import { OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; /** Transcluded content here */ export interface ApiStatus { loading?: boolean; loaded?: boolean; loadError?: any; modifying?: boolean; modified?: boolean; modifyError?: any; } export declare class ApiStateComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { /** API State */ state: ApiStatus; /** Should the success/loading/error messages appear inline or as a toaster pop in the lower right of the screen */ toaster: boolean; /** Should the success message be visible or not */ showSuccess: boolean; /** Set this flag after the initial load of data */ initialLoadComplete: boolean; /** Toggle the visibility of the success message */ successVisible: boolean; constructor(); ngOnInit(): void; ngOnChanges(): void; /** * Close the alert and clear success state */ closeSuccess(): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; }