import * as React from 'react'; import { StandardProps } from '..'; export interface CircularProgressProps extends StandardProps< React.HTMLAttributes, CircularProgressClassKey, 'children' > { /** * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component. */ color?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'inherit'; /** * If `true`, the shrink animation is disabled. * This only works if variant is `indeterminate`. */ disableShrink?: boolean; /** * The size of the circle. * If using a number, the pixel unit is assumed. * If using a string, you need to provide the CSS unit, e.g '3rem'. */ size?: number | string; /** * The thickness of the circle. */ thickness?: number; /** * The value of the progress indicator for the determinate variant. * Value between 0 and 100. */ value?: number; /** * The variant to use. * Use indeterminate when there is no progress value. */ variant?: 'determinate' | 'indeterminate' | 'static'; } export type CircularProgressClassKey = | 'root' | 'static' | 'determinate' | 'indeterminate' | 'colorPrimary' | 'colorSecondary' | 'svg' | 'circle' | 'circleStatic' | 'circleDeterminate' | 'circleIndeterminate' | 'circleDisableShrink'; /** * ## ARIA * * If the progress bar is describing the loading progress of a particular region of a page, * you should use `aria-describedby` to point to the progress bar, and set the `aria-busy` * attribute to `true` on that region until it has finished loading. * Demos: * * - [Progress]( * * API: * * - [CircularProgress API]( */ export default function CircularProgress(props: CircularProgressProps): JSX.Element;