/// /// import { DatePickerProps } from '..'; import { IUtils } from '@date-io/core/IUtils'; import { ParsableDate } from '../constants/prop-types'; import { BasePickerProps } from '../typings/BasePicker'; export declare const getDisplayDate: (value: ParsableDate, format: string, utils: IUtils, isEmpty: boolean, { invalidLabel, emptyLabel, labelFunc }: Pick) => string; export interface BaseValidationProps { /** * Message, appearing when date cannot be parsed * @default 'Invalid Date Format' */ invalidDateMessage?: React.ReactNode; } export interface DateValidationProps extends BaseValidationProps { /** * Error message, shown if date is less then minimal date * @default 'Date should not be before minimal date' */ minDateMessage?: React.ReactNode; /** * Error message, shown if date is more then maximal date * @default 'Date should not be after maximal date' */ maxDateMessage?: React.ReactNode; } export declare const validate: (value: ParsableDate, utils: IUtils, { maxDate, minDate, disablePast, disableFuture, maxDateMessage, minDateMessage, invalidDateMessage, strictCompareDates, }: Pick) => import("react").ReactNode; export declare function pick12hOr24hFormat(userFormat: string | undefined, ampm: boolean | undefined, formats: { '12h': string; '24h': string; }): string; export declare function makeMaskFromFormat(format: string, numberMaskChar: string): string; export declare const maskedDateFormatter: (mask: string, numberMaskChar: string, refuse: RegExp) => (value: string) => string;