/// import { Application, Binding, BindingFilter, BindingFromClassOptions, BindingScope, Component, Constructor, Context, MixinTarget } from '@loopback/core'; import { Bootable, Booter, BootOptions, InstanceWithBooters } from '../types'; export { Binding }; /** * Mixin for @loopback/boot. This Mixin provides the following: * - Implements the Bootable Interface as follows. * - Add a `projectRoot` property to the Class * - Adds an optional `bootOptions` property to the Class that can be used to * store the Booter conventions. * - Adds the `BootComponent` to the Class (which binds the Bootstrapper and default Booters) * - Provides the `boot()` convenience method to call Bootstrapper.boot() * - Provides the `booter()` convenience method to bind a Booter(s) to the Application * - Override `component()` to call `mountComponentBooters` * - Adds `mountComponentBooters` which binds Booters to the application from `component.booters[]` * * @param superClass - Application class * @returns A new class that extends the super class with boot related methods * * @typeParam T - Type of the application class as the target for the mixin */ export declare function BootMixin>(superClass: T): { new (...args: any[]): { projectRoot: string; bootOptions?: BootOptions | undefined; booted: boolean; /** * Override to detect and warn about starting without booting. */ start(): Promise; /** * Convenience method to call bootstrapper.boot() by resolving bootstrapper */ boot(): Promise; /** * Given a N number of Booter Classes, this method binds them using the * prefix and tag expected by the Bootstrapper. * * @param booterCls - Booter classes to bind to the Application * * @example * ```ts * app.booters(MyBooter, MyOtherBooter) * ``` */ booters(...booterCls: Constructor[]): Binding[]; /** * Register a booter to boot a sub-application. See * {@link createComponentApplicationBooterBinding} for more details. * * @param subApp - A sub-application with artifacts to be booted * @param filter - A binding filter to select what bindings from the sub * application should be added to the main application. */ applicationBooter(subApp: Application & Bootable, filter?: BindingFilter): Binding; /** * Override to ensure any Booter's on a Component are also mounted. * * @param component - The component to add. * * @example * ```ts * * export class ProductComponent { * booters = [ControllerBooter, RepositoryBooter]; * providers = { * [AUTHENTICATION_STRATEGY]: AuthStrategy, * [AUTHORIZATION_ROLE]: Role, * }; * }; * * app.component(ProductComponent); * ``` */ component(componentCtor: Constructor, nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions): Binding; /** * Get an instance of a component and mount all it's * booters. This function is intended to be used internally * by component() * * @param component - The component to mount booters of */ mountComponentBooters(componentInstanceOrClass: Constructor | InstanceWithBooters): void; readonly options: import("@loopback/core").ApplicationConfig; readonly state: string; controller: (controllerCtor: import("@loopback/core").ControllerClass, nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions | undefined) => Binding; server: (ctor: Constructor, nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions | undefined) => Binding; servers: (ctors: Constructor[]) => Binding[]; getServer: (target: string | Constructor) => Promise; init: () => Promise; onInit: (fn: () => import("@loopback/core").ValueOrPromise) => Binding; onStart: (fn: () => import("@loopback/core").ValueOrPromise) => Binding; stop: () => Promise; onStop: (fn: () => import("@loopback/core").ValueOrPromise) => Binding; setMetadata: (metadata: import("@loopback/core").ApplicationMetadata) => void; lifeCycleObserver: (ctor: Constructor, nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions | undefined) => Binding; service: (cls: import("@loopback/core").ServiceOrProviderClass, nameOrOptions?: string | import("@loopback/core").ServiceOptions | undefined) => Binding; interceptor: (interceptor: import("@loopback/core").Interceptor | Constructor>, nameOrOptions?: string | import("@loopback/core").InterceptorBindingOptions | undefined) => Binding; readonly name: string; readonly subscriptionManager: import("@loopback/core").ContextSubscriptionManager; scope: BindingScope; readonly parent: Context | undefined; emitEvent: (type: string, event: T_5) => void; emitError: (err: unknown) => void; bind: (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress) => Binding; add: (binding: Binding) => Application; configure: (key?: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress | undefined) => Binding; getConfigAsValueOrPromise: (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, propertyPath?: string | undefined, resolutionOptions?: import("@loopback/core").ResolutionOptions | undefined) => import("@loopback/core").ValueOrPromise; getConfig: (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, propertyPath?: string | undefined, resolutionOptions?: import("@loopback/core").ResolutionOptions | undefined) => Promise; getConfigSync: (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, propertyPath?: string | undefined, resolutionOptions?: import("@loopback/core").ResolutionOptions | undefined) => ConfigValueType_3 | undefined; unbind: (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress) => boolean; subscribe: (observer: import("@loopback/core").ContextEventObserver) => import("@loopback/core").Subscription; unsubscribe: (observer: import("@loopback/core").ContextEventObserver) => boolean; close: () => void; isSubscribed: (observer: import("@loopback/core").ContextObserver) => boolean; createView: (filter: BindingFilter, comparator?: import("@loopback/core").BindingComparator | undefined, options?: Omit | undefined) => import("@loopback/core").ContextView; contains: (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress) => boolean; isBound: (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress) => boolean; getOwnerContext: (keyOrBinding: Readonly> | import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress) => Context | undefined; getScopedContext: (scope: BindingScope.APPLICATION | BindingScope.SERVER | BindingScope.REQUEST) => Context | undefined; getResolutionContext: (binding: Readonly>) => Context | undefined; isVisibleTo: (ctx: Context) => boolean; find: (pattern?: string | RegExp | BindingFilter | undefined) => Readonly>[]; findByTag: (tagFilter: RegExp | import("@loopback/core").BindingTag) => Readonly>[]; get: { (keyWithPath: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, session?: import("@loopback/core").ResolutionSession | undefined): Promise; (keyWithPath: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, options: import("@loopback/core").ResolutionOptions): Promise; }; getSync: { (keyWithPath: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, session?: import("@loopback/core").ResolutionSession | undefined): ValueType_5; (keyWithPath: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, options?: import("@loopback/core").ResolutionOptions | undefined): ValueType_6 | undefined; }; getBinding: { (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress): Binding; (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, options?: { optional?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined): Binding | undefined; }; findOrCreateBinding: (key: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, policy?: import("@loopback/core").BindingCreationPolicy | undefined) => Binding; getValueOrPromise: (keyWithPath: import("@loopback/core").BindingAddress, optionsOrSession?: import("@loopback/core").ResolutionOptionsOrSession | undefined) => import("@loopback/core").ValueOrPromise; toJSON: () => import("@loopback/core").JSONObject; inspect: (options?: import("@loopback/core").ContextInspectOptions | undefined) => import("@loopback/core").JSONObject; on: { (eventName: "bind" | "unbind", listener: import("@loopback/core").ContextEventListener): Application; (event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Application; }; once: { (eventName: "bind" | "unbind", listener: import("@loopback/core").ContextEventListener): Application; (event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Application; }; [EventEmitter.captureRejectionSymbol]?: ((error: Error, event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) => void) | undefined; addListener: (eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void) => Application; removeListener: (eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void) => Application; off: (eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void) => Application; removeAllListeners: (event?: string | symbol | undefined) => Application; setMaxListeners: (n: number) => Application; getMaxListeners: () => number; listeners: (eventName: string | symbol) => Function[]; rawListeners: (eventName: string | symbol) => Function[]; emit: (eventName: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) => boolean; listenerCount: (eventName: string | symbol, listener?: Function | undefined) => number; prependListener: (eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void) => Application; prependOnceListener: (eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void) => Application; eventNames: () => (string | symbol)[]; }; } & T; /** * Method which binds a given Booter to a given Context with the Prefix and * Tags expected by the Bootstrapper * * @param ctx - The Context to bind the Booter Class * @param booterCls - Booter class to be bound */ export declare function bindBooter(ctx: Context, booterCls: Constructor): Binding; export declare const _bindBooter: typeof bindBooter;