// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2019,2020. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: @loopback/context // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT import debugFactory from 'debug'; import {BindingFilter} from './binding-filter'; import {BindingAddress} from './binding-key'; import {BindingComparator} from './binding-sorter'; import {Context} from './context'; import {InvocationResult} from './invocation'; import {transformValueOrPromise, ValueOrPromise} from './value-promise'; const debug = debugFactory('loopback:context:interceptor-chain'); /** * Any type except `void`. We use this type to enforce that interceptor functions * always return a value (including undefined or null). */ export type NonVoid = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | object; /** * The `next` function that can be used to invoke next generic interceptor in * the chain */ export type Next = () => ValueOrPromise; /** * An interceptor function to be invoked in a chain for the given context. * It serves as the base interface for various types of interceptors, such * as method invocation interceptor or request/response processing interceptor. * * @remarks * We choose `NonVoid` as the return type to avoid possible bugs that an * interceptor forgets to return the value from `next()`. For example, the code * below will fail to compile. * * ```ts * const myInterceptor: Interceptor = async (ctx, next) { * // preprocessing * // ... * * // There is a subtle bug that the result from `next()` is not further * // returned back to the upstream interceptors * const result = await next(); * * // postprocessing * // ... * // We must have `return ...` here * // either return `result` or another value if the interceptor decides to * // have its own response * } * ``` * * @typeParam C - `Context` class or a subclass of `Context` * @param context - Context object * @param next - A function to proceed with downstream interceptors or the * target operation * * @returns The invocation result as a value (sync) or promise (async). */ export type GenericInterceptor = ( context: C, next: Next, ) => ValueOrPromise; /** * Interceptor function or a binding key that resolves a generic interceptor * function * @typeParam C - `Context` class or a subclass of `Context` * @typeParam T - Return type of `next()` */ export type GenericInterceptorOrKey = | BindingAddress> | GenericInterceptor; /** * Invocation state of an interceptor chain */ class InterceptorChainState { private _index = 0; /** * Create a state for the interceptor chain * @param interceptors - Interceptor functions or binding keys * @param finalHandler - An optional final handler */ constructor( public readonly interceptors: GenericInterceptorOrKey[], public readonly finalHandler: Next = () => undefined, ) {} /** * Get the index for the current interceptor */ get index() { return this._index; } /** * Check if the chain is done - all interceptors are invoked */ done() { return this._index === this.interceptors.length; } /** * Get the next interceptor to be invoked */ next() { if (this.done()) { throw new Error('No more interceptor is in the chain'); } return this.interceptors[this._index++]; } } /** * A chain of generic interceptors to be invoked for the given context * * @typeParam C - `Context` class or a subclass of `Context` */ export class GenericInterceptorChain { /** * A getter for an array of interceptor functions or binding keys */ protected getInterceptors: () => GenericInterceptorOrKey[]; /** * Create an invocation chain with a list of interceptor functions or * binding keys * @param context - Context object * @param interceptors - An array of interceptor functions or binding keys */ constructor(context: C, interceptors: GenericInterceptorOrKey[]); /** * Create an invocation interceptor chain with a binding filter and comparator. * The interceptors are discovered from the context using the binding filter and * sorted by the comparator (if provided). * * @param context - Context object * @param filter - A binding filter function to select interceptors * @param comparator - An optional comparator to sort matched interceptor bindings */ constructor( context: C, filter: BindingFilter, comparator?: BindingComparator, ); // Implementation constructor( private context: C, interceptors: GenericInterceptorOrKey[] | BindingFilter, comparator?: BindingComparator, ) { if (typeof interceptors === 'function') { const interceptorsView = context.createView(interceptors, comparator); this.getInterceptors = () => { const bindings = interceptorsView.bindings; if (comparator) { bindings.sort(comparator); } return bindings.map(b => b.key); }; } else if (Array.isArray(interceptors)) { this.getInterceptors = () => interceptors; } } /** * Invoke the interceptor chain */ invokeInterceptors(finalHandler?: Next): ValueOrPromise { // Create a state for each invocation to provide isolation const state = new InterceptorChainState( this.getInterceptors(), finalHandler, ); return this.next(state); } /** * Use the interceptor chain as an interceptor */ asInterceptor(): GenericInterceptor { return (ctx, next) => { return this.invokeInterceptors(next); }; } /** * Invoke downstream interceptors or the target method */ private next( state: InterceptorChainState, ): ValueOrPromise { if (state.done()) { // No more interceptors return state.finalHandler(); } // Invoke the next interceptor in the chain return this.invokeNextInterceptor(state); } /** * Invoke downstream interceptors */ private invokeNextInterceptor( state: InterceptorChainState, ): ValueOrPromise { const index = state.index; const interceptor = state.next(); const interceptorFn = this.loadInterceptor(interceptor); return transformValueOrPromise(interceptorFn, fn => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (debug.enabled) { debug('Invoking interceptor %d (%s) on %s', index, fn.name); } return fn(this.context, () => this.next(state)); }); } /** * Return the interceptor function or resolve the interceptor function as a binding * from the context * * @param interceptor - Interceptor function or binding key */ private loadInterceptor(interceptor: GenericInterceptorOrKey) { if (typeof interceptor === 'function') return interceptor; debug('Resolving interceptor binding %s', interceptor); return this.context.getValueOrPromise(interceptor) as ValueOrPromise< GenericInterceptor >; } } /** * Invoke a chain of interceptors with the context * @param context - Context object * @param interceptors - An array of interceptor functions or binding keys */ export function invokeInterceptors< C extends Context = Context, T = InvocationResult, >( context: C, interceptors: GenericInterceptorOrKey[], ): ValueOrPromise { const chain = new GenericInterceptorChain(context, interceptors); return chain.invokeInterceptors(); } /** * Compose a list of interceptors as a single interceptor * @param interceptors - A list of interceptor functions or binding keys */ export function composeInterceptors( ...interceptors: GenericInterceptorOrKey[] ): GenericInterceptor { return (ctx, next) => { const interceptor = new GenericInterceptorChain( ctx, interceptors, ).asInterceptor(); return interceptor(ctx, next); }; }