you can use this method to set a message compiler. * * Example usage: * * ```ts * import { compileMessage } from "@lingui/message-utils/compileMessage"; * * i18n.setMessagesCompiler(compileMessage); * ``` */ setMessagesCompiler(compiler) { this._messageCompiler = compiler; return this; } /** * @deprecated Plurals automatically used from Intl.PluralRules you can safely remove this call. Deprecated in v4 */ loadLocaleData(localeOrAllData, localeData) { if (typeof localeOrAllData === "string") { this._loadLocaleData(localeOrAllData, localeData); } else { Object.keys(localeOrAllData).forEach( (locale) => this._loadLocaleData(locale, localeOrAllData[locale]) ); } this.emit("change"); } _load(locale, messages) { const maybeMessages = this._messages[locale]; if (!maybeMessages) { this._messages[locale] = messages; } else { Object.assign(maybeMessages, messages); } } load(localeOrMessages, messages) { if (typeof localeOrMessages == "string" && typeof messages === "object") { this._load(localeOrMessages, messages); } else { Object.entries(localeOrMessages).forEach( ([locale, messages2]) => this._load(locale, messages2) ); } this.emit("change"); } /** * @param options {@link LoadAndActivateOptions} */ loadAndActivate({ locale, locales, messages }) { this._locale = locale; this._locales = locales || void 0; this._messages[this._locale] = messages; this.emit("change"); } activate(locale, locales) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { if (!this._messages[locale]) { console.warn(`Messages for locale "${locale}" not loaded.`); } } this._locale = locale; this._locales = locales; this.emit("change"); } _(id, values, options) { if (!this.locale) { throw new Error( "Lingui: Attempted to call a translation function without setting a locale.\nMake sure to call `i18n.activate(locale)` before using Lingui functions.\nThis issue may also occur due to a race condition in your initialization logic." ); } let message = options?.message; if (!id) { id = ""; } if (!isString(id)) { values = id.values || values; message = id.message; id = id.id; } const messageForId = this.messages[id]; const messageMissing = messageForId === void 0; const missing = this._missing; if (missing && messageMissing) { return isFunction(missing) ? missing(this._locale, id) : missing; } if (messageMissing) { this.emit("missing", { id, locale: this._locale }); } let translation = messageForId || message || id; if (isString(translation)) { if (this._messageCompiler) { translation = this._messageCompiler(translation); } else { console.warn(`Uncompiled message detected! Message: > ${translation} That means you use raw catalog or your catalog doesn't have a translation for the message and fallback was used. ICU features such as interpolation and plurals will not work properly for that message. Please compile your catalog first. `); } } if (isString(translation) && UNICODE_REGEX.test(translation)) return JSON.parse(`"${translation}"`); if (isString(translation)) return translation; return interpolate( translation, this._locale, this._locales )(values, options?.formats); } date(value, format) { return date(this._locales || this._locale, value, format); } number(value, format) { return number(this._locales || this._locale, value, format); } } function setupI18n(params = {}) { return new I18n(params); } const i18n = setupI18n(); exports.I18n = I18n; exports.formats = formats; exports.i18n = i18n; exports.setupI18n = setupI18n;