import * as React from 'react'; import { Breakpoint } from '../styles/createBreakpoints'; export interface HiddenProps { /** * Specify which implementation to use. 'js' is the default, 'css' works better for * server-side rendering. */ implementation?: 'js' | 'css'; /** * You can use this prop when choosing the `js` implementation with server-side rendering. * * As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server, * we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount. * You might want to use an heuristic to approximate * the screen width of the client browser screen width. * * For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. * */ initialWidth?: Breakpoint; /** * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden. */ lgDown?: boolean; /** * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden. */ lgUp?: boolean; /** * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden. */ mdDown?: boolean; /** * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden. */ mdUp?: boolean; /** * Hide the given breakpoint(s). */ only?: Breakpoint | Breakpoint[]; /** * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden. */ smDown?: boolean; /** * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden. */ smUp?: boolean; /** * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden. */ xlDown?: boolean; /** * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden. */ xlUp?: boolean; /** * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden. */ xsDown?: boolean; /** * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden. */ xsUp?: boolean; } /** * Responsively hides children based on the selected implementation. * Demos: * * - [Hidden]( * * API: * * - [Hidden API]( */ declare const Hidden: React.ComponentType; export default Hidden;