export default class BotsTelegramUserModel extends Model { static schema: { /** Unique identifier for this user or bot */ id: { type: NumberConstructor; }; /** True, if this user is a bot */ is_bot: { type: BooleanConstructor; }; /** User's or bot's first name */ first_name: { type: StringConstructor; }; /** User's or bot's last name */ last_name: { type: StringConstructor; }; /** User's or bot's username */ username: { type: StringConstructor; }; /** IETF language tag of the user's language */ language_code: { type: StringConstructor; }; meta: { type: ObjectConstructor; }; }; static options: { model: string; collection: string; timestamps: boolean; }; setRef(data: any): void; setLang(data: any, telegramLocale: any): void; } import Model from "@lskjs/db/Model";