"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // dist/index.js var dist_exports = {}; __export(dist_exports, { BlobFile: () => BlobFile, DataSource: () => DataSource, DataViewFile: () => DataViewFile, FileHandleFile: () => FileHandleFile, FileProvider: () => FileProvider, HttpFile: () => HttpFile, ImageSource: () => ImageSource, JSONLoader: () => JSONLoader, NodeFile: () => NodeFileFacade, NodeFilesystem: () => NodeFileSystemFacade, RequestScheduler: () => RequestScheduler, VectorSource: () => VectorSource, _addAliases: () => addAliases, assert: () => assert, canEncodeWithWorker: () => canEncodeWithWorker, canParseWithWorker: () => canParseWithWorker, checkJSModule: () => checkJSModule, compareArrayBuffers: () => compareArrayBuffers, concatenateArrayBuffers: () => concatenateArrayBuffers, concatenateArrayBuffersAsync: () => concatenateArrayBuffersAsync, concatenateArrayBuffersFromArray: () => concatenateArrayBuffersFromArray, concatenateTypedArrays: () => concatenateTypedArrays, copyArrayBuffer: () => copyArrayBuffer, copyBinaryToDataView: () => copyBinaryToDataView, copyPaddedArrayBufferToDataView: () => copyPaddedArrayBufferToDataView, copyPaddedStringToDataView: () => copyPaddedStringToDataView, copyStringToDataView: () => copyStringToDataView, copyToArray: () => copyToArray, createLoaderWorker: () => createLoaderWorker, document: () => document_, forEach: () => forEach, getFirstCharacters: () => getFirstCharacters, getJSModule: () => getJSModule, getJSModuleOrNull: () => getJSModuleOrNull, getMagicString: () => getMagicString, getPathPrefix: () => getPathPrefix, global: () => global_, isBrowser: () => isBrowser, isBuffer: () => isBuffer, isFileProvider: () => isFileProvider, isWorker: () => isWorker, log: () => log, makeLineIterator: () => makeLineIterator, makeNumberedLineIterator: () => makeNumberedLineIterator, makeTextDecoderIterator: () => makeTextDecoderIterator, makeTextEncoderIterator: () => makeTextEncoderIterator, mergeLoaderOptions: () => mergeLoaderOptions, nodeVersion: () => nodeVersion, padStringToByteAlignment: () => padStringToByteAlignment, padToNBytes: () => padToNBytes, parseFromContext: () => parseFromContext, parseInBatchesFromContext: () => parseInBatchesFromContext, parseJSON: () => parseJSON, parseSyncFromContext: () => parseSyncFromContext, parseWithWorker: () => parseWithWorker, path: () => path_exports, promisify1: () => promisify1, promisify2: () => promisify2, registerJSModules: () => registerJSModules, resolvePath: () => resolvePath, self: () => self_, setPathPrefix: () => setPathPrefix, sliceArrayBuffer: () => sliceArrayBuffer, stream: () => stream_browser_exports, toArrayBuffer: () => toArrayBuffer2, toBuffer: () => toBuffer2, window: () => window_ }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(dist_exports); // dist/loader-types.js async function parseFromContext(data, loaders, options, context) { return context._parse(data, loaders, options, context); } function parseSyncFromContext(data, loader, options, context) { if (!context._parseSync) { throw new Error("parseSync"); } return context._parseSync(data, loader, options, context); } async function parseInBatchesFromContext(data, loader, options, context) { if (!context._parseInBatches) { throw new Error("parseInBatches"); } return context._parseInBatches(data, loader, options, context); } // dist/lib/env-utils/assert.js function assert(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message || "loader assertion failed."); } } // dist/lib/env-utils/globals.js var globals = { self: typeof self !== "undefined" && self, window: typeof window !== "undefined" && window, global: typeof global !== "undefined" && global, document: typeof document !== "undefined" && document }; var self_ = globals.self || globals.window || globals.global || {}; var window_ = globals.window || globals.self || globals.global || {}; var global_ = globals.global || globals.self || globals.window || {}; var document_ = globals.document || {}; var isBrowser = ( // @ts-ignore process does not exist on browser Boolean(typeof process !== "object" || String(process) !== "[object process]" || process.browser) ); var isWorker = typeof importScripts === "function"; var matches = typeof process !== "undefined" && process.version && /v([0-9]*)/.exec(process.version); var nodeVersion = matches && parseFloat(matches[1]) || 0; // dist/lib/log-utils/log.js var import_log = require("@probe.gl/log"); var VERSION = true ? "4.3.2" : "latest"; var version = VERSION[0] >= "0" && VERSION[0] <= "9" ? `v${VERSION}` : ""; function createLog() { const log2 = new import_log.Log({ id: "loaders.gl" }); globalThis.loaders = globalThis.loaders || {}; globalThis.loaders.log = log2; globalThis.loaders.version = version; globalThis.probe = globalThis.probe || {}; globalThis.probe.loaders = log2; return log2; } var log = createLog(); // dist/lib/option-utils/merge-loader-options.js function mergeLoaderOptions(baseOptions, newOptions) { return mergeOptionsRecursively(baseOptions || {}, newOptions); } function mergeOptionsRecursively(baseOptions, newOptions, level = 0) { if (level > 3) { return newOptions; } const options = { ...baseOptions }; for (const [key, newValue] of Object.entries(newOptions)) { if (newValue && typeof newValue === "object" && !Array.isArray(newValue)) { options[key] = mergeOptionsRecursively(options[key] || {}, newOptions[key], level + 1); } else { options[key] = newOptions[key]; } } return options; } // dist/lib/module-utils/js-module-utils.js function registerJSModules(modules) { globalThis.loaders ||= {}; globalThis.loaders.modules ||= {}; Object.assign(globalThis.loaders.modules, modules); } function checkJSModule(name, caller) { var _a, _b; const module2 = (_b = (_a = globalThis.loaders) == null ? void 0 : _a.modules) == null ? void 0 : _b[name]; if (!module2) { log.warn(`${caller}: ${name} library not installed`)(); } } function getJSModule(name, caller) { var _a, _b; const module2 = (_b = (_a = globalThis.loaders) == null ? void 0 : _a.modules) == null ? void 0 : _b[name]; if (!module2) { throw new Error(`${caller}: ${name} library not installed`); } return module2; } function getJSModuleOrNull(name) { var _a, _b; const module2 = (_b = (_a = globalThis.loaders) == null ? void 0 : _a.modules) == null ? void 0 : _b[name]; return module2 || null; } // dist/lib/worker-loader-utils/create-loader-worker.js var import_worker_utils = require("@loaders.gl/worker-utils"); var requestId = 0; async function createLoaderWorker(loader) { if (!await import_worker_utils.WorkerBody.inWorkerThread()) { return; } import_worker_utils.WorkerBody.onmessage = async (type, payload) => { switch (type) { case "process": try { const { input, options = {}, context = {} } = payload; const result = await parseData({ loader, arrayBuffer: input, options, // @ts-expect-error fetch missing context: { ...context, _parse: parseOnMainThread } }); import_worker_utils.WorkerBody.postMessage("done", { result }); } catch (error) { const message = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ""; import_worker_utils.WorkerBody.postMessage("error", { error: message }); } break; default: } }; } function parseOnMainThread(arrayBuffer, loader, options, context) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { const id = requestId++; const onMessage2 = (type, payload2) => { if (payload2.id !== id) { return; } switch (type) { case "done": import_worker_utils.WorkerBody.removeEventListener(onMessage2); resolve2(payload2.result); break; case "error": import_worker_utils.WorkerBody.removeEventListener(onMessage2); reject(payload2.error); break; default: } }; import_worker_utils.WorkerBody.addEventListener(onMessage2); const payload = { id, input: arrayBuffer, options }; import_worker_utils.WorkerBody.postMessage("process", payload); }); } async function parseData({ loader, arrayBuffer, options, context }) { let data; let parser; if (loader.parseSync || loader.parse) { data = arrayBuffer; parser = loader.parseSync || loader.parse; } else if (loader.parseTextSync) { const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); data = textDecoder.decode(arrayBuffer); parser = loader.parseTextSync; } else { throw new Error(`Could not load data with ${loader.name} loader`); } options = { ...options, modules: loader && loader.options && loader.options.modules || {}, worker: false }; return await parser(data, { ...options }, context, loader); } // dist/lib/worker-loader-utils/parse-with-worker.js var import_worker_utils2 = require("@loaders.gl/worker-utils"); function canParseWithWorker(loader, options) { if (!import_worker_utils2.WorkerFarm.isSupported()) { return false; } if (!import_worker_utils2.isBrowser && !(options == null ? void 0 : options._nodeWorkers)) { return false; } return loader.worker && (options == null ? void 0 : options.worker); } async function parseWithWorker(loader, data, options, context, parseOnMainThread2) { const name = loader.id; const url = (0, import_worker_utils2.getWorkerURL)(loader, options); const workerFarm = import_worker_utils2.WorkerFarm.getWorkerFarm(options); const workerPool = workerFarm.getWorkerPool({ name, url }); options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options)); context = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(context || {})); const job = await workerPool.startJob( "process-on-worker", // @ts-expect-error onMessage.bind(null, parseOnMainThread2) // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises ); job.postMessage("process", { // @ts-ignore input: data, options, context }); const result = await job.result; return await result.result; } async function onMessage(parseOnMainThread2, job, type, payload) { switch (type) { case "done": job.done(payload); break; case "error": job.error(new Error(payload.error)); break; case "process": const { id, input, options } = payload; try { const result = await parseOnMainThread2(input, options); job.postMessage("done", { id, result }); } catch (error) { const message = error instanceof Error ? error.message : "unknown error"; job.postMessage("error", { id, error: message }); } break; default: console.warn(`parse-with-worker unknown message ${type}`); } } // dist/lib/worker-loader-utils/encode-with-worker.js var import_worker_utils3 = require("@loaders.gl/worker-utils"); function canEncodeWithWorker(writer, options) { if (!import_worker_utils3.WorkerFarm.isSupported()) { return false; } if (!isBrowser && !(options == null ? void 0 : options._nodeWorkers)) { return false; } return writer.worker && (options == null ? void 0 : options.worker); } // dist/lib/binary-utils/get-first-characters.js function getFirstCharacters(data, length = 5) { if (typeof data === "string") { return data.slice(0, length); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { return getMagicString(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, length); } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const byteOffset = 0; return getMagicString(data, byteOffset, length); } return ""; } function getMagicString(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, length) { if (arrayBuffer.byteLength <= byteOffset + length) { return ""; } const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); let magic = ""; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { magic += String.fromCharCode(dataView.getUint8(byteOffset + i)); } return magic; } // dist/lib/parser-utils/parse-json.js function parseJSON(string) { try { return JSON.parse(string); } catch (_) { throw new Error(`Failed to parse JSON from data starting with "${getFirstCharacters(string)}"`); } } // dist/lib/binary-utils/array-buffer-utils.js function compareArrayBuffers(arrayBuffer1, arrayBuffer2, byteLength) { byteLength = byteLength || arrayBuffer1.byteLength; if (arrayBuffer1.byteLength < byteLength || arrayBuffer2.byteLength < byteLength) { return false; } const array1 = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer1); const array2 = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer2); for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) { if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function concatenateArrayBuffers(...sources) { return concatenateArrayBuffersFromArray(sources); } function concatenateArrayBuffersFromArray(sources) { const sourceArrays = sources.map((source2) => source2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(source2) : source2); const byteLength = sourceArrays.reduce((length, typedArray) => length + typedArray.byteLength, 0); const result = new Uint8Array(byteLength); let offset = 0; for (const sourceArray of sourceArrays) { result.set(sourceArray, offset); offset += sourceArray.byteLength; } return result.buffer; } function concatenateTypedArrays(...typedArrays) { const arrays = typedArrays; const TypedArrayConstructor = arrays && arrays.length > 1 && arrays[0].constructor || null; if (!TypedArrayConstructor) { throw new Error('"concatenateTypedArrays" - incorrect quantity of arguments or arguments have incompatible data types'); } const sumLength = arrays.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value.length, 0); const result = new TypedArrayConstructor(sumLength); let offset = 0; for (const array of arrays) { result.set(array, offset); offset += array.length; } return result; } function sliceArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength) { const subArray = byteLength !== void 0 ? new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer).subarray(byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength) : new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer).subarray(byteOffset); const arrayCopy = new Uint8Array(subArray); return arrayCopy.buffer; } // dist/lib/binary-utils/memory-copy-utils.js function padToNBytes(byteLength, padding) { assert(byteLength >= 0); assert(padding > 0); return byteLength + (padding - 1) & ~(padding - 1); } function copyArrayBuffer(targetBuffer, sourceBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength = sourceBuffer.byteLength) { const targetArray = new Uint8Array(targetBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength); const sourceArray = new Uint8Array(sourceBuffer); targetArray.set(sourceArray); return targetBuffer; } function copyToArray(source, target, targetOffset) { let sourceArray; if (source instanceof ArrayBuffer) { sourceArray = new Uint8Array(source); } else { const srcByteOffset = source.byteOffset; const srcByteLength = source.byteLength; sourceArray = new Uint8Array(source.buffer || source.arrayBuffer, srcByteOffset, srcByteLength); } target.set(sourceArray, targetOffset); return targetOffset + padToNBytes(sourceArray.byteLength, 4); } // dist/lib/binary-utils/dataview-copy-utils.js function padStringToByteAlignment(string, byteAlignment) { const length = string.length; const paddedLength = Math.ceil(length / byteAlignment) * byteAlignment; const padding = paddedLength - length; let whitespace = ""; for (let i = 0; i < padding; ++i) { whitespace += " "; } return string + whitespace; } function copyStringToDataView(dataView, byteOffset, string, byteLength) { if (dataView) { for (let i = 0; i < byteLength; i++) { dataView.setUint8(byteOffset + i, string.charCodeAt(i)); } } return byteOffset + byteLength; } function copyBinaryToDataView(dataView, byteOffset, binary, byteLength) { if (dataView) { for (let i = 0; i < byteLength; i++) { dataView.setUint8(byteOffset + i, binary[i]); } } return byteOffset + byteLength; } function copyPaddedArrayBufferToDataView(dataView, byteOffset, sourceBuffer, padding) { const paddedLength = padToNBytes(sourceBuffer.byteLength, padding); const padLength = paddedLength - sourceBuffer.byteLength; if (dataView) { const targetArray = new Uint8Array(dataView.buffer, dataView.byteOffset + byteOffset, sourceBuffer.byteLength); const sourceArray = new Uint8Array(sourceBuffer); targetArray.set(sourceArray); for (let i = 0; i < padLength; ++i) { dataView.setUint8(byteOffset + sourceBuffer.byteLength + i, 32); } } byteOffset += paddedLength; return byteOffset; } function copyPaddedStringToDataView(dataView, byteOffset, string, padding) { const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const stringBuffer = textEncoder.encode(string); byteOffset = copyPaddedArrayBufferToDataView(dataView, byteOffset, stringBuffer, padding); return byteOffset; } // dist/lib/iterators/text-iterators.js async function* makeTextDecoderIterator(arrayBufferIterator, options = {}) { const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(void 0, options); for await (const arrayBuffer of arrayBufferIterator) { yield typeof arrayBuffer === "string" ? arrayBuffer : textDecoder.decode(arrayBuffer, { stream: true }); } } async function* makeTextEncoderIterator(textIterator) { const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); for await (const text of textIterator) { yield typeof text === "string" ? textEncoder.encode(text) : text; } } async function* makeLineIterator(textIterator) { let previous = ""; for await (const textChunk of textIterator) { previous += textChunk; let eolIndex; while ((eolIndex = previous.indexOf("\n")) >= 0) { const line = previous.slice(0, eolIndex + 1); previous = previous.slice(eolIndex + 1); yield line; } } if (previous.length > 0) { yield previous; } } async function* makeNumberedLineIterator(lineIterator) { let counter = 1; for await (const line of lineIterator) { yield { counter, line }; counter++; } } // dist/lib/iterators/async-iteration.js async function forEach(iterator, visitor) { while (true) { const { done, value } = await iterator.next(); if (done) { iterator.return(); return; } const cancel = visitor(value); if (cancel) { return; } } } async function concatenateArrayBuffersAsync(asyncIterator) { const arrayBuffers = []; for await (const chunk of asyncIterator) { arrayBuffers.push(chunk); } return concatenateArrayBuffers(...arrayBuffers); } // dist/lib/request-utils/request-scheduler.js var import_stats = require("@probe.gl/stats"); var STAT_QUEUED_REQUESTS = "Queued Requests"; var STAT_ACTIVE_REQUESTS = "Active Requests"; var STAT_CANCELLED_REQUESTS = "Cancelled Requests"; var STAT_QUEUED_REQUESTS_EVER = "Queued Requests Ever"; var STAT_ACTIVE_REQUESTS_EVER = "Active Requests Ever"; var DEFAULT_PROPS = { id: "request-scheduler", /** Specifies if the request scheduler should throttle incoming requests, mainly for comparative testing. */ throttleRequests: true, /** The maximum number of simultaneous active requests. Un-throttled requests do not observe this limit. */ maxRequests: 6, /** * Specifies a debounce time, in milliseconds. All requests are queued, until no new requests have * been added to the queue for this amount of time. */ debounceTime: 0 }; var RequestScheduler = class { props; stats; activeRequestCount = 0; /** Tracks the number of active requests and prioritizes/cancels queued requests. */ requestQueue = []; requestMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); updateTimer = null; constructor(props = {}) { this.props = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS, ...props }; this.stats = new import_stats.Stats({ id: this.props.id }); this.stats.get(STAT_QUEUED_REQUESTS); this.stats.get(STAT_ACTIVE_REQUESTS); this.stats.get(STAT_CANCELLED_REQUESTS); this.stats.get(STAT_QUEUED_REQUESTS_EVER); this.stats.get(STAT_ACTIVE_REQUESTS_EVER); } /** * Called by an application that wants to issue a request, without having it deeply queued by the browser * * When the returned promise resolved, it is OK for the application to issue a request. * The promise resolves to an object that contains a `done` method. * When the application's request has completed (or failed), the application must call the `done` function * * @param handle * @param getPriority will be called when request "slots" open up, * allowing the caller to update priority or cancel the request * Highest priority executes first, priority < 0 cancels the request * @returns a promise * - resolves to a object (with a `done` field) when the request can be issued without queueing, * - resolves to `null` if the request has been cancelled (by the callback return < 0). * In this case the application should not issue the request */ scheduleRequest(handle, getPriority = () => 0) { if (!this.props.throttleRequests) { return Promise.resolve({ done: () => { } }); } if (this.requestMap.has(handle)) { return this.requestMap.get(handle); } const request = { handle, priority: 0, getPriority }; const promise = new Promise((resolve2) => { request.resolve = resolve2; return request; }); this.requestQueue.push(request); this.requestMap.set(handle, promise); this._issueNewRequests(); return promise; } // PRIVATE _issueRequest(request) { const { handle, resolve: resolve2 } = request; let isDone = false; const done = () => { if (!isDone) { isDone = true; this.requestMap.delete(handle); this.activeRequestCount--; this._issueNewRequests(); } }; this.activeRequestCount++; return resolve2 ? resolve2({ done }) : Promise.resolve({ done }); } /** We check requests asynchronously, to prevent multiple updates */ _issueNewRequests() { if (this.updateTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.updateTimer); } this.updateTimer = setTimeout(() => this._issueNewRequestsAsync(), this.props.debounceTime); } /** Refresh all requests */ _issueNewRequestsAsync() { if (this.updateTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.updateTimer); } this.updateTimer = null; const freeSlots = Math.max(this.props.maxRequests - this.activeRequestCount, 0); if (freeSlots === 0) { return; } this._updateAllRequests(); for (let i = 0; i < freeSlots; ++i) { const request = this.requestQueue.shift(); if (request) { this._issueRequest(request); } } } /** Ensure all requests have updated priorities, and that no longer valid requests are cancelled */ _updateAllRequests() { const requestQueue = this.requestQueue; for (let i = 0; i < requestQueue.length; ++i) { const request = requestQueue[i]; if (!this._updateRequest(request)) { requestQueue.splice(i, 1); this.requestMap.delete(request.handle); i--; } } requestQueue.sort((a, b) => a.priority - b.priority); } /** Update a single request by calling the callback */ _updateRequest(request) { request.priority = request.getPriority(request.handle); if (request.priority < 0) { request.resolve(null); return false; } return true; } }; // dist/lib/path-utils/file-aliases.js var pathPrefix = ""; var fileAliases = {}; function setPathPrefix(prefix) { pathPrefix = prefix; } function getPathPrefix() { return pathPrefix; } function addAliases(aliases) { Object.assign(fileAliases, aliases); } function resolvePath(filename2) { for (const alias in fileAliases) { if (filename2.startsWith(alias)) { const replacement = fileAliases[alias]; filename2 = filename2.replace(alias, replacement); } } if (!filename2.startsWith("http://") && !filename2.startsWith("https://")) { filename2 = `${pathPrefix}${filename2}`; } return filename2; } // dist/json-loader.js var VERSION2 = true ? "4.3.2" : "latest"; var JSONLoader = { dataType: null, batchType: null, name: "JSON", id: "json", module: "json", version: VERSION2, extensions: ["json", "geojson"], mimeTypes: ["application/json"], category: "json", text: true, parseTextSync, parse: async (arrayBuffer) => parseTextSync(new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer)), options: {} }; function parseTextSync(text) { return JSON.parse(text); } // dist/lib/node/buffer.browser.js function toArrayBuffer(buffer) { return buffer; } function toBuffer(binaryData) { throw new Error("Buffer not supported in browser"); } // dist/lib/binary-utils/memory-conversion-utils.js function isBuffer(value) { return value && typeof value === "object" && value.isBuffer; } function toBuffer2(data) { return toBuffer ? toBuffer(data) : data; } function toArrayBuffer2(data) { if (isBuffer(data)) { return toArrayBuffer(data); } if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return data; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { if (data.byteOffset === 0 && data.byteLength === data.buffer.byteLength) { return data.buffer; } return data.buffer.slice(data.byteOffset, data.byteOffset + data.byteLength); } if (typeof data === "string") { const text = data; const uint8Array = new TextEncoder().encode(text); return uint8Array.buffer; } if (data && typeof data === "object" && data._toArrayBuffer) { return data._toArrayBuffer(); } throw new Error("toArrayBuffer"); } // dist/lib/node/promisify.js function promisify1(fn) { return (args) => new Promise((resolve2, reject) => fn(args, (error, callbackArgs) => error ? reject(error) : resolve2(callbackArgs))); } function promisify2(fn) { return (arg1, arg2) => new Promise((resolve2, reject) => fn(arg1, arg2, (error, callbackArgs) => error ? reject(error) : resolve2(callbackArgs))); } // dist/lib/path-utils/path.js var path_exports = {}; __export(path_exports, { dirname: () => dirname, filename: () => filename, join: () => join, resolve: () => resolve }); // dist/lib/path-utils/get-cwd.js function getCWD() { var _a; if (typeof process !== "undefined" && typeof process.cwd !== "undefined") { return process.cwd(); } const pathname = (_a = window.location) == null ? void 0 : _a.pathname; return (pathname == null ? void 0 : pathname.slice(0, pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)) || ""; } // dist/lib/path-utils/path.js function filename(url) { const slashIndex = url ? url.lastIndexOf("/") : -1; return slashIndex >= 0 ? url.substr(slashIndex + 1) : ""; } function dirname(url) { const slashIndex = url ? url.lastIndexOf("/") : -1; return slashIndex >= 0 ? url.substr(0, slashIndex) : ""; } function join(...parts) { const separator = "/"; parts = parts.map((part, index) => { if (index) { part = part.replace(new RegExp(`^${separator}`), ""); } if (index !== parts.length - 1) { part = part.replace(new RegExp(`${separator}$`), ""); } return part; }); return parts.join(separator); } function resolve(...components) { const paths = []; for (let _i = 0; _i < components.length; _i++) { paths[_i] = components[_i]; } let resolvedPath = ""; let resolvedAbsolute = false; let cwd; for (let i = paths.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) { let path; if (i >= 0) { path = paths[i]; } else { if (cwd === void 0) { cwd = getCWD(); } path = cwd; } if (path.length === 0) { continue; } resolvedPath = `${path}/${resolvedPath}`; resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === SLASH; } resolvedPath = normalizeStringPosix(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute); if (resolvedAbsolute) { return `/${resolvedPath}`; } else if (resolvedPath.length > 0) { return resolvedPath; } return "."; } var SLASH = 47; var DOT = 46; function normalizeStringPosix(path, allowAboveRoot) { let res = ""; let lastSlash = -1; let dots = 0; let code; let isAboveRoot = false; for (let i = 0; i <= path.length; ++i) { if (i < path.length) { code = path.charCodeAt(i); } else if (code === SLASH) { break; } else { code = SLASH; } if (code === SLASH) { if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1) { } else if (lastSlash !== i - 1 && dots === 2) { if (res.length < 2 || !isAboveRoot || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== DOT || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== DOT) { if (res.length > 2) { const start = res.length - 1; let j = start; for (; j >= 0; --j) { if (res.charCodeAt(j) === SLASH) { break; } } if (j !== start) { res = j === -1 ? "" : res.slice(0, j); lastSlash = i; dots = 0; isAboveRoot = false; continue; } } else if (res.length === 2 || res.length === 1) { res = ""; lastSlash = i; dots = 0; isAboveRoot = false; continue; } } if (allowAboveRoot) { if (res.length > 0) { res += "/.."; } else { res = ".."; } isAboveRoot = true; } } else { const slice = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i); if (res.length > 0) { res += `/${slice}`; } else { res = slice; } isAboveRoot = false; } lastSlash = i; dots = 0; } else if (code === DOT && dots !== -1) { ++dots; } else { dots = -1; } } return res; } // dist/lib/node/stream.browser.js var stream_browser_exports = {}; __export(stream_browser_exports, { isSupported: () => isSupported }); var isSupported = false; // dist/lib/files/blob-file.js var BlobFile = class { handle; size; bigsize; url; constructor(blob) { this.handle = blob instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Blob([blob]) : blob; this.size = blob instanceof ArrayBuffer ? blob.byteLength : blob.size; this.bigsize = BigInt(this.size); this.url = blob instanceof File ? blob.name : ""; } async close() { } async stat() { return { size: this.handle.size, bigsize: BigInt(this.handle.size), isDirectory: false }; } async read(start, length) { const arrayBuffer = await this.handle.slice(Number(start), Number(start) + Number(length)).arrayBuffer(); return arrayBuffer; } }; // dist/lib/files/http-file.js var HttpFile = class { handle; size = 0; bigsize = 0n; url; constructor(url) { this.handle = url; this.url = url; } async close() { } async stat() { const response = await fetch(this.handle, { method: "HEAD" }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch HEAD ${this.handle}`); } const size = parseInt(response.headers.get("Content-Length") || "0"); return { size, bigsize: BigInt(size), isDirectory: false }; } async read(offset = 0, length = 0) { const response = await this.fetchRange(offset, length); const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); return arrayBuffer; } /** * * @param offset * @param length * @param signal * @returns * @see https://github.com/protomaps/PMTiles */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity async fetchRange(offset, length, signal) { const nOffset = Number(offset); const nLength = Number(length); let controller; if (!signal) { controller = new AbortController(); signal = controller.signal; } const url = this.handle; let response = await fetch(url, { signal, headers: { Range: `bytes=${nOffset}-${nOffset + nLength - 1}` } }); switch (response.status) { case 206: break; case 200: const contentLength = response.headers.get("Content-Length"); if (!contentLength || Number(contentLength) > length) { if (controller) { controller.abort(); } throw Error("content-length header missing or exceeding request. Server must support HTTP Byte Serving."); } case 416: if (offset === 0) { const contentRange = response.headers.get("Content-Range"); if (!contentRange || !contentRange.startsWith("bytes *")) { throw Error("Missing content-length on 416 response"); } const actualLength = Number(contentRange.substr(8)); response = await fetch(this.url, { signal, headers: { Range: `bytes=0-${actualLength - 1}` } }); } break; default: if (response.status >= 300) { throw Error(`Bad response code: ${response.status}`); } } return response; } }; // dist/lib/files/node-file-facade.js var NOT_IMPLEMENTED = new Error("Not implemented"); var NodeFileFacade = class { handle; size = 0; bigsize = 0n; url = ""; constructor(url, flags, mode) { var _a; if ((_a = globalThis.loaders) == null ? void 0 : _a.NodeFile) { return new globalThis.loaders.NodeFile(url, flags, mode); } if (isBrowser) { throw new Error("Can't instantiate NodeFile in browser."); } throw new Error("Can't instantiate NodeFile. Make sure to import @loaders.gl/polyfills first."); } /** Read data */ async read(start, length) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** Write to file. The number of bytes written will be returned */ async write(arrayBuffer, offset, length) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** Get information about file */ async stat() { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** Truncates the file descriptor. Only available on NodeFile. */ async truncate(length) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** Append data to a file. Only available on NodeFile. */ async append(data) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** Close the file */ async close() { } }; // dist/lib/filesystems/node-filesystem-facade.js var NOT_IMPLEMENTED2 = new Error("Not implemented"); var NodeFileSystemFacade = class { // implements FileSystem constructor(options) { var _a; if ((_a = globalThis.loaders) == null ? void 0 : _a.NodeFileSystem) { return new globalThis.loaders.NodeFileSystem(options); } if (isBrowser) { throw new Error("Can't instantiate NodeFileSystem in browser."); } throw new Error("Can't instantiate NodeFileSystem. Make sure to import @loaders.gl/polyfills first."); } // DUMMY IMPLEMENTATION, not used (constructor returns a real NodeFileSystem instance) // implements RandomAccessReadFileSystem readable = true; writable = true; async openReadableFile(path, flags) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED2; } // implements RandomAccessWriteFileSystem async openWritableFile(path, flags, mode) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED2; } // Implements file system async readdir(dirname2 = ".", options) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED2; } async stat(path, options) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED2; } async unlink(path) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED2; } async fetch(path, options) { throw NOT_IMPLEMENTED2; } }; // dist/lib/file-provider/file-provider-interface.js var isFileProvider = (fileProvider) => { return (fileProvider == null ? void 0 : fileProvider.getUint8) && (fileProvider == null ? void 0 : fileProvider.slice) && (fileProvider == null ? void 0 : fileProvider.length); }; // dist/lib/file-provider/file-provider.js var FileProvider = class { /** The File object from which data is provided */ file; size; /** Create a new BrowserFile */ constructor(file, size) { this.file = file; this.size = BigInt(size); } static async create(file) { var _a; let size = 0n; if (file.bigsize > 0n) { size = file.bigsize; } else if (file.size > 0) { size = file.size; } else { const stats = await ((_a = file.stat) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(file)); size = (stats == null ? void 0 : stats.bigsize) ?? 0n; } return new FileProvider(file, size); } /** * Truncates the file descriptor. * @param length desired file lenght */ async truncate(length) { throw new Error("file loaded via range requests cannot be changed"); } /** * Append data to a file. * @param buffer data to append */ async append(buffer) { throw new Error("file loaded via range requests cannot be changed"); } /** Close file */ async destroy() { throw new Error("file loaded via range requests cannot be changed"); } /** * Gets an unsigned 8-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint8(offset) { const arrayBuffer = await this.file.read(offset, 1); const val = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer).at(0); if (val === void 0) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); } return val; } /** * Gets an unsigned 16-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint16(offset) { const arrayBuffer = await this.file.read(offset, 2); const val = new Uint16Array(arrayBuffer).at(0); if (val === void 0) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); } return val; } /** * Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint32(offset) { const arrayBuffer = await this.file.read(offset, 4); const val = new Uint32Array(arrayBuffer).at(0); if (val === void 0) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); } return val; } /** * Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getBigUint64(offset) { const arrayBuffer = await this.file.read(offset, 8); const val = new BigInt64Array(arrayBuffer).at(0); if (val === void 0) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); } return val; } /** * returns an ArrayBuffer whose contents are a copy of this file bytes from startOffset, inclusive, up to endOffset, exclusive. * @param startOffset The offset, in byte, from the start of the file where to start reading the data. * @param endOffset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to end reading the data. */ async slice(startOffset, endOffset) { const bigLength = BigInt(endOffset) - BigInt(startOffset); if (bigLength > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { throw new Error("too big slice"); } const length = Number(bigLength); return await this.file.read(startOffset, length); } /** * the length (in bytes) of the data. */ get length() { return this.size; } }; // dist/lib/file-provider/file-handle-file.js var FileHandleFile = class { /** The FileHandle from which data is provided */ file; /** Create a new FileHandleFile */ constructor(path, append = false) { this.file = new NodeFileFacade(path, append ? "a+" : "r"); } /** * Truncates the file descriptor. * @param length desired file lenght */ async truncate(length) { await this.file.truncate(length); } /** * Append data to a file. * @param buffer data to append */ async append(buffer) { await this.file.append(buffer); } /** Close file */ async destroy() { await this.file.close(); } /** * Gets an unsigned 8-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint8(offset) { const arrayBuffer = await this.file.read(offset, 1); const val = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer).at(0); if (val === void 0) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); } return val; } /** * Gets an unsigned 16-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint16(offset) { const arrayBuffer = await this.file.read(offset, 2); const val = new Uint16Array(arrayBuffer).at(0); if (val === void 0) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); } return val; } /** * Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint32(offset) { const arrayBuffer = await this.file.read(offset, 4); const val = new Uint32Array(arrayBuffer).at(0); if (val === void 0) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); } return val; } /** * Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getBigUint64(offset) { const arrayBuffer = await this.file.read(offset, 8); const val = new BigInt64Array(arrayBuffer).at(0); if (val === void 0) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); } return val; } /** * returns an ArrayBuffer whose contents are a copy of this file bytes from startOffset, inclusive, up to endOffset, exclusive. * @param startOffset The offset, in byte, from the start of the file where to start reading the data. * @param endOffset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to end reading the data. */ async slice(startOffset, endOffset) { const bigLength = endOffset - startOffset; if (bigLength > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { throw new Error("too big slice"); } const length = Number(bigLength); return await this.file.read(startOffset, length); } /** * the length (in bytes) of the data. */ get length() { return this.file.bigsize; } }; // dist/lib/file-provider/data-view-file.js var toNumber = (bigint) => { if (bigint > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { throw new Error("Offset is out of bounds"); } return Number(bigint); }; var DataViewFile = class { /** The DataView from which data is provided */ file; constructor(file) { this.file = file; } async destroy() { } /** * Gets an unsigned 8-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint8(offset) { return this.file.getUint8(toNumber(offset)); } /** * Gets an unsigned 16-bit intege at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint16(offset) { return this.file.getUint16(toNumber(offset), true); } /** * Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getUint32(offset) { return this.file.getUint32(toNumber(offset), true); } /** * Gets an unsigned 64-bit integer at the specified byte offset from the start of the file. * @param offset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to read the data. */ async getBigUint64(offset) { return this.file.getBigUint64(toNumber(offset), true); } /** * returns an ArrayBuffer whose contents are a copy of this file bytes from startOffset, inclusive, up to endOffset, exclusive. * @param startOffset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to start reading the data. * @param endOffset The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where to end reading the data. */ async slice(startOffset, endOffset) { return this.file.buffer.slice(toNumber(startOffset), toNumber(endOffset)); } /** the length (in bytes) of the data. */ get length() { return BigInt(this.file.byteLength); } }; // dist/lib/sources/data-source.js var DataSource = class { /** A resolved fetch function extracted from loadOptions prop */ fetch; /** The actual load options, if calling a loaders.gl loader */ loadOptions; _needsRefresh = true; props; constructor(props) { this.props = { ...props }; this.loadOptions = { ...props.loadOptions }; this.fetch = getFetchFunction(this.loadOptions); } setProps(props) { this.props = Object.assign(this.props, props); this.setNeedsRefresh(); } /** Mark this data source as needing a refresh (redraw) */ setNeedsRefresh() { this._needsRefresh = true; } /** * Does this data source need refreshing? * @note The specifics of the refresh mechanism depends on type of data source */ getNeedsRefresh(clear = true) { const needsRefresh = this._needsRefresh; if (clear) { this._needsRefresh = false; } return needsRefresh; } }; function getFetchFunction(options) { const fetchFunction = options == null ? void 0 : options.fetch; if (fetchFunction && typeof fetchFunction === "function") { return (url, fetchOptions2) => fetchFunction(url, fetchOptions2); } const fetchOptions = options == null ? void 0 : options.fetch; if (fetchOptions && typeof fetchOptions !== "function") { return (url) => fetch(url, fetchOptions); } return (url) => fetch(url); } // dist/lib/sources/image-source.js var ImageSource = class extends DataSource { }; __publicField(ImageSource, "type", "template"); __publicField(ImageSource, "testURL", (url) => false); // dist/lib/sources/vector-source.js var VectorSource = class extends DataSource { }; __publicField(VectorSource, "type", "template"); __publicField(VectorSource, "testURL", (url) => false); //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map