import * as React from 'react'; import { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../OverridableComponent'; export interface GridListTileTypeMap

{ props: P & { cols?: number; rows?: number; }; defaultComponent: D; classKey: GridListTileClassKey; } /** * ⚠️ The GridList component was renamed to ImageList to align with the current Material Design naming. * * You should use `import { ImageListTile } from '@material-ui/core'` * or `import ImageListTile from '@material-ui/core/ImageListTile'`. * API: * * - [GridListTile API]( */ declare const GridListTile: OverridableComponent; export type GridListTileClassKey = 'root' | 'tile' | 'imgFullHeight' | 'imgFullWidth'; export type GridListTileProps< D extends React.ElementType = GridListTileTypeMap['defaultComponent'], P = {} > = OverrideProps, D>; export default GridListTile;