// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2018,2020. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: @loopback/testlab // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT import assert from 'assert'; import {readFileSync} from 'fs'; import {ServerOptions as HttpsServerOptions} from 'https'; import {ListenOptions} from 'net'; import path from 'path'; const FIXTURES = path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures'); const DUMMY_TLS_CONFIG = { key: readFileSync(path.join(FIXTURES, 'key.pem')), cert: readFileSync(path.join(FIXTURES, 'cert.pem')), }; export interface HttpOptions extends ListenOptions { protocol?: 'http'; } export interface HttpsOptions extends ListenOptions, HttpsServerOptions { protocol: 'https'; } /** * An object that requires host and port properties */ export interface HostPort { host: string; port: number; } /** * Assertion type guard for TypeScript to ensure `host` and `port` are set * @param config - Host/port configuration */ function assertHostPort(config: Partial): asserts config is HostPort { assert(config.host != null, 'host is not set'); assert(config.port != null, 'port is not set'); } /** * Create an HTTP-server configuration that works well in test environments. * - Ask the operating system to assign a free (ephemeral) port. * - Use IPv4 localhost `` to avoid known IPv6 issues in Docker-based * environments like Travis-CI. * - Provide default TLS key & cert when `protocol` is set to `https`. * * @param customConfig - Additional configuration options to apply. */ export function givenHttpServerConfig( customConfig?: T, ): HostPort & T { const defaults: HostPort = {host: '', port: 0}; if (isHttpsConfig(customConfig)) { const config: T = {...customConfig}; if (config.host == null) config.host = defaults.host; if (config.port == null) config.port = defaults.port; setupTlsConfig(config as HttpsOptions); assertHostPort(config); return config; } assertHttpConfig(customConfig); const config: T = {...customConfig}; if (config.host == null) config.host = defaults.host; if (config.port == null) config.port = defaults.port; assertHostPort(config); return config; } function setupTlsConfig(config: HttpsServerOptions) { if ('key' in config && 'cert' in config) return; if ('pfx' in config) return; Object.assign(config, DUMMY_TLS_CONFIG); } /** * Type guard to check if the parameter is `HttpsOptions` */ function isHttpsConfig( config?: HttpOptions | HttpsOptions, ): config is HttpsOptions { return config?.protocol === 'https'; } /** * Type guard to assert the parameter is `HttpOptions` * @param config - Http config */ function assertHttpConfig( config?: HttpOptions | HttpsOptions, ): asserts config is HttpOptions { assert(config?.protocol == null || config?.protocol === 'http'); }