import { Application, Component } from '@loopback/core'; import { ApplicationMetadataBooter, ControllerBooter, DataSourceBooter, InterceptorProviderBooter, LifeCycleObserverBooter, ModelApiBooter, ModelBooter, RepositoryBooter, ServiceBooter } from './booters'; /** * BootComponent is used to export the default list of Booter's made * available by this module as well as bind the BootStrapper to the app so it * can be used to run the Booters. */ export declare class BootComponent implements Component { booters: (typeof ApplicationMetadataBooter | typeof ControllerBooter | typeof DataSourceBooter | typeof InterceptorProviderBooter | typeof LifeCycleObserverBooter | typeof ModelApiBooter | typeof ModelBooter | typeof RepositoryBooter | typeof ServiceBooter)[]; /** * * @param app - Application instance */ constructor(app: Application); }