/** * TypeScript interface describing a Universal Reference YAML documentation file, * as defined by typescript.schema.json. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.UniversalReference.PageViewModel` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlApiFile { /** * The items contained in this file. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ExceptionInfo.Items` in DocFX. */ items: IYamlItem[]; /** * References to other items. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ExceptionInfo.References` in DocFX. */ references?: IYamlReference[]; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ExceptionInfo.ShouldSkipMarkup` in DocFX. */ shouldSkipMarkup?: boolean; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Represents basic API elements such as * classes, interfaces, members, etc. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.UniversalReference.ItemViewModel` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlItem { /** * The Unique Identifier (UID) for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Uid` in DocFX. */ uid: string; /** * A Roslyn comment ID (unused). * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.CommentId` in DocFX. */ commentId?: string; /** * The ID for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Id` in DocFX. */ id?: string; /** * The Unique Identifier (UID) of the parent item. This value can vary by development language * by setting the relevant `parent.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Parent` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.ParentInDevLangs` in DocFX when `parent.${lang}` is used. */ parent?: string; 'parent.typeScript'?: string; /** * The Unique Identifiers (UID) of the children of this item. This value can vary by development language * by setting the relevant `children.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Children` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.ChildrenInDevLangs` in DocFX when `children.${lang}` is used. */ children?: string[]; 'children.typeScript'?: string[]; /** * Item's link URL. An item can only have a single link in cross references, so varying `href` by development * languages is not supported. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Href` in DocFX. */ href?: string; /** * The development languages supported by this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.SupportedLanguages` in DocFX. */ langs?: YamlDevLangs[]; /** * The local name of this item. This name should generally not be namespace qualified or include * parent type information. This value can vary by development language by setting the relevant * `name.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Name` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Names` in DocFX when `name.${lang}` is used. */ name?: string; 'name.typeScript'?: string; /** * The name of this item including its parent type, if it has one. This name should generally not be namespace * qualified. This value can vary by development language by setting the relevant `nameWithType.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.NameWithType` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.NamesWithType` in DocFX when `nameWithType.${lang}` is used. */ nameWithType?: string; 'nameWithType.typeScript'?: string; /** * The namespace-qualified name of this item including its parent type. This value can vary by development language * by setting the relevant `fullName.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.FullName` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.FullNames` in DocFX when `fullName.${lang}` is used. */ fullName?: string; 'fullName.typeScript'?: string; /** * The type of source element this item represents. This value cannot vary by development language. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Type` in DocFX. */ type: YamlTypeId; /** * The location of the item's source. This value can vary by development language by setting the relevant * `source.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Source` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.SourceInDevLangs` in DocFX when `source.${lang}` is used. */ source?: IYamlSource; 'source.typeScript'?: IYamlSource; /** * The location of the item's documentation overrides. This value cannot vary by development language. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Documentation` in DocFX. */ documentation?: IYamlSource; /** * The names of managed assemblies that contain this item. This value can vary by development language by setting * the relevant `assemblies.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.AssemblyNameList` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.AssemblyNameListInDevLangs` in DocFX when `assemblies.${lang}` is used. */ assemblies?: string[]; 'assemblies.typeScript'?: string[]; /** * The Unique Identifier (UID) of the namespace that contains this item. This value can vary by development language * by setting the relevant `namespace.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.NamespaceName` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.NamespaceNameInDevLangs` in DocFX. */ namespace?: string; 'namespace.typeScript'?: string; /** * The summary for the item. This value cannot vary by development language. * Markdown is permitted. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Summary` in DocFX. */ summary?: string; /** * The remarks for the item. This value cannot vary by development language. * Markdown is permitted. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Remarks` in DocFX. */ remarks?: string; /** * The examples for the item. This value cannot vary by development language. * Markdown is permitted. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Examples` in DocFX. */ example?: string[]; /** * The syntax for this item. This value itself cannot vary by development language, but * instead contains properties that may vary by development language. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Syntax` in DocFX. */ syntax?: IYamlSyntax; /** * The Unique Identifier (UID) of the member this item overrides. This value can vary by development language * by setting the relevant `overridden.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Overridden` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.OverriddenInDevLangs` in DocFX when `overriden.${lang}` is used. */ overridden?: string; 'overridden.typeScript'?: string; /** * The Unique Identifier (UID) of the member this item overloads. This value can vary by development language * by setting the relevant `overload.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Overload` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.OverloadInDevLangs` in DocFX when `overload.${lang}` is used. */ overload?: string; 'overload.typeScript'?: string; /** * The exceptions thrown by this item. This value can vary by development language by setting the relevant * `exceptions.${lang}` property. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Exceptions` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.ExceptionsInDevLangs` in DocFX when `exceptions.${lang}` is used. */ exceptions?: IYamlException[]; 'exceptions.typeScript'?: IYamlException[]; /** * Links to additional content related to this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.SeeAlsos` in DocFX. */ seealso?: IYamlLink[]; /** * Additional information about other content related to this item. * Markdown is permitted. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.SeeAlsoContent` in DocFX. */ seealsoContent?: string; /** * Links to additional content related to this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Sees` in DocFX. */ see?: IYamlLink[]; /** * The inheritance tree for this item. Multiple inheritance is permitted for languages like Python. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Inheritance` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.InheritanceInDevLangs` in DocFX when `inheritance.${lang}` is used. */ inheritance?: IYamlInheritanceTree[]; 'inheritance.typeScript'?: IYamlInheritanceTree[]; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.DerivedClassses` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.DerivedClasssesInDevLangs` in DocFX when `derivedClasses.${lang}` is used. */ derivedClasses?: string[]; 'derivedClasses.typeScript'?: string[]; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Implements` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.ImplementsInDevLangs` in DocFX when `implements.${lang}` is used. */ implements?: string[]; 'implements.typeScript'?: string[]; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.InheritedMembers` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.InheritedMembersInDevLangs` in DocFX when `inheritedMembers.${lang}` is used. */ inheritedMembers?: string[]; 'inheritedMembers.typeScript'?: string[]; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.ExtensionMethods` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.ExtensionMethodsInDevLangs` in DocFX when `extensionMethods.${lang}` is used. */ extensionMethods?: string[]; 'extensionMethods.typeScript'?: string[]; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Conceptual` in DocFX. */ conceptual?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Platform` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ItemViewModel.PlatformInDevLangs` in DocFX when `platform.${lang}` is used. */ platform?: string[]; 'platform.typeScript'?: string[]; /** * NOTE: This is an extension and corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Metadata` in DocFX. */ deprecated?: IYamlDeprecatedNotice; /** * NOTE: This is an extension and corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Metadata` in DocFX. */ extends?: string[]; /** * NOTE: This is an extension and corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Metadata` in DocFX. */ isPreview?: boolean; /** * NOTE: In TypeScript, enum members can be strings or integers. * If it is an integer, then enumMember.value will be a string representation of the integer. * If it is a string, then enumMember.value will include the quotation marks. * * NOTE: This is an extension and corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Metadata` in DocFX. */ numericValue?: string; /** * NOTE: This is an extension and corresponds to `ItemViewModel.Metadata` in DocFX. */ package?: string; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Represents the type of an IYamlItem. */ export type YamlTypeId = 'class' | 'constructor' | 'enum' | 'field' | 'function' | 'interface' | 'method' | 'package' | 'property' | 'event' | 'typealias' | 'variable' | 'namespace'; /** * Development languages supported by the Universal Reference file format, as defined by typescript.schema.json. */ export type YamlDevLangs = 'typeScript'; /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Documents the source file where an IYamlItem is defined. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.Common.SourceDetail` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlSource { /** * Information about the Git repository where this source can be found. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.Remote` in DocFX. */ remote?: IYamlRemote; /** * The base path for the source for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.BasePath` in DocFX. */ basePath?: string; /** * The name of the item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.Name` in DocFX. */ id?: string; /** * A link to the source for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.Href` in DocFX. */ href?: string; /** * The path to the source for this item. This path will be made relative to `basePath` in the documentation. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.Path` in DocFX. */ path?: string; /** * The starting line of the source for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.StartLine` in DocFX. */ startLine?: number; /** * The ending line of the source for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.EndLine` in DocFX. */ endLine?: number; /** * The content of the source for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.Content` in DocFX. */ content?: string; /** * Indicates whether the path to the source is not locally available. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SourceDetail.IsExternal` in DocFX. */ isExternal?: boolean; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Indicates the open source Git repository * where an IYamlItem is defined. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.Common.GitDetail` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlRemote { /** * The relative path of the current item to the Git repository root directory. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `GitDetail.RelativePath` in DocFX. */ path?: string; /** * The Git branch in which this item can be found. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `GitDetail.RemoteBranch` in DocFX. */ branch?: string; /** * The Git repository in which this item can be found. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `GitDetail.RemoteRepositoryUrl` in DocFX. */ repo?: string; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Documents the type signature for an IYamlItem. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.UniversalReference.SyntaxDetailViewModel` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlSyntax { /** * The content for the syntax of this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SyntaxDetailViewModel.Content` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `SyntaxDetailViewModel.Contents` in DocFX when `content.${lang}` is used. */ content?: string; 'content.typeScript'?: string; /** * The parameters for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SyntaxDetailViewModel.Parameters` in DocFX. */ parameters?: IYamlParameter[]; /** * The type parameters for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SyntaxDetailViewModel.TypeParameters` in DocFX. */ typeParameters?: IYamlParameter[]; /** * The return type for this item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `SyntaxDetailViewModel.Return` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `SyntaxDetailViewModel.ReturnInDevLangs` in DocFX when `return.${lang}` is used. */ return?: IYamlReturn; 'return.typeScript'?: IYamlReturn; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Represents a method or function parameter. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.UniversalReference.ApiParameter` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlParameter { /** * The name of the parameter. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ApiParameter.Name` in DocFX. */ id?: string; /** * The Unique Identifiers (UIDs) of the types for this parameter. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ApiParameter.Type` in DocFX. */ type?: string[]; /** * The description for this parameter. * Markdown is permitted. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ApiParameter.Description` in DocFX. */ description?: string; /** * Indicates whether the parameter is optional. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ApiParameter.Optional` in DocFX. */ optional?: boolean; /** * The default value for the parameter. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ApiParameter.DefaultValue` in DocFX. */ defaultValue?: string; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Documents the return value of a function * or method. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.UniversalReference.ApiParameter` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlReturn { /** * The Unique Identifiers (UIDs) of the types for this parameter. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ApiParameter.Type` in DocFX. */ type?: string[]; /** * The description for this parameter. * Markdown is permitted. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ApiParameter.Description` in DocFX. */ description?: string; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Used to document exceptions that can be thrown * by a method, property, function, or constructor. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.UniversalReference.ExceptionInfo` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlException { /** * The Unique Identifier (UID) of the type for this exception. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ExceptionInfo.Type` in DocFX. */ type?: string; /** * The description for this exception. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `ExceptionInfo.Description` in DocFX. */ description?: string; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Used to indicate links to external content or other documentation. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.UniversalReference.LinkInfo` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlLink { /** * The type of link. * * The value `"CRef"` indicates that `linkId` is a Unique Identifier (UID) reference to * another documentation entry. * * The value `"HRef"` indicates that `linkId` is a link to external documentation. * NOTE: Corresponds to `LinkInfo.LinkType` in DocFX. */ linkType: 'CRef' | 'HRef'; /** * When `linkType` is `"CRef"`, this is a Unique Identifier (UID) reference to another documentation entry. * * When `linkType` is `"HRef"`, this is a link to external documentation. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `LinkInfo.LinkId` in DocFX. */ linkId: string; /** * A Roslyn comment ID for this link. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `LinkInfo.CommentId` in DocFX. */ commentId?: string; /** * Alternate text to display for thie link. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `LinkInfo.AltText` in DocFX. */ altText?: string; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Represents the inheritance hierarchy of an item. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.UniversalReference.InheritanceTree` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlInheritanceTree { /** * The Unique Identifier (UID) of the type from which an item or type inherits. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `InheritanceTree.Type` in DocFX. */ type: string; /** * The inheritance tree for the specified type. Multiple inheritance is permitted for languages like Python. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `InheritanceTree.Inheritance` in DocFX. */ inheritance?: IYamlInheritanceTree[]; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Represents a reference to an item that is * declared in a separate YAML file. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.Common.ReferenceViewModel` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlReference { /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.Uid` in DocFX. */ uid?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.CommentId` in DocFX. */ commentId?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.Parent` in DocFX. */ parent?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.Definition` in DocFX. */ definition?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.IsExternal` in DocFX. */ isExternal?: boolean; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.Href` in DocFX. */ href?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.Name` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.NameInDevLangs` in DocFX when `name.${lang}` is used. */ name?: string; 'name.typeScript'?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.NameWithType` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.NameWithTypeInDevLangs` in DocFX when `nameWithType.${lang}` is used. */ nameWithType?: string; 'nameWithType.typeScript'?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.FullName` in DocFX. * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.FullNameInDevLangs` in DocFX when `fullName.${lang}` is used. */ fullName?: string; 'fullName.typeScript'?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `ReferenceViewModel.Spec` in DocFX. */ 'spec.typeScript'?: IYamlReferenceSpec[]; } /** * Part of the IYamlApiFile structure. Represents a text specification for a reference. * * NOTE: Corresponds to `Microsoft.DocAsCode.DataContracts.Common.SpecViewModel` in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlReferenceSpec { /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `SpecViewModel.Uid` in DocFX. */ uid?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `SpecViewModel.Name` in DocFX. */ name?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `SpecViewModel.NameWithType` in DocFX. */ nameWithType?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `SpecViewModel.FullName` in DocFX. */ fullName?: string; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `SpecViewModel.IsExternal` in DocFX. */ isExternal?: boolean; /** * NOTE: Corresponds to `SpecViewModel.Href` in DocFX. */ href?: string; } /** * NOTE: This is an extension to the Universal Reference format and does not correspond to * a known type in DocFX. */ export interface IYamlDeprecatedNotice { content: string; } //# sourceMappingURL=IYamlApiFile.d.ts.map