/** * Create an array from an iterable of values. * * @deprecated * * @param object - The iterable object of interest. * * @returns A new array of values from the given object. * * #### Example * ```typescript * import { toArray } from '@lumino/algorithm'; * * let stream = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6][Symbol.iterator](); * * toArray(stream); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; * ``` */ export declare function toArray(object: Iterable): T[]; /** * Create an object from an iterable of key/value pairs. * * @param object - The iterable object of interest. * * @returns A new object mapping keys to values. * * #### Example * ```typescript * import { toObject } from '@lumino/algorithm'; * * let data: [string, number][] = [['one', 1], ['two', 2], ['three', 3]]; * * toObject(data); // { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 } * ``` */ export declare function toObject(object: Iterable<[string, T]>): { [key: string]: T; }; /** * Invoke a function for each value in an iterable. * * @deprecated * * @param object - The iterable object of interest. * * @param fn - The callback function to invoke for each value. * * #### Notes * Iteration can be terminated early by returning `false` from the * callback function. * * #### Complexity * Linear. * * #### Example * ```typescript * import { each } from '@lumino/algorithm'; * * let data = [5, 7, 0, -2, 9]; * * each(data, value => { console.log(value); }); * ``` */ export declare function each(object: Iterable, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean | void): void; /** * Test whether all values in an iterable satisfy a predicate. * * @param object - The iterable object of interest. * * @param fn - The predicate function to invoke for each value. * * @returns `true` if all values pass the test, `false` otherwise. * * #### Notes * Iteration terminates on the first `false` predicate result. * * #### Complexity * Linear. * * #### Example * ```typescript * import { every } from '@lumino/algorithm'; * * let data = [5, 7, 1]; * * every(data, value => value % 2 === 0); // false * every(data, value => value % 2 === 1); // true * ``` */ export declare function every(object: Iterable, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean): boolean; /** * Test whether any value in an iterable satisfies a predicate. * * @param object - The iterable object of interest. * * @param fn - The predicate function to invoke for each value. * * @returns `true` if any value passes the test, `false` otherwise. * * #### Notes * Iteration terminates on the first `true` predicate result. * * #### Complexity * Linear. * * #### Example * ```typescript * import { some } from '@lumino/algorithm'; * * let data = [5, 7, 1]; * * some(data, value => value === 7); // true * some(data, value => value === 3); // false * ``` */ export declare function some(object: Iterable, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean): boolean;