import { IIterator } from '@lumino/algorithm'; import { Message } from '@lumino/messaging'; import { ISignal } from '@lumino/signaling'; import { DockLayout } from './docklayout'; import { TabBar } from './tabbar'; import { Widget } from './widget'; /** * A widget which provides a flexible docking area for widgets. */ export declare class DockPanel extends Widget { /** * Construct a new dock panel. * * @param options - The options for initializing the panel. */ constructor(options?: DockPanel.IOptions); /** * Dispose of the resources held by the panel. */ dispose(): void; /** * The method for hiding widgets. */ /** * Set the method for hiding widgets. */ hiddenMode: Widget.HiddenMode; /** * A signal emitted when the layout configuration is modified. * * #### Notes * This signal is emitted whenever the current layout configuration * may have changed. * * This signal is emitted asynchronously in a collapsed fashion, so * that multiple synchronous modifications results in only a single * emit of the signal. */ readonly layoutModified: ISignal; /** * A signal emitted when the add button on a tab bar is clicked. * */ readonly addRequested: ISignal>; /** * The overlay used by the dock panel. */ readonly overlay: DockPanel.IOverlay; /** * The renderer used by the dock panel. */ readonly renderer: DockPanel.IRenderer; /** * Get the spacing between the widgets. */ /** * Set the spacing between the widgets. */ spacing: number; /** * Get the mode for the dock panel. */ /** * Set the mode for the dock panel. * * #### Notes * Changing the mode is a destructive operation with respect to the * panel's layout configuration. If layout state must be preserved, * save the current layout config before changing the mode. */ mode: DockPanel.Mode; /** * Whether the tabs can be dragged / moved at runtime. */ /** * Enable / Disable draggable / movable tabs. */ tabsMovable: boolean; /** * Whether the tabs are constrained to their source dock panel */ /** * Constrain/Allow tabs to be dragged outside of this dock panel */ tabsConstrained: boolean; /** * Whether the add buttons for each tab bar are enabled. */ /** * Set whether the add buttons for each tab bar are enabled. */ addButtonEnabled: boolean; /** * Whether the dock panel is empty. */ readonly isEmpty: boolean; /** * Create an iterator over the user widgets in the panel. * * @returns A new iterator over the user widgets in the panel. * * #### Notes * This iterator does not include the generated tab bars. */ widgets(): IIterator; /** * Create an iterator over the selected widgets in the panel. * * @returns A new iterator over the selected user widgets. * * #### Notes * This iterator yields the widgets corresponding to the current tab * of each tab bar in the panel. */ selectedWidgets(): IIterator; /** * Create an iterator over the tab bars in the panel. * * @returns A new iterator over the tab bars in the panel. * * #### Notes * This iterator does not include the user widgets. */ tabBars(): IIterator>; /** * Create an iterator over the handles in the panel. * * @returns A new iterator over the handles in the panel. */ handles(): IIterator; /** * Select a specific widget in the dock panel. * * @param widget - The widget of interest. * * #### Notes * This will make the widget the current widget in its tab area. */ selectWidget(widget: Widget): void; /** * Activate a specified widget in the dock panel. * * @param widget - The widget of interest. * * #### Notes * This will select and activate the given widget. */ activateWidget(widget: Widget): void; /** * Save the current layout configuration of the dock panel. * * @returns A new config object for the current layout state. * * #### Notes * The return value can be provided to the `restoreLayout` method * in order to restore the layout to its current configuration. */ saveLayout(): DockPanel.ILayoutConfig; /** * Restore the layout to a previously saved configuration. * * @param config - The layout configuration to restore. * * #### Notes * Widgets which currently belong to the layout but which are not * contained in the config will be unparented. * * The dock panel automatically reverts to `'multiple-document'` * mode when a layout config is restored. */ restoreLayout(config: DockPanel.ILayoutConfig): void; /** * Add a widget to the dock panel. * * @param widget - The widget to add to the dock panel. * * @param options - The additional options for adding the widget. * * #### Notes * If the panel is in single document mode, the options are ignored * and the widget is always added as tab in the hidden tab bar. */ addWidget(widget: Widget, options?: DockPanel.IAddOptions): void; /** * Process a message sent to the widget. * * @param msg - The message sent to the widget. */ processMessage(msg: Message): void; /** * Handle the DOM events for the dock panel. * * @param event - The DOM event sent to the panel. * * #### Notes * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is * called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should * not be called directly by user code. */ handleEvent(event: Event): void; /** * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message. */ protected onBeforeAttach(msg: Message): void; /** * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message. */ protected onAfterDetach(msg: Message): void; /** * A message handler invoked on a `'child-added'` message. */ protected onChildAdded(msg: Widget.ChildMessage): void; /** * A message handler invoked on a `'child-removed'` message. */ protected onChildRemoved(msg: Widget.ChildMessage): void; /** * Handle the `'lm-dragenter'` event for the dock panel. */ private _evtDragEnter; /** * Handle the `'lm-dragleave'` event for the dock panel. */ private _evtDragLeave; /** * Handle the `'lm-dragover'` event for the dock panel. */ private _evtDragOver; /** * Handle the `'lm-drop'` event for the dock panel. */ private _evtDrop; /** * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the dock panel. */ private _evtKeyDown; /** * Handle the `'mousedown'` event for the dock panel. */ private _evtMouseDown; /** * Handle the `'mousemove'` event for the dock panel. */ private _evtMouseMove; /** * Handle the `'mouseup'` event for the dock panel. */ private _evtMouseUp; /** * Release the mouse grab for the dock panel. */ private _releaseMouse; /** * Show the overlay indicator at the given client position. * * Returns the drop zone at the specified client position. * * #### Notes * If the position is not over a valid zone, the overlay is hidden. */ private _showOverlay; /** * Create a new tab bar for use by the panel. */ private _createTabBar; /** * Create a new handle for use by the panel. */ private _createHandle; /** * Handle the `tabMoved` signal from a tab bar. */ private _onTabMoved; /** * Handle the `currentChanged` signal from a tab bar. */ private _onCurrentChanged; /** * Handle the `addRequested` signal from a tab bar. */ private _onTabAddRequested; /** * Handle the `tabActivateRequested` signal from a tab bar. */ private _onTabActivateRequested; /** * Handle the `tabCloseRequested` signal from a tab bar. */ private _onTabCloseRequested; /** * Handle the `tabDetachRequested` signal from a tab bar. */ private _onTabDetachRequested; private _edges; private _document; private _mode; private _drag; private _renderer; private _tabsMovable; private _tabsConstrained; private _addButtonEnabled; private _pressData; private _layoutModified; private _addRequested; } /** * The namespace for the `DockPanel` class statics. */ export declare namespace DockPanel { /** * An options object for creating a dock panel. */ interface IOptions { /** * The document to use with the dock panel. * * The default is the global `document` instance. */ document?: Document | ShadowRoot; /** * The overlay to use with the dock panel. * * The default is a new `Overlay` instance. */ overlay?: IOverlay; /** * The renderer to use for the dock panel. * * The default is a shared renderer instance. */ renderer?: IRenderer; /** * The spacing between the items in the panel. * * The default is `4`. */ spacing?: number; /** * The mode for the dock panel. * * The default is `'multiple-document'`. */ mode?: DockPanel.Mode; /** * The sizes of the edge drop zones, in pixels. * If not given, default values will be used. */ edges?: IEdges; /** * The method for hiding widgets. * * The default is `Widget.HiddenMode.Display`. */ hiddenMode?: Widget.HiddenMode; /** * Allow tabs to be draggable / movable by user. * * The default is `'true'`. */ tabsMovable?: boolean; /** * Constrain tabs to this dock panel * * The default is `'false'`. */ tabsConstrained?: boolean; /** * Enable add buttons in each of the dock panel's tab bars. * * The default is `'false'`. */ addButtonEnabled?: boolean; } /** * The sizes of the edge drop zones, in pixels. */ interface IEdges { /** * The size of the top edge drop zone. */ top: number; /** * The size of the right edge drop zone. */ right: number; /** * The size of the bottom edge drop zone. */ bottom: number; /** * The size of the left edge drop zone. */ left: number; } /** * A type alias for the supported dock panel modes. */ type Mode = /** * The single document mode. * * In this mode, only a single widget is visible at a time, and that * widget fills the available layout space. No tab bars are visible. */ 'single-document' /** * The multiple document mode. * * In this mode, multiple documents are displayed in separate tab * areas, and those areas can be individually resized by the user. */ | 'multiple-document'; /** * A type alias for a layout configuration object. */ type ILayoutConfig = DockLayout.ILayoutConfig; /** * A type alias for the supported insertion modes. */ type InsertMode = DockLayout.InsertMode; /** * A type alias for the add widget options. */ type IAddOptions = DockLayout.IAddOptions; /** * An object which holds the geometry for overlay positioning. */ interface IOverlayGeometry { /** * The distance between the overlay and parent top edges. */ top: number; /** * The distance between the overlay and parent left edges. */ left: number; /** * The distance between the overlay and parent right edges. */ right: number; /** * The distance between the overlay and parent bottom edges. */ bottom: number; } /** * An object which manages the overlay node for a dock panel. */ interface IOverlay { /** * The DOM node for the overlay. */ readonly node: HTMLDivElement; /** * Show the overlay using the given overlay geometry. * * @param geo - The desired geometry for the overlay. * * #### Notes * The given geometry values assume the node will use absolute * positioning. * * This is called on every mouse move event during a drag in order * to update the position of the overlay. It should be efficient. */ show(geo: IOverlayGeometry): void; /** * Hide the overlay node. * * @param delay - The delay (in ms) before hiding the overlay. * A delay value <= 0 should hide the overlay immediately. * * #### Notes * This is called whenever the overlay node should been hidden. */ hide(delay: number): void; } /** * A concrete implementation of `IOverlay`. * * This is the default overlay implementation for a dock panel. */ class Overlay implements IOverlay { /** * Construct a new overlay. */ constructor(); /** * The DOM node for the overlay. */ readonly node: HTMLDivElement; /** * Show the overlay using the given overlay geometry. * * @param geo - The desired geometry for the overlay. */ show(geo: IOverlayGeometry): void; /** * Hide the overlay node. * * @param delay - The delay (in ms) before hiding the overlay. * A delay value <= 0 will hide the overlay immediately. */ hide(delay: number): void; private _timer; private _hidden; } /** * A type alias for a dock panel renderer; */ type IRenderer = DockLayout.IRenderer; /** * The default implementation of `IRenderer`. */ class Renderer implements IRenderer { /** * Create a new tab bar for use with a dock panel. * * @returns A new tab bar for a dock panel. */ createTabBar(document?: Document | ShadowRoot): TabBar; /** * Create a new handle node for use with a dock panel. * * @returns A new handle node for a dock panel. */ createHandle(): HTMLDivElement; } /** * The default `Renderer` instance. */ const defaultRenderer: Renderer; } //#