// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2018,2020. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: @loopback/boot // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT import {Constructor} from '@loopback/core'; import debugFactory from 'debug'; import path from 'path'; import {ArtifactOptions, Booter} from '../types'; import {discoverFiles, loadClassesFromFiles} from './booter-utils'; const debug = debugFactory('loopback:boot:base-artifact-booter'); /** * This class serves as a base class for Booters which follow a pattern of * configure, discover files in a folder(s) using explicit folder / extensions * or a glob pattern and lastly identifying exported classes from such files and * performing an action on such files such as binding them. * * Any Booter extending this base class is expected to * * 1. Set the 'options' property to a object of ArtifactOptions type. (Each extending * class should provide defaults for the ArtifactOptions and use Object.assign to merge * the properties with user provided Options). * 2. Provide it's own logic for 'load' after calling 'await super.load()' to * actually boot the Artifact classes. * * Currently supports the following boot phases: configure, discover, load. * */ export class BaseArtifactBooter implements Booter { /** * Options being used by the Booter. */ readonly options: ArtifactOptions; /** * Project root relative to which all other paths are resolved */ readonly projectRoot: string; /** * Relative paths of directories to be searched */ dirs: string[]; /** * File extensions to be searched */ extensions: string[]; /** * `glob` pattern to match artifact paths */ glob: string; /** * List of files discovered by the Booter that matched artifact requirements */ discovered: string[]; /** * List of exported classes discovered in the files */ classes: Constructor<{}>[]; constructor(projectRoot: string, options: ArtifactOptions) { this.projectRoot = projectRoot; this.options = options; } /** * Get the name of the artifact loaded by this booter, e.g. "Controller". * Subclasses can override the default logic based on the class name. */ get artifactName(): string { return this.constructor.name.replace(/Booter$/, ''); } /** * Configure the Booter by initializing the 'dirs', 'extensions' and 'glob' * properties. * * NOTE: All properties are configured even if all aren't used. */ async configure() { this.dirs = this.options.dirs ? Array.isArray(this.options.dirs) ? this.options.dirs : [this.options.dirs] : []; this.extensions = this.options.extensions ? Array.isArray(this.options.extensions) ? this.options.extensions : [this.options.extensions] : []; let joinedDirs = this.dirs.join(','); if (this.dirs.length > 1) joinedDirs = `{${joinedDirs}}`; const joinedExts = `@(${this.extensions.join('|')})`; this.glob = this.options.glob ? this.options.glob : `/${joinedDirs}/${this.options.nested ? '**/*' : '*'}${joinedExts}`; } /** * Discover files based on the 'glob' property relative to the 'projectRoot'. * Discovered artifact files matching the pattern are saved to the * 'discovered' property. */ async discover() { debug( 'Discovering %s artifacts in %j using glob %j', this.artifactName, this.projectRoot, this.glob, ); this.discovered = await discoverFiles(this.glob, this.projectRoot); if (debug.enabled) { debug( 'Artifact files found: %s', JSON.stringify( this.discovered.map(f => path.relative(this.projectRoot, f)), null, 2, ), ); } } /** * Filters the exports of 'discovered' files to only be Classes (in case * function / types are exported) as an artifact is a Class. The filtered * artifact Classes are saved in the 'classes' property. * * NOTE: Booters extending this class should call this method (await super.load()) * and then process the artifact classes as appropriate. */ async load() { this.classes = loadClassesFromFiles(this.discovered, this.projectRoot); } }