/** * @license * Copyright 2020 Google Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ import { MDCFoundation } from '@material/base/foundation'; import { MDCSliderAdapter } from './adapter'; import { Thumb } from './types'; /** * Foundation class for slider. Responsibilities include: * - Updating slider values (internal state and DOM updates) based on client * 'x' position. * - Updating DOM after slider property updates (e.g. min, max). */ export declare class MDCSliderFoundation extends MDCFoundation { static SUPPORTS_POINTER_EVENTS: boolean; private initialStylesRemoved; private min; private max; private valueStart; private value; private rect; private isDisabled; private isDiscrete; private step; private numDecimalPlaces; private hasTickMarks; private isRange; private thumb; private downEventClientX; private valueStartBeforeDownEvent; private valueBeforeDownEvent; private startThumbKnobWidth; private endThumbKnobWidth; private readonly animFrame; private mousedownOrTouchstartListener; private moveListener; private pointerdownListener; private pointerupListener; private thumbMouseenterListener; private thumbMouseleaveListener; private inputStartChangeListener; private inputEndChangeListener; private inputStartFocusListener; private inputEndFocusListener; private inputStartBlurListener; private inputEndBlurListener; private resizeListener; constructor(adapter?: Partial); static get defaultAdapter(): MDCSliderAdapter; init(): void; destroy(): void; getMin(): number; getMax(): number; /** * - For single point sliders, returns the thumb value. * - For range (two-thumb) sliders, returns the end thumb's value. */ getValue(): number; /** * - For single point sliders, sets the thumb value. * - For range (two-thumb) sliders, sets the end thumb's value. */ setValue(value: number): void; /** * Only applicable for range sliders. * @return The start thumb's value. */ getValueStart(): number; /** * Only applicable for range sliders. Sets the start thumb's value. */ setValueStart(valueStart: number): void; getStep(): number; getDisabled(): boolean; /** * Sets disabled state, including updating styles and thumb tabindex. */ setDisabled(disabled: boolean): void; /** @return Whether the slider is a range slider. */ getIsRange(): boolean; /** * - Syncs slider boundingClientRect with the current DOM. * - Updates UI based on internal state. */ layout({ skipUpdateUI }?: { skipUpdateUI?: boolean; }): void; /** Handles resize events on the window. */ handleResize(): void; /** * Handles pointer down events on the slider root element. */ handleDown(event: PointerEvent | MouseEvent | TouchEvent): void; /** * Handles pointer move events on the slider root element. */ handleMove(event: PointerEvent | MouseEvent | TouchEvent): void; /** * Handles pointer up events on the slider root element. */ handleUp(): void; /** * For range, discrete slider, shows the value indicator on both thumbs. */ handleThumbMouseenter(): void; /** * For range, discrete slider, hides the value indicator on both thumbs. */ handleThumbMouseleave(): void; handleMousedownOrTouchstart(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): void; handlePointerdown(event: PointerEvent): void; /** * Handles input `change` event by setting internal slider value to match * input's new value. */ handleInputChange(thumb: Thumb): void; /** Shows activated state and value indicator on thumb(s). */ handleInputFocus(thumb: Thumb): void; /** Removes activated state and value indicator from thumb(s). */ handleInputBlur(thumb: Thumb): void; /** * Emits custom dragStart event, along with focusing the underlying input. */ private handleDragStart; /** * @return The thumb to be moved based on initial down event. */ private getThumbFromDownEvent; /** * @return The thumb to be moved based on move event (based on drag * direction from original down event). Only applicable if thumbs * were overlapping in the down event. */ private getThumbFromMoveEvent; /** * Updates UI based on internal state. * @param thumb Thumb whose value is being updated. If undefined, UI is * updated for both thumbs based on current internal state. */ private updateUI; /** * Updates thumb and input attributes based on current value. * @param thumb Thumb whose aria attributes to update. */ private updateThumbAndInputAttributes; /** * Updates value indicator UI based on current value. * @param thumb Thumb whose value indicator to update. If undefined, all * thumbs' value indicators are updated. */ private updateValueIndicatorUI; /** * Updates tick marks UI within slider, based on current min, max, and step. */ private updateTickMarksUI; /** Maps clientX to a value on the slider scale. */ private mapClientXOnSliderScale; /** Calculates the quantized value based on step value. */ private quantize; /** * Updates slider value (internal state and UI) based on the given value. */ private updateValue; /** * Clamps the given value for the given thumb based on slider properties: * - Restricts value within [min, max]. * - If range slider, clamp start value <= end value, and * end value >= start value. */ private clampValue; /** * Updates the active track and thumb style properties to reflect current * value. */ private updateThumbAndTrackUI; /** * Removes initial inline styles if not already removed. `left:<...>%` * inline styles can be added to position the thumb correctly before JS * initialization. However, they need to be removed before the JS starts * positioning the thumb. This is because the JS uses * `transform:translateX(<...>)px` (for performance reasons) to position * the thumb (which is not possible for initial styles since we need the * bounding rect measurements). */ private removeInitialStyles; /** * Resets track/thumb animation to prevent animation when adding * `transform` styles to thumb initially. */ private resetTrackAndThumbAnimation; /** * Adds THUMB_TOP class to active thumb if thumb knobs overlap; otherwise * removes THUMB_TOP class from both thumbs. * @param thumb Thumb that is active (being moved). */ private updateOverlappingThumbsUI; /** * Converts attribute value to a number, e.g. '100' => 100. Throws errors * for invalid values. * @param attributeValue Attribute value, e.g. 100. * @param attributeName Attribute name, e.g. `aria-valuemax`. */ private convertAttributeValueToNumber; /** Checks that the given properties are valid slider values. */ private validateProperties; private registerEventHandlers; private deregisterEventHandlers; private handlePointerup; }