// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2018,2020. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: @loopback/rest // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT import debugModule from 'debug'; const debug = debugModule('loopback:rest:coercion'); /** * Options for function coerceDatetime */ export type DateCoercionOptions = { dateOnly?: boolean; }; /** * Options for function coerceInteger */ export type IntegerCoercionOptions = { isLong?: boolean; }; export function isEmpty(data: string) { const result = data === ''; debug('isEmpty(%j) -> %s', data, result); return result; } /** * A set of truthy values. A data in this set will be coerced to `true`. * * @param data - The raw data get from http request * @returns The corresponding coerced boolean type */ export function isTrue(data: string): boolean { return ['TRUE', '1'].includes(data.toUpperCase()); } /** * A set of falsy values. A data in this set will be coerced to `false`. * @param data - The raw data get from http request * @returns The corresponding coerced boolean type */ export function isFalse(data: string): boolean { return ['FALSE', '0'].includes(data.toUpperCase()); } /** * Return false for invalid date */ export function isValidDateTime(data: Date) { return isNaN(data.getTime()) ? false : true; } const REGEX_RFC3339_DATE = /^(-?(?:[1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])$/; /** * Return true when a date follows the RFC3339 standard * * @param date - The date to verify */ export function matchDateFormat(date: string) { const pattern = new RegExp(REGEX_RFC3339_DATE); const result = pattern.test(date); debug('matchDateFormat(%j) -> %s', date, result); return result; } /** * Return the corresponding OpenAPI data type given an OpenAPI schema * * @param type - The type in an OpenAPI schema specification * @param format - The format in an OpenAPI schema specification */ export function getOAIPrimitiveType(type?: string, format?: string) { if (type === 'object' || type === 'array') return type; if (type === 'string') { switch (format) { case 'byte': return 'byte'; case 'binary': return 'binary'; case 'date': return 'date'; case 'date-time': return 'date-time'; case 'password': return 'password'; default: return 'string'; } } if (type === 'boolean') return 'boolean'; if (type === 'number') switch (format) { case 'float': return 'float'; case 'double': return 'double'; default: return 'number'; } if (type === 'integer') return format === 'int64' ? 'long' : 'integer'; }