/** * A collection of test utilities we use to write LoopBack tests. * * @remarks * Test utilities to help write LoopBack 4 tests: * * - `expect` - behavior-driven development (BDD) style assertions * - `sinon` * - test spies: functions recording arguments and other information for all * of their calls * - stubs: functions (spies) with pre-programmed behavior * - mocks: fake methods (like spies) with pre-programmed behavior * (like stubs) as well as pre-programmed expectations * - Helpers for creating `supertest` clients for LoopBack applications * - HTTP request/response stubs for writing tests without a listening HTTP * server * - Swagger/OpenAPI spec validation * * @packageDocumentation */ export * from './client'; export * from './expect'; export * from './http-error-logger'; export * from './http-server-config'; export * from './request'; export * from './shot'; export * from './sinon'; export * from './skip'; export * from './test-sandbox'; export * from './to-json'; export * from './validate-api-spec';