// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2018,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: @loopback/boot // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT import { Application, Context, CoreBindings, inject, resolveList, } from '@loopback/core'; import debugModule from 'debug'; import {resolve} from 'path'; import {BootBindings, BootTags} from './keys'; import {bindBooter} from './mixins'; import { Bootable, BOOTER_PHASES, BootExecutionOptions, BootOptions, } from './types'; const debug = debugModule('loopback:boot:bootstrapper'); /** * The Bootstrapper class provides the `boot` function that is responsible for * finding and executing the Booters in an application based on given options. * * NOTE: Bootstrapper should be bound as a SINGLETON so it can be cached as * it does not maintain any state of it's own. * * @param app - Application instance * @param projectRoot - The root directory of the project, relative to which all other paths are resolved * @param bootOptions - The BootOptions describing the conventions to be used by various Booters */ export class Bootstrapper { constructor( @inject(CoreBindings.APPLICATION_INSTANCE) private app: Application & Bootable, @inject(BootBindings.PROJECT_ROOT) private projectRoot: string, @inject(BootBindings.BOOT_OPTIONS, {optional: true}) private bootOptions: BootOptions = {}, ) { // Resolve path to projectRoot and re-bind this.projectRoot = resolve(this.projectRoot); app.bind(BootBindings.PROJECT_ROOT).to(this.projectRoot); // This is re-bound for testing reasons where this value may be passed directly // and needs to be propagated to the Booters via DI app.bind(BootBindings.BOOT_OPTIONS).to(this.bootOptions); } /** * Function is responsible for calling all registered Booter classes that * are bound to the Application instance. Each phase of an instance must * complete before the next phase is started. * * @param execOptions - Execution options for boot. These * determine the phases and booters that are run. * @param ctx - Optional Context to use to resolve bindings. This is * primarily useful when running app.boot() again but with different settings * (in particular phases) such as 'start' / 'stop'. Using a returned Context from * a previous boot call allows DI to retrieve the same instances of Booters previously * used as they are bound using a CONTEXT scope. This is important as Booter instances * may maintain state. */ async boot( execOptions?: BootExecutionOptions, ctx?: Context, ): Promise { const bootCtx = ctx ?? new Context(this.app); // Bind booters passed in as a part of BootOptions // We use _bindBooter so this Class can be used without the Mixin if (execOptions?.booters) { execOptions.booters.forEach(booter => bindBooter(this.app, booter)); } // Determine the phases to be run. If a user set a phases filter, those // are selected otherwise we run the default phases (BOOTER_PHASES). const phases = execOptions?.filter?.phases ?? BOOTER_PHASES; // Find booters registered to the BOOTERS_TAG by getting the bindings const bindings = bootCtx.findByTag(BootTags.BOOTER); // Prefix length. +1 because of `.` => 'booters.' const prefixLength = BootBindings.BOOTERS.length + 1; // Names of all registered booters. const defaultBooterNames = bindings.map(binding => binding.key.slice(prefixLength), ); // Determining the booters to be run. If a user set a booters filter (class // names of booters that should be run), that is the value, otherwise it // is all the registered booters by default. const names = execOptions ? execOptions.filter?.booters ? execOptions.filter.booters : defaultBooterNames : defaultBooterNames; // Filter bindings by names const filteredBindings = bindings.filter(binding => names.includes(binding.key.slice(prefixLength)), ); // Resolve Booter Instances const booterInsts = await resolveList(filteredBindings, binding => // We cannot use Booter interface here because "filter.booters" // allows arbitrary string values, not only the phases defined // by Booter interface bootCtx.get<{[phase: string]: () => Promise}>(binding.key), ); // Run phases of booters for (const phase of phases) { for (const inst of booterInsts) { const instName = inst.constructor.name; if (inst[phase]) { debug(`${instName} phase: ${phase} starting.`); await inst[phase](); debug(`${instName} phase: ${phase} complete.`); } else { debug(`${instName} phase: ${phase} not implemented.`); } } } return bootCtx; } }