import * as ts from 'typescript'; import { PackageJsonLookup } from '@rushstack/node-core-library'; import { CollectorEntity } from './CollectorEntity'; import { AstSymbolTable } from '../analyzer/AstSymbolTable'; import { AstEntity } from '../analyzer/AstEntity'; import { AstSymbol } from '../analyzer/AstSymbol'; import { AstDeclaration } from '../analyzer/AstDeclaration'; import { WorkingPackage } from './WorkingPackage'; import { DeclarationMetadata } from './DeclarationMetadata'; import { ApiItemMetadata } from './ApiItemMetadata'; import { SymbolMetadata } from './SymbolMetadata'; import { IGlobalVariableAnalyzer } from '../analyzer/TypeScriptInternals'; import { MessageRouter } from './MessageRouter'; import { AstReferenceResolver } from '../analyzer/AstReferenceResolver'; import { ExtractorConfig } from '../api/ExtractorConfig'; /** * Options for Collector constructor. */ export interface ICollectorOptions { /** * Configuration for the TypeScript compiler. The most important options to set are: * * - target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5 * - module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS * - moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs * - rootDir: inputFolder */ program: ts.Program; messageRouter: MessageRouter; extractorConfig: ExtractorConfig; } /** * The `Collector` manages the overall data set that is used by `ApiModelGenerator`, * `DtsRollupGenerator`, and `ApiReportGenerator`. Starting from the working package's entry point, * the `Collector` collects all exported symbols, determines how to import any symbols they reference, * assigns unique names, and sorts everything into a normalized alphabetical ordering. */ export declare class Collector { readonly program: ts.Program; readonly typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker; readonly globalVariableAnalyzer: IGlobalVariableAnalyzer; readonly astSymbolTable: AstSymbolTable; readonly astReferenceResolver: AstReferenceResolver; readonly packageJsonLookup: PackageJsonLookup; readonly messageRouter: MessageRouter; readonly workingPackage: WorkingPackage; readonly extractorConfig: ExtractorConfig; /** * The `ExtractorConfig.bundledPackages` names in a set. */ readonly bundledPackageNames: ReadonlySet; private readonly _program; private readonly _tsdocParser; private _astEntryPoint; private readonly _entities; private readonly _entitiesByAstEntity; private readonly _starExportedExternalModulePaths; private readonly _dtsTypeReferenceDirectives; private readonly _dtsLibReferenceDirectives; private readonly _cachedOverloadIndexesByDeclaration; constructor(options: ICollectorOptions); /** * Returns a list of names (e.g. "example-library") that should appear in a reference like this: * * ``` * /// * ``` */ get dtsTypeReferenceDirectives(): ReadonlySet; /** * A list of names (e.g. "runtime-library") that should appear in a reference like this: * * ``` * /// * ``` */ get dtsLibReferenceDirectives(): ReadonlySet; get entities(): ReadonlyArray; /** * A list of module specifiers (e.g. `"@rushstack/node-core-library/lib/FileSystem"`) that should be emitted * as star exports (e.g. `export * from "@rushstack/node-core-library/lib/FileSystem"`). */ get starExportedExternalModulePaths(): ReadonlyArray; /** * Perform the analysis. */ analyze(): void; /** * For a given ts.Identifier that is part of an AstSymbol that we analyzed, return the CollectorEntity that * it refers to. Returns undefined if it doesn't refer to anything interesting. * @remarks * Throws an Error if the ts.Identifier is not part of node tree that was analyzed. */ tryGetEntityForNode(identifier: ts.Identifier | ts.ImportTypeNode): CollectorEntity | undefined; /** * Returns the associated `CollectorEntity` for the given `astEntity`, if one was created during analysis. */ tryGetCollectorEntity(astEntity: AstEntity): CollectorEntity | undefined; fetchSymbolMetadata(astSymbol: AstSymbol): SymbolMetadata; fetchDeclarationMetadata(astDeclaration: AstDeclaration): DeclarationMetadata; fetchApiItemMetadata(astDeclaration: AstDeclaration): ApiItemMetadata; tryFetchMetadataForAstEntity(astEntity: AstEntity): SymbolMetadata | undefined; isAncillaryDeclaration(astDeclaration: AstDeclaration): boolean; getNonAncillaryDeclarations(astSymbol: AstSymbol): ReadonlyArray; /** * Removes the leading underscore, for example: "_Example" --> "example*Example*_" * * @remarks * This causes internal definitions to sort alphabetically case-insensitive, then case-sensitive, and * initially ignoring the underscore prefix, while still deterministically comparing it. * The star is used as a delimiter because it is not a legal identifier character. */ static getSortKeyIgnoringUnderscore(identifier: string | undefined): string; /** * For function-like signatures, this returns the TSDoc "overload index" which can be used to identify * a specific overload. */ getOverloadIndex(astDeclaration: AstDeclaration): number; private _createCollectorEntity; private _createEntityForIndirectReferences; /** * Ensures a unique name for each item in the package typings file. */ private _makeUniqueNames; private _fetchSymbolMetadata; private _calculateDeclarationMetadataForDeclarations; private _addAncillaryDeclaration; private _calculateApiItemMetadata; private _parseTsdocForAstDeclaration; private _collectReferenceDirectives; private _collectReferenceDirectivesFromSourceFiles; } //#