import * as React from 'react'; import { TypographyProps } from '../Typography'; import { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../OverridableComponent'; export interface CardHeaderTypeMap< Props = {}, DefaultComponent extends React.ElementType = 'div', TitleTypographyComponent extends React.ElementType = 'span', SubheaderTypographyComponent extends React.ElementType = 'span' > { props: Props & { /** * The action to display in the card header. */ action?: React.ReactNode; /** * The Avatar for the Card Header. */ avatar?: React.ReactNode; /** * If `true`, `subheader` and `title` won't be wrapped by a Typography component. * This can be useful to render an alternative Typography variant by wrapping * the `title` text, and optional `subheader` text * with the Typography component. */ disableTypography?: boolean; /** * The content of the component. */ subheader?: React.ReactNode; /** * These props will be forwarded to the subheader * (as long as disableTypography is not `true`). */ subheaderTypographyProps?: TypographyProps< SubheaderTypographyComponent, { component?: SubheaderTypographyComponent } >; /** * The content of the Card Title. */ title?: React.ReactNode; /** * These props will be forwarded to the title * (as long as disableTypography is not `true`). */ titleTypographyProps?: TypographyProps< TitleTypographyComponent, { component?: TitleTypographyComponent } >; }; defaultComponent: DefaultComponent; classKey: CardHeaderClassKey; } /** * * Demos: * * - [Cards]( * * API: * * - [CardHeader API]( */ declare const CardHeader: OverridableCardHeader; export interface OverridableCardHeader extends OverridableComponent { < DefaultComponent extends React.ElementType = CardHeaderTypeMap['defaultComponent'], Props = {}, TitleTypographyComponent extends React.ElementType = 'span', SubheaderTypographyComponent extends React.ElementType = 'span' >( props: CardHeaderPropsWithComponent< DefaultComponent, Props, TitleTypographyComponent, SubheaderTypographyComponent > ): JSX.Element; } export type CardHeaderClassKey = 'root' | 'avatar' | 'action' | 'content' | 'title' | 'subheader'; export type CardHeaderProps< DefaultComponent extends React.ElementType = CardHeaderTypeMap['defaultComponent'], Props = {}, TitleTypographyComponent extends React.ElementType = 'span', SubheaderTypographyComponent extends React.ElementType = 'span' > = OverrideProps< CardHeaderTypeMap< Props, DefaultComponent, TitleTypographyComponent, SubheaderTypographyComponent >, DefaultComponent >; export type CardHeaderPropsWithComponent< DefaultComponent extends React.ElementType = CardHeaderTypeMap['defaultComponent'], Props = {}, TitleTypographyComponent extends React.ElementType = 'span', SubheaderTypographyComponent extends React.ElementType = 'span' > = { /** * The component used for the root node. * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. */ component?: DefaultComponent; } & CardHeaderProps< DefaultComponent, Props, TitleTypographyComponent, SubheaderTypographyComponent >; export default CardHeader;