import { Entity } from '../../model'; import { EntityCrudRepository } from '../../repositories'; import { Getter, HasManyDefinition, InclusionResolver } from '../relation.types'; import { HasManyRepository } from './has-many.repository'; export interface HasManyRepositoryFactory { /** * Invoke the function to obtain HasManyRepository. */ (fkValue: ForeignKeyType): HasManyRepository; /** * Use `resolver` property to obtain an InclusionResolver for this relation. */ inclusionResolver: InclusionResolver; } /** * Enforces a constraint on a repository based on a relationship contract * between models. For example, if a Customer model is related to an Order model * via a HasMany relation, then, the relational repository returned by the * factory function would be constrained by a Customer model instance's id(s). * * @param relationMetadata - The relation metadata used to describe the * relationship and determine how to apply the constraint. * @param targetRepositoryGetter - The repository which represents the target model of a * relation attached to a datasource. * @returns The factory function which accepts a foreign key value to constrain * the given target repository */ export declare function createHasManyRepositoryFactory(relationMetadata: HasManyDefinition, targetRepositoryGetter: Getter>): HasManyRepositoryFactory;