/** * API Documenter generates an API reference website from the .api.json files created by API Extractor. * The `@microsoft/api-documenter` package provides the command-line tool. It also exposes a developer API that you * can use to create plugins that customize how API Documenter generates documentation. * * @packageDocumentation */ import { ApiItem } from '@microsoft/api-extractor-model'; import { ApiModel } from '@microsoft/api-extractor-model'; /** * The manifest for an API Documenter plugin. * * @remarks * An API documenter plugin is an NPM package. By convention, the NPM package name should have the prefix * `doc-plugin-`. Its main entry point should export an object named `apiDocumenterPluginManifest` which implements * the `IApiDocumenterPluginManifest` interface. * * For example: * ```ts * class MyMarkdownDocumenter extends MarkdownDocumenterFeature { * public onInitialized(): void { * console.log('MyMarkdownDocumenter: onInitialized()'); * } * } * * export const apiDocumenterPluginManifest: IApiDocumenterPluginManifest = { * manifestVersion: 1000, * features: [ * { * featureName: 'my-markdown-documenter', * kind: 'MarkdownDocumenterFeature', * subclass: MyMarkdownDocumenter * } * ] * }; * ``` * @public */ export declare interface IApiDocumenterPluginManifest { /** * The manifest version number. For now, this must always be `1000`. */ manifestVersion: 1000; /** * The list of features provided by this plugin. */ features: IFeatureDefinition[]; } /** * Defines a "feature" that is provided by an API Documenter plugin. A feature is a user-defined module * that customizes the behavior of API Documenter. * * @public */ export declare interface IFeatureDefinition { /** * The name of this feature, as it will appear in the config file. * * The name should consist of one or more words separated by hyphens. Each word should consist of lower case * letters and numbers. Example: `my-feature` */ featureName: string; /** * Determines the kind of feature. The specified value is the name of the base class that `subclass` inherits from. * * @remarks * For now, `MarkdownDocumenterFeature` is the only supported value. */ kind: 'MarkdownDocumenterFeature'; /** * Your subclass that extends from the base class. */ subclass: { new (initialization: PluginFeatureInitialization): MarkdownDocumenterFeature; }; } /** @internal */ declare interface IMarkdownDocumenterAccessorImplementation { getLinkForApiItem(apiItem: ApiItem): string | undefined; } /** * Event arguments for MarkdownDocumenterFeature.onBeforeWritePage() * @public */ export declare interface IMarkdownDocumenterFeatureOnBeforeWritePageArgs { /** * The API item corresponding to this page. */ readonly apiItem: ApiItem; /** * The page content. The {@link MarkdownDocumenterFeature.onBeforeWritePage} handler can reassign this * string to customize the page appearance. */ pageContent: string; /** * The filename where the output will be written. */ readonly outputFilename: string; } /** * Event arguments for MarkdownDocumenterFeature.onFinished() * @public */ export declare interface IMarkdownDocumenterFeatureOnFinishedArgs { } /** * Provides access to the documenter that is generating the output. * * @privateRemarks * This class is wrapper that provides access to the underlying MarkdownDocumenter, while hiding the implementation * details to ensure that the plugin API contract is stable. * * @public */ export declare class MarkdownDocumenterAccessor { private _implementation; /** @internal */ constructor(implementation: IMarkdownDocumenterAccessorImplementation); /** * For a given `ApiItem`, return its markdown hyperlink. * * @returns The hyperlink, or `undefined` if the `ApiItem` object does not have a hyperlink. */ getLinkForApiItem(apiItem: ApiItem): string | undefined; } /** * Inherit from this base class to implement an API Documenter plugin feature that customizes * the generation of markdown output. * * @public */ export declare class MarkdownDocumenterFeature extends PluginFeature { /** {@inheritdoc PluginFeature.context} */ context: MarkdownDocumenterFeatureContext; /** * This event occurs before each markdown file is written. It provides an opportunity to customize the * content of the file. * @virtual */ onBeforeWritePage(eventArgs: IMarkdownDocumenterFeatureOnBeforeWritePageArgs): void; /** * This event occurs after all output files have been written. * @virtual */ onFinished(eventArgs: IMarkdownDocumenterFeatureOnFinishedArgs): void; } /** * Context object for {@link MarkdownDocumenterFeature}. * Exposes various services that can be used by a plugin. * * @public */ export declare class MarkdownDocumenterFeatureContext { /** * Provides access to the `ApiModel` for the documentation being generated. */ readonly apiModel: ApiModel; /** * The full path to the output folder. */ readonly outputFolder: string; /** * Exposes functionality of the documenter. */ readonly documenter: MarkdownDocumenterAccessor; /** @internal */ constructor(options: MarkdownDocumenterFeatureContext); } /** * The abstract base class for all API Documenter plugin features. * @public */ export declare abstract class PluginFeature { /** * Exposes various services that can be used by a plugin. */ context: PluginFeatureContext; /** * The subclass should pass the `initialization` through to the base class. * Do not put custom initialization code in the constructor. Instead perform your initialization in the * `onInitialized()` event function. * @internal */ constructor(initialization: PluginFeatureInitialization); /** * This event function is called after the feature is initialized, but before any processing occurs. * @virtual */ onInitialized(): void; } /** * Context object for {@link PluginFeature}. * Exposes various services that can be used by a plugin. * * @public */ export declare class PluginFeatureContext { } /** * This is an internal part of the plugin infrastructure. * * @remarks * This object is the constructor parameter for API Documenter plugin features. * * @public */ export declare class PluginFeatureInitialization { /** @internal */ _context: PluginFeatureContext; /** @internal */ constructor(); } export { }