import { Message } from '@lumino/messaging'; import { AccordionLayout } from './accordionlayout'; import { SplitLayout } from './splitlayout'; import { SplitPanel } from './splitpanel'; import { Title } from './title'; import { Widget } from './widget'; /** * A panel which arranges its widgets into resizable sections separated by a title widget. * * #### Notes * This class provides a convenience wrapper around [[AccordionLayout]]. */ export declare class AccordionPanel extends SplitPanel { /** * Construct a new accordion panel. * * @param options - The options for initializing the accordion panel. */ constructor(options?: AccordionPanel.IOptions); /** * The renderer used by the accordion panel. */ readonly renderer: AccordionPanel.IRenderer; /** * The section title space. * * This is the height if the panel is vertical and the width if it is * horizontal. */ titleSpace: number; /** * A read-only array of the section titles in the panel. */ readonly titles: ReadonlyArray; /** * Add a widget to the end of the panel. * * @param widget - The widget to add to the panel. * * #### Notes * If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved. */ addWidget(widget: Widget): void; /** * Insert a widget at the specified index. * * @param index - The index at which to insert the widget. * * @param widget - The widget to insert into to the panel. * * #### Notes * If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved. */ insertWidget(index: number, widget: Widget): void; /** * Handle the DOM events for the accordion panel. * * @param event - The DOM event sent to the panel. * * #### Notes * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is * called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should * not be called directly by user code. */ handleEvent(event: Event): void; /** * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message. */ protected onBeforeAttach(msg: Message): void; /** * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message. */ protected onAfterDetach(msg: Message): void; /** * Handle the `changed` signal of a title object. */ private _onTitleChanged; /** * Compute the size of widgets in this panel on the title click event. * On closing, the size of the widget is cached and we will try to expand * the last opened widget. * On opening, we will use the cached size if it is available to restore the * widget. * In both cases, if we can not compute the size of widgets, we will let * `SplitLayout` decide. * * @param index - The index of widget to be opened of closed * * @returns Relative size of widgets in this panel, if this size can * not be computed, return `undefined` */ private _computeWidgetSize; /** * Handle the `'click'` event for the accordion panel */ private _evtClick; /** * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the accordion panel. */ private _eventKeyDown; private _widgetSizesCache; } /** * The namespace for the `AccordionPanel` class statics. */ export declare namespace AccordionPanel { /** * A type alias for a accordion panel orientation. */ type Orientation = SplitLayout.Orientation; /** * A type alias for a accordion panel alignment. */ type Alignment = SplitLayout.Alignment; /** * A type alias for a accordion panel renderer. */ type IRenderer = AccordionLayout.IRenderer; /** * An options object for initializing a accordion panel. */ interface IOptions extends Partial { /** * The accordion layout to use for the accordion panel. * * If this is provided, the other options are ignored. * * The default is a new `AccordionLayout`. */ layout?: AccordionLayout; } /** * The default implementation of `IRenderer`. */ class Renderer extends SplitPanel.Renderer implements IRenderer { /** * A selector which matches any title node in the accordion. */ readonly titleClassName = "lm-AccordionPanel-title"; /** * Render the collapse indicator for a section title. * * @param data - The data to use for rendering the section title. * * @returns A element representing the collapse indicator. */ createCollapseIcon(data: Title): HTMLElement; /** * Render the element for a section title. * * @param data - The data to use for rendering the section title. * * @returns A element representing the section title. */ createSectionTitle(data: Title): HTMLElement; /** * Create a unique render key for the title. * * @param data - The data to use for the title. * * @returns The unique render key for the title. * * #### Notes * This method caches the key against the section title the first time * the key is generated. */ createTitleKey(data: Title): string; private _titleID; private _titleKeys; } /** * The default `Renderer` instance. */ const defaultRenderer: Renderer; } //#