import { runInNewContext } from 'vm'; import { getLogger, LoggingContext } from './logging'; import { nodeGlobals } from './nodeGlobals'; export function injectVariableAccessAndEvaluate( expression: string, scenarioVariables: Map, ): unknown { const regex = /{{(\w*)}}/g; const variables: { [key: string]: unknown } = {}; const expressionWithVariables = searchForMatchingStrings( regex, expression, ).reduce((previousString, variable) => { variables[variable] = scenarioVariables.get(variable); const searchValue = `{{${variable}}}`; return previousString.replace(searchValue, variable); }, expression); return runInNewContext(expressionWithVariables, { ...nodeGlobals, ...variables, }); } function injectVarsToString( str: string, scenarioVariables: Map, ctx: LoggingContext, ): string { const regex = /{{(\w*)}}/g; return searchForMatchingStrings(regex, str).reduce( (previousString, variable) => { const replaceValue = scenarioVariables.get(variable); if (replaceValue !== undefined) { const searchValue = `{{${variable}}}`; getLogger(ctx.scenario).debug( `Replacing '${searchValue}' with '${replaceValue}'`, ctx, ); return previousString.replace(searchValue, `${replaceValue}`); } getLogger(ctx.scenario).debug( `Not able to replace {{${variable}}} because no variable with that name found!`, ctx, ); return previousString; }, str, ); } export function injectEvalAndVarsToString( str: string, scenarioVariables: Map, ctx: LoggingContext, ): string | number { const afterEvalToString = injectEvaluationToString( str, ctx, scenarioVariables, ); const afterVarInjection = injectVarsToString( afterEvalToString, scenarioVariables, ctx, ); const [ afterEvalToNumber, foundNumericExpression, ] = injectEvaluationToNumber(afterVarInjection, ctx, scenarioVariables); // if the string contains only number description, that can be converted, then return a number, in other case return a string if ( foundNumericExpression && afterEvalToNumber === (+afterEvalToNumber).toString() ) { return +afterEvalToNumber; } return afterEvalToNumber; } export function injectEvalAndVarsToMap( keyValueMap: any, scenarioVariables: Map, ctx: LoggingContext, ): any { const copy = keyValueMap instanceof Array ? [] : {}; Object.assign(copy, keyValueMap); for (const mapEntry of Object.entries(copy)) { const key = mapEntry[0]; const value = mapEntry[1]; if (value instanceof Object) { // contains nested values copy[key] = injectEvalAndVarsToMap(value, scenarioVariables, ctx); } else if (typeof value === 'string') { copy[key] = injectEvalAndVarsToString( value, scenarioVariables, ctx, ); } } return copy; } function searchForMatchingStrings(regex: RegExp, str: string): string[] { const regexCopy = regex; let m; const matchingStrings: string[] = []; while ((m = regexCopy.exec(str)) !== null) { if (m.index === regexCopy.lastIndex) regexCopy.lastIndex += 1; matchingStrings.push(m[1]); } return matchingStrings; } function injectEvaluationToString( str: string, ctx: LoggingContext, vars: Map, ): string { // the vars (scenario variable) should be left available here in order to access // and set them from within evaluated expressions const regex = /{{{(.*?)}}}/g; let result = str; searchForMatchingStrings(regex, result).forEach(expression => { const replaceValue = (() => eval(expression)).call( buildExpHelpers(vars), ); if (replaceValue) { const searchValue = `{{{${expression}}}}`; getLogger(ctx.scenario).debug( `Replacing '${searchValue}' with '${replaceValue}'`, ctx, ); result = result.replace(searchValue, replaceValue); } else { getLogger(ctx.scenario).debug( `Not able to replace {{{${expression}}}} !`, ctx, ); } }); return result; } function injectEvaluationToNumber( str: string, ctx: LoggingContext, vars: Map, ): [string, boolean] { // the vars (scenario variable) should be left available here in order to access // and set them from within evaluated expressions const regex = /<<<(.*?)>>>/g; let foundNumericExpression = false; let result = str; searchForMatchingStrings(regex, result).forEach(expression => { foundNumericExpression = true; const replaceValue = (() => eval(expression)).call( buildExpHelpers(vars), ); if (replaceValue) { const searchValue = `<<<${expression}>>>`; getLogger(ctx.scenario).debug( `Replacing '"${searchValue}"' with '${replaceValue}'`, ctx, ); result = result.replace(searchValue, replaceValue); } else { getLogger(ctx.scenario).debug( `Not able to replace {{{${expression}}}} !`, ctx, ); } }); return [result, foundNumericExpression]; } function buildExpHelpers(vars: Map): unknown { return { get(name: string): any { return vars.get(name); }, set(name: string, value: any) { return vars.set(name, value); }, getAndInc(name: string): number { const currentValue = vars.get(name); vars.set(name, currentValue + 1); return currentValue; }, getAndIncBy(name: string, howMuch: number): number { const currentValue = vars.get(name); vars.set(name, currentValue + howMuch); return currentValue; }, incAndGet(name: string): number { const targetValue = vars.get(name) + 1; vars.set(name, targetValue); return targetValue; }, incByAndGet(name: string, howMuch: number): number { const targetValue = vars.get(name) + howMuch; vars.set(name, targetValue); return targetValue; }, datePlusMinutesIso(minutes: number): string { return new Date( + minutes * 60e3).toISOString(); }, timestampPlusMinutes(minutes: number): number { return + minutes * 60e3; }, }; }