import * as React from 'react'; import { StandardProps } from '@material-ui/core'; import { FabProps } from '@material-ui/core/Fab'; import { TooltipProps } from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip'; export interface SpeedDialActionProps extends StandardProps, SpeedDialActionClassKey, 'children'> { /** * Props applied to the [`Fab`](/api/fab/) component. */ FabProps?: Partial; /** * Adds a transition delay, to allow a series of SpeedDialActions to be animated. */ delay?: number; /** * The Icon to display in the SpeedDial Fab. */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** * `classes` prop applied to the [`Tooltip`](/api/tooltip/) element. */ TooltipClasses?: TooltipProps['classes']; /** * Placement of the tooltip. */ tooltipPlacement?: TooltipProps['placement']; /** * Label to display in the tooltip. */ tooltipTitle?: React.ReactNode; /** * Make the tooltip always visible when the SpeedDial is open. */ tooltipOpen?: boolean; } export type SpeedDialActionClassKey = | 'fab' | 'fabClosed' | 'staticTooltip' | 'staticTooltipClosed' | 'staticTooltipLabel' | 'tooltipPlacementLeft'; /** * * Demos: * * - [Speed Dial]( * * API: * * - [SpeedDialAction API]( * - inherits [Tooltip API]( */ export default function SpeedDialAction(props: SpeedDialActionProps): JSX.Element;